Mocktail Minutes
This is a no fluff podcast created for busy women. We are Baylee and Brianna. We are dedicated to helping women breakup with dieting and rethink the way you look at food. Sharing the real “secret” to fat loss - learning how your body actually works! Our goal is to give YOU the tools that you need to navigate BS diet culture and empower you to feel confident with your food choices so that you can sustainably reach your goals. Find us at @BayleeTheDietitian and @themomminnutritionist! Welcome to Mocktail Minutes!
Mocktail Minutes
Ozempic Beyond Weight Loss
We are kicking off 2025 with our prediction of how GLP1's will be used in the year to come. We know that they work for weight loss, but there are so many other benefits that we are seeing from these peptides - especially when micro-dosing.
The fact is, these peptides are here to stay and understanding how to correctly use them as a tool alongside lifestyle changes is crucial!
If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams https://www.instagram.com/bayleethedietitian/ or https://www.instagram.com/brianna.dietitian/ and send us a DM!
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Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.
Brianna:And this is Brianna.
Baylee:And, well, welcome to 2025. We are recording this New Year's Eve, but you'll be listening to this If you're listening and when it comes out on January 2nd, so we're in the new year now.
Brianna:Welcome. Welcome to 2025.
Baylee:Yes. Today I am drinking. I finally got the crisp apple ollipop. It's pretty good. I like it. It's not like I think sometimes like apple cider things are just too much sugar. They just wreck me. This one's really good. It's got a good apple taste. It's not too much of a punch in your face with sugar. It's good.
Brianna:It's crisp. I like it. I'm doing a prickly. I don't know if you've ever heard of you, but it's like prickly pear antioxidant Juice, it's not carbonated, but it only has five grams of added sugar. It's coming from agave It's pretty good. It's really like a It's not like a strong taste. Yeah. I'm doing the prickly pear flavor. It's pretty good. I also had, they have like a pink can. I don't remember what it is, but that, that one's really good too.
Baylee:It's a cute can. I like it. Looks like summer.
Brianna:I know. Just manifesting summer.
Baylee:Yes. I know. I'm trying to get ready to plan like my bachelorette party and I need to just go somewhere warm. Missouri is not cutting it right now.
Brianna:Warm, sunny, Like 67 today, but yesterday it was 80.
Baylee:Okay. We are at 41. So much better.
Brianna:I would get a little bit hot if I went outside in a jacket to walk. So yeah, it, it formed.
Baylee:Well, I'm gonna bring a group of like 20 girls. We're gonna come see you. You're gonna join the bachelorette party. It's gonna be a good time.
Brianna:Perfect. I mean, Austin is a very popular bachelorette party destination, apparently. Okay, I
Baylee:might price it out. You might be an option.
Brianna:Perfect. I love it.
Baylee:Well, you're close to San Antonio, too, right?
Brianna:Mm hmm. I'm like right in between. Because
Baylee:that's where I was going to go for my audition. Oh, yeah. And
Brianna:then I went back to Kansas. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm like right in the middle. So
Baylee:I'll put you in the option list of places to go. Perfect. Today, we are talking about Ozempic beyond weight loss, or really just like GLP 1s beyond weight loss. We, I feel like everyone kind of knows they're being used for weight loss. But if you listen to last week's episode, we talked about 2025 predictions, and one of the things we predicted was using Ozempic or GLP 1s in the quote unquote, right way, but also like in other ways besides weight loss.
Brianna:Yeah. And I think, I think this is okay. We know they're not leaving, like they're, they're definitely not, people are having really good outcomes like for their blood sugar management. If they have diabetes, they're having great weight loss on it. Not the best weight loss, but when done right weight loss. So I think we're only going to see more and more benefits pop up and we're starting to see that like there's cardiovascular benefits there. They can be brain protective. They're helpful with liver disease. So. Yeah, we're not going anywhere.
Baylee:Yes. So we're going to go through a couple different benefits of GLP 1s. First one, of course, the improved blood sugar. I think this one is pretty commonly known that it does help you manage your blood sugar a little bit better because it's mimicking the action of GLP 1s, which is literally a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels. So it's stimulating insulin secretion, it's reducing glucagon production. So, It's kind of interesting, like how we've explained it before is like, we want glucagon to be like your fat burning hormone, but by suppressing glucagon, ozempic actually helps lower glucose levels during fasting and like after your meal. So it's, it's kind of confusing, but just know that it helps in this area and then it's also slowing your gastric emptying or basically just like slowing down how fast your food moves your stomach so that it prevents sharp spikes in blood sugar from happening. After meals.
Brianna:Yeah. And I think the, the way that it impacts blood sugar, I think is the exact way that it helps impact weight loss. If that makes sense because insulin plays a huge role in it. And then obviously for slowing gastric emptying, you feel less hungry, you're eating less. That's how it's working. But it also plays a role in cardiovascular benefits, so it can help lower major cardiovascular event. It can improve heart function because it improves. Your blood glucose and your culture level. And then it also helps with weight and blood pressure reduction, which are both super important for. Reducing cardiovascular strain.
Baylee:I actually, right before we started recording at an email pop up, it's from, I don't know how they always get my email, but G plans. Oh, Zimpig in the subject line is weight loss made easy with prescription to semi glutide.
Brianna:Okay. It's everywhere.
Baylee:And that's the problem. It's not, people are thinking this is like. The easiest way out or yeah, it's like just an easy way out that you're not really doing anything. You've taken Olympic to lose weight. This is where the misconception is happening because people who actually do need it, they are literally scared to start it because they don't want to be. Taking the easy way out there. I just want to do this right. I wanted to stay off. But then yeah, I, I mean, I have seen people who literally don't change a thing. They do a Zimbabwe, they lose a bunch of weight and it comes back because they literally also didn't do anything else to go along with it. Yeah. And that's where the misconception is happening when we're marketing it into a way of, Oh, weight loss made easy.
Brianna:I mean, I feel like, I feel like it's like the same way as bariatric surgery. Like I have seen plenty of patients who have got bariatric surgery and not put in the lifestyle changes and it hasn't like, they've regained the weight. Right? It's the same thing with a zempic. If you just use it, you're just going to regain it, but it's definitely not the easy way out. Like if you look at all the things that can help, those are a lot of things that sometimes you're like in this storm of like inflammation and all these health issues, like metabolic issues that you literally can't get out of unless you have an intervention to help. So it's a tool and it's definitely not an easy way out in my opinion.
Baylee:Yeah. If you're doing it the right way, it's, yes, you do have to be more strategic and everything. With it, that's why it helps to work with the dietitian. Helps is reduction in fatty liver. So non alcoholic fatty liver disease is actually a common complication And those who have diabetes or are obese So with fat reduction ozempic helps to decrease that fat accumulation in the liver which can lead to better liver function By, like, reducing liver fat, ozempic is going to help prevent non alcoholic fatty liver disease, NAFLD, from progressing to more, like, non alcoholic steatohepatitis, or basically liver fibrosis. So we don't want that non alcoholic liver. Fatty liver disease to progress and get worse and worse.
Brianna:It's like the precursor, like fatty liver, you can have it for a while, have it for a while, and then all of a sudden you have like basically hardening of the liver and that's where that NASH comes in, and I will say, like, I feel like I am seeing that a lot more, just in clinical, like we always see, you know, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, but the NASH, I'm like, oh, I feel like. It's starting to be a trend. So, and that's something that once you're in a certain stage of it, it's not reversible. So knowing that you have something that can help is super beneficial. The other thing and we're going to talk about this last time is the potential cognitive benefit. So new research is showing that the receptors in the brain. And because we have GLP receptors in other places than just the stomach, so we also have them in the brain. And so it's showing that ozempic or some agglutide or all these GLP ones may influence brain health. So neuroprotective effects seem to reduce oxidative stress, reduce inflammation in the brain. It can help with Alzheimer's disease, which I think is pretty cool. But we also known as like Alzheimer's as type 3 diabetes. If you think about how ozempic helps the blood sugar regulation, like You know, helping to progress and being like Alzheimer's amazing and then mood and motivation. Yeah. I just so ever.
Baylee:Yes. So like when, with all this talk about like Alzheimer's being kind of like the type three diabetes, I always think about it because they're like working to cure Alzheimer's. And so I'm like, maybe they're, they're like a, they're like the Simpsons predicting the future. And they're like, it's not what we thought, maybe. But maybe their big discovery is going to be the GLP 1s, because they're still trying to cure it. They're, I don't know, but it's really interesting. Every time I hear about it, the type 3, the type 3 diabetes, I always think about how they're trying to cure Alzheimer's on Grey's Anatomy,
Brianna:right? I know, it's like a little insight to it, which I think is great, because that's a horrible disease if you have it. Anyone with it. The other thing is mood and motivation. So it can potentially modulate brain areas involved in reward and motivation. And this is where, like, people will say, like, I just want to drink less, like, a lot of people when they're on Ozempic, they'll just like, I don't know, I was drinking less, it's because it kind of plays a role in that reward and motivation. And so you're less likely to want to do things like drink alcohol, online shops. And there's even I was actually before we jumped on reading research about how, like, it's used in, people who are addicted to opioids because they're less likely to want to use opioids.
Baylee:Yeah. Because it shuts down that like your hedonic urges where you get pleasure from eating or anything like drinking, smoking. So those addictive behaviors are, we're seeing those kind of decrease, especially the alcohol. I have a lot of people where they're just like, it just doesn't even sound it. Like I don't even care.
Brianna:Yep. And I think that's what helps that food noise that people talk about when they're like, wow, really? That's the little area in the brain that is helping. So. Which I think is great, personally.
Baylee:And, speaking of food noise, I feel like, in case you don't know exactly what that is, basically it's like, it's like a constant reel going on in your head, just like, Playing over and over. Should I eat this? Should I not eat that? What should I eat? Should I have broccoli? Should I have chicken? Maybe I shouldn't have ate that cookie. Oh, I'm guilty. I should because I ate the cookie.
Brianna:When's my next meal? What am I going to eat next? Like I'm going to this restaurant, like hyper fixating. It's
Brianna:a real thing. It's
Baylee:exhausting. Yeah. And I think that is the biggest thing for so many people were like, just to be able to use my brain for other areas of my life has been free. So I've seen that to be a really good benefit for many. The next one improved cholesterol levels, so we get metabolic benefits beyond the blood sugar and now it's expanding to like our lipid profile. So with your LDL cholesterol, it, GLP ones can reduce levels of these and then lower the risk of plaque building up in your arteries. We, I think we're going to try and get someone to talk about cholesterol a little bit further, just to kind of break it down because there's more to the story than just LDL, HDL, triglycerides, total cholesterol. Oh, yeah.
Brianna:I will say this is the one area where I'm like, I don't like the rapid weight loss that people see because if you're you, if you're losing rapid weight, your triglycerides will go up because the fat has to go somewhere. So if it's, if you're not seeing a huge, right, like a huge, if you're not seeing improvement in your triglycerides and you feel like they're going up, I would say kind of take a look at how quickly you're losing weight.
Baylee:That's a good point you bring up. That's with any quick weight loss, not just Yeah. Not
Brianna:just on that. Yeah. Exactly.
Baylee:Yeah. That's where all this comes back to, like proper
Baylee:HDL cholesterol. So it's not like a primary effect, but there have been improvements in overall metabolic health that can help you maintain these good cholesterol levels. Next one is lower blood pressure. So weight loss and metabolic improvements will often correlate with reduced blood pressure. So there's direct effects like improved vascular function, which may result in lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But then we also have ozimbic impact on weight reduction, can we leave that pressure on your cardiovascular system? That's why I actually had someone recently lost about 20 pounds and was able to come off their blood pressure medication Because it just relieved a lot of that pressure and they were like I was just amazed that just that amount of weight loss was able to Get me taking one pill less which It's very exciting when you're on a couple of different ones. So
Brianna:yeah, and I think that's what I like seeing and what I want people understand is it can be an additional tool to really help improve your quality of life because I think the majority of people who are on multiple medications are like, I just don't want to be on this many and it's hard to get out of it. And so when you have something that kind of helps you, I feel like nobody should be upset by that. I, and I always tell people to if you need another tool to help you with your longterm health. I don't feel like you should feel bad for that,
Baylee:and it's, it's really sad how we've gotten to the point where some people who truly do need this, they're insulin resistant, they have cholesterol levels they need help with, the blood pressure, the inflammation. We're scared to take it because we're scared of the stigma against it, where no one's really ashamed to be like, Oh, I'm on It's like a statin or whatever, whatever it is, but now it's like, it's a bad word to be on ozempic because of how it's been presented and everyone's attitudes towards it to how it was presented. So, and honestly, if you're someone who is nervous to say you're on ozempic, you're probably someone who's wanting to do it the right way.
Brianna:Yes, you are because plenty of people who are using the wrong way are totally like repping it. Yeah, I've
Baylee:seen people are like, Oh my gosh, I've just like lost all this weight. And then like, I didn't really have to do anything. You forgot that you did start Ozempic. Yeah, you lost all this quick weight, but like, what did you do anything else? Is it going to last where that's honestly why I don't celebrate as I weigh in my people. That come in the office because insurance likes to see numbers, so they do get weight in. I don't ever celebrate weight loss until after I talked to them because if you lost four pounds, but you were sick throwing up all last week and if I was like, great, I'm so proud of you to lose this four pounds, like, yeah, it was puking now you're like, okay, so I need a puke to be celebrated. Like that's not what we want. And same thing if we're doing like Olympic. If we're doing it the right way, like we should still be eating. We should still be working out. Like we need to be doing all these other things. If we're going to share our stories, that's great. Share the whole story. Don't mislead people.
Brianna:Yeah. And I think that's important too. Right. and people always ask me what's like a okay amount of weight to lose a week. And I know what they're looking for and I always tell them, if I see you losing more than two or two and a half pounds a week, I'm going to be questioning what you're doing because you're doing something about those two. I just and I would say
Baylee:I think it's anything over 5 percent of your weight in a month. That's considered to be like,
Brianna:yeah, so we want to be using them correctly. If you do not use it correctly, a lot of these benefits, you're not going to keep. So I think that's important. So if you're able to use it and see these benefits and maintain them, you didn't cheat. You use them correctly. The last one that we're going to talk about is it anti inflammatory effects. So we know that chronic inflammation. Contributes to diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, autoimmune disorders, but we also know that all these conditions increase inflammation. So it's like this vicious cycle. So, we know that the ones that help to. Reduces inflammatory markers, so especially like, which is your reactive protein. That is like, it's a measure of inflammation in the body. And I do have somebody that I was working with that her therapy went from 14 to 4, which she's still above what she should be for her therapy. Like, she should be under 1, but to go from 14 to 4 in like, 4 months. Is amazing. And she really hasn't had that much weight loss, but I'm like, look at what else has happened. Like, your inflammation drastically went down. And we teach this in metabolism makeover. Like, if your body is on fire, it's main priority is not going to be to lose weight. And also inflammation is bad. Chronic inflammation is bad. So it could just help to lower inflammation levels, improve overall health, and potentially reduce the secondary complications related to diabetes or cardiovascular disease or autoimmune. Yeah.
Baylee:Yeah, this is also where, so Dr. Tina, she has a great podcast, the Dr. Tina Show, T Y N A. Oh my gosh, if we could get her on the podcast, that would be
Brianna:I would fan girl very hard.
Baylee:I think I would freeze. I wouldn't know what to say.
Brianna:Me too. I'm like, you just talk.
Baylee:Like, can you just talk? And I'm just going to sit here and listen.
Baylee:So she kind of pioneered the idea of microdosing with GLP 1. And this is where I think When we had mentioned kind of, it's going to become trendy, I think maybe in the micro dosing way is also where it's going to be trendy, because with micro dosing. So this is more for people who are like metabolically sound, you have been doing like all the things, but like, something just is not right. Like you just You need your metabolism to get a little help. You're looking for the immune functions, you're looking for neurofunctions, you're looking for cardiovascular benefits. Microdosing is not, you're looking to lose 20 pounds, or anything like that. Microdosing is like, you're looking for more of these other benefits we've talked about. So, I think, That is something I'm doing with a couple of people that we talked about this on a previous episode that is being super impactful because once you can get that inflammation down and your insulin resistance and get your lipid profile looking better, you will feel a ton better. So then if you have like a couple pounds to lose, that's going to help, but you're also, it's more focused on losing those inches and being able to build that muscle because you feel a lot better too.
Brianna:Yeah. A hundred percent. Thanks Which I think microdosing is going to gain popularity right now. It's not that doctors can't microdose it's that they are not given any kind of like dosing regimen. Like we have a dosing regimen for, if you have diabetes and you're using it for diabetes and we have one for, if you are using it for weight loss and we have this pre injectable pen, it's just easier.
Baylee:Yes. And microdosing, you can't, Hydrate with your standard dosing pens. You have to have a compounded version of it.
Brianna:Yeah, and some doctors are scared to use that because the FDA wants to see It done a certain way, not that they can't, they just won't. So a lot of your nurse practitioners will, a lot of your functional doctors, you know, naturopathic doctors. But I think we're going to see it more than more and more, especially because I think doctors are starting to see like the story is more than weight loss. So, yeah, it's great that your patients can lose weight, but if your patients are not keeping the weight off and if all these other issues that they were having is coming back, clearly we need to do some other things, you know?
Baylee:Yeah, I mean, if you're doing this, you're losing weight, but you're also, you're not eating, you're adding inflammation. So, you're not going to get, like, that insane inflammatory effect as much because you're adding and subtracting, basically. Not that simple. But, you know, you get the point.
Brianna:Yeah. Well, and also I think it's rolling like visceral fat, so it could really, that's the fat around your organs. That's the dangerous that it really does help reduce that. And a calorie deficit alone doesn't always do that, especially in women. But I will say if you're using it at such high doses where you are losing a ton of weight, but you're not eating your visceral fat is getting increased. So it's kind of like, that's not helping you either. Right. It has to be used a certain way, which is why I'm always excited when doctors are looking at more than just weight loss. Right. Like, let's look at other things because the weight is just a tiny bit. So I think it was them think beyond weight loss. You heard it here first. You probably didn't. You've heard it other places, but for sure we think it's going to be very trendy in 2025.
Baylee:Cause it, it's even going to help your gut health, like your GI integrity, it's going to help your microflora. It's going to help decrease that joint pain with inflammation. It's can help skin issues like cystic acne. It can help improve that. It can help stabilize your mood. It can help reverse PCOS maybe. It can help like even ADHD with its effects on your brain. I mean, turn to these or anything else, but like, it really is not just your weight loss tool. It can be used in other ways. So and i'm not here saying like everyone go get some glp. Everyone needs it I mean Not everyone needs it. It's I mean some people are just deficient in glp1 and that's just the way it is But there's not really a way to test that
Brianna:which is unfortunate That's a question that we had for. Dr. Kristen when she was on here talking about the glp1. There's no way to test which I don't even know if there ever will be a way. Maybe I mean, we can test for other hormones. I think we GLP ones are hormones. So, but as of right now, we don't. So it's kind of like a shot in the dark. And I think for a lot of people when they're doing all the interventions and it's still not working. And then they take a one and they see improvement. I'm like, well, maybe you're just efficient and there's, yeah, you can do stuff to increase your natural, but this is a little bit different because natural only last for a couple. I think it's a very short amount of time and this last for a longer. So it's just really helping. To help that help deficiency. Really?
Baylee:Mm-hmm Yeah. So we're not saying everyone needs to go out and take GLP one. It's not like a magnesium where Yeah, everyone probably does need that. Yeah. Not everyone needs GLP one to get these benefits. There are other things, but yeah, some people also do just need it, and that's just the fact. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's just. How are we using it? Is the main idea here. Yeah. And we do have a previous episode with Dr. Kristen and she explains more about what ozempic, what GLP ones are like, what are they, how to, how to prep for them, how to use them. Yeah, so we also, that episode, this was just kind of a playoff, what we talked about. Then basing it off what I think what we think the trends are gonna be in 2025, and how else specific or GLP ones in general can help beyond just. Weight loss. Yeah.
Brianna:Exactly. And definitely, if you're thinking about going on one, I do encourage you to work with a dietician because I feel like those people have much better outcomes. Every time I see someone who's using it correctly, they've prepped for it, they've used it correctly and they're titrating off correctly, great benefits. So, you know, you don't want to be that person that's having a ton of weight loss, weight regain, weight loss, weight regain, that's not great either.
Baylee:Alright, everybody. Yeah, we hope you found this episode helpful. We put up a poll and this is what was voted on to talk about the most. As we mentioned in previous recent episodes, we now have an Instagram page. Be sure to follow us at Mocktail Minutes. We will put, we're, we're going to be more active there. Like I said, we are growing Mocktail Minutes and we are going to do our first Mastermind class. Probably in a January. So stay tuned for that. We'll release more information and how you can sign up. We'll put that in the show notes. Have a great rest of your week and we'll see you next week. Bye. Bye.