Mocktail Minutes
This is a no fluff podcast created for busy women. We are Baylee and Brianna. We are dedicated to helping women breakup with dieting and rethink the way you look at food. Sharing the real “secret” to fat loss - learning how your body actually works! Our goal is to give YOU the tools that you need to navigate BS diet culture and empower you to feel confident with your food choices so that you can sustainably reach your goals. Find us at @BayleeTheDietitian and @themomminnutritionist! Welcome to Mocktail Minutes!
Mocktail Minutes
Predictions for 2025
And just like that, the 2024 season comes to an end! For our last episode of the year we are sharing our 2025 health and nutrition predictions. Let us know if you will be trying any of these this next year!
If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams https://www.instagram.com/bayleethedietitian/ or https://www.instagram.com/brianna.dietitian/ and send us a DM!
Featured Mocktails:
Recess - https://www.instagram.com/takearecess/
The Roasted Purpose - https://www.instagram.com/theroastedpurpose/
Click play, sip back, and be empowered.
Hello everyone, welcome back to this episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.
brianna:And this is Brianna.
baylee:This week I am drinking this Cinnamon Dulce Roasted Purpose Coffee, protein coffee drink. It's actually, I just told you it was 20 degrees. It was like 20 yesterday, but it's like 50 degrees today. And I really wanted something warm just because, well, when we're recording right now, it's Christmas Eve Eve. I'm ready. I need to be in that christmas vibe.
baylee:something warm today.
brianna:something warm. I know we were talking about before we logged on how we're having a little bit of a difficulty like working today. It's just I'm not in the mindset. I'm like Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I don't know. I have to get ready for Christmas still, but you know luckily I like recording though. I feel like that doesn't really count as work, which is like it to come chat, but everything else that I have to do today I'm just drinking my normal electrolytes, but I wanted to, to share like the recess cocktails. my grocery store that I have now, now stocks a bunch of them. Whereas before I could only get them on Amazon and I'm like loving, which I feel like is useful for like the holidays coming up Christmas and New Year's Eve. If you're trying to cut back on drinking, I feel like it's such a good replacement cause they actually taste good. I like the Cosmo. The Paloma is actually pretty good too. I feel like it kind of tastes like it has alcohol in it. So if you're like, I don't know, one of those people that liked the taste of it, I feel like it would be a good one. But if not, maybe that's what it is. They really do taste like they have alcohol in them. So maybe it's like the not liking that.
baylee:I did get a ninja thirsty for christmas yesterday am obsessed with it.
brianna:are you making with it?
baylee:So One of the bummers is that a lot of the flavors do have super list in it So the ones that we have right now some of them do we tried it Like Strawberry kiwi last night. It was pretty good But they also have some that do not so they have one It's called like hint of lime and like the ingredients is lime and I don't know or something else I think it's just like water natural flavors so I want to find more like that But I really like it because you can do still water like with the flavorings or you can do sparkling water You choose the amount of bubbles you want like this morning. I just did Sparkling water. I like the low bubbles You And I mixed my electrolytes in with it and that was pretty good
brianna:What a fun little thing.
baylee:and I feel really bougie in the morning now That's how we start our day.
brianna:With me, Ninja. I want one. I also want a Ninja Creamy.
baylee:They're pretty cool. You do need one of those.
brianna:I want both of them. I love those.
baylee:We are a very ninja household We have the creamy we have now the thirsty we have the grill The blender and something else.
brianna:I have the food processor.
baylee:Oh, yeah the food processor big ninja fan Oh, and I have the to go blender You Sounds pretty, pretty handy.
brianna:Ninja, sponsor us.
baylee:For real.
brianna:You know, I'll give you good reviews. But yeah, no, I love all things Ninja.
baylee:Today, we are talking about our 2025, holy cow, health predictions. 2025. 2025. Sounds, just sounds so weird. Where the heck did this week go? Week. Oh my god. It's still only Monday. Where did this year go?
brianna:I don't know, but I think it's so, I still feel like it's 2020. So the fact that we're talking about 2025 is wild, but yeah. And it's our last episode of 2024. So the next time you listen to a new Mocktail Minutes episode, it will officially be 2025.
baylee:Which is weird, because we get like a breakdown of how our year was for our podcasts and everything. Thanks. And it said, I think it was like, we posted 98 percent of the time, like, for the week, and I'm like, we have not missed an episode.
brianna:never missed an episode. It has been a hundred percent for the week.
baylee:And I'm pretty sure we even did two on one week.
brianna:Yeah, I think there was a couple of times that we did like bonus episodes or we did like another. So yeah, it's been a hundred, but yeah.
baylee:But anyways, we did put out an episode every week this year, actually, I mean every week since we started, so we've done pretty good. In
brianna:I know like through life changes, you literally had a baby like that. We just like, haven't, we haven't, we haven't skipped. I'm proud of us.
baylee:there's been close calls. So we're like, what should we do? And we've, we've made it work, but
brianna:We've delivered.
baylee:it's been fun.
brianna:I like
baylee:It sounds like we're like ending. We're not ending,
brianna:No, we're not. No. We're just.
baylee:we're still going. We're just doing our own horn for a second. But yes, we're going to talk about 2025 health trend predictions. What do we think is going to be? Up with the new year So all the first some of mine that I think And i'm kind of basing it off of things that i'm into right now But also things that i'm just seeing personally with my clients things that are going on on tiktok right now But I would say First thing, I think just being able to track, like tracking, not calories, but tracking your health, I think is going to be even a bigger trend. I think the Oura rings are becoming more trendy. Because I remember, I mean, I feel like two years ago is probably when I started hearing more about them. But then this year, I feel like they're really getting big. Or maybe I'm just like, behind with the times. I
brianna:and I don't know if it's because they just came out with like their new one, but I feel like almost everybody now has an aura ring. Like they're kind of like the new Apple watch, like everybody has an aura ring. Everyone's interested in their sleep scores and their readiness score and their HRV. And I, I like it because I'm one of these and like the more data you have, right.
baylee:mm hmm. Yeah, I, I actually, should we share our sleep score from last night? Let's see who
brianna:I'm like, mine's going to be horrible. Are you guys ready? I haven't even looked at it yet today. I just know because this week has been incredibly stressful. Okay. Better than I thought. What's yours?
baylee:Mine was actually 82 last night.
brianna:Okay. Mine's 87. So I actually did better than I thought, but my readiness score 82, which that's also not super affordable, but I mean, let me look.
baylee:Oh, I made 89 for readiness.
brianna:Let me see. Oh yeah, like two nights ago it was 81. I had a 71 last week on Monday.
baylee:Oh, I had like, I was in the 60s one
brianna:It was like, girl, are you okay? Do you need to slow down?
baylee:It was Ganon's fault. He was not sleeping.
brianna:Like it's not me, but I like that information because the cool thing about the aura ring too, is it kind of takes your, like your sleep quality, how things are, and it kind of adjusts what your activity level should be for that day. Cause it's also like taking into account like your stress and like overall health. And I think that's really cool because for some of my like people that like to overdo it really push themselves. I feel like it's such a good metric to be like, Oh, I'm actually hurting myself by pushing myself so hard. Like, And now I have this data that's telling me, okay, focus on my stress more. So I, I like it for that
baylee:Mm hmm. And I also use it for cycle tracking. So what I use, I connect it to the Natural Cycles app. So I think just tracking your health in general is going to maybe take off a little bit. I even just, I actually bought a body composition scale. I have not owned a scale in a very long time, but I will be starting strength training soon after being six months postpartum and I am ready for some muscle. So that's what I'm going to do to track. muscle mass.
brianna:I like it. I, I, I need a good one because I don't have one because yeah, same. I just like,
baylee:So like most of the body composition scales like for at home, it's just like it goes through your feet. This one, it has a bar that comes with it. And from what I went around, it's like 98 percent accuracy, pretty close to like a DEXA. So
brianna:I mean, it's like you're, if you see changes in it, then you know, changes happening, you know, that's what
baylee:As long as you're using like the same hormone measurement, that usually gives you a good indication of how you're doing.
brianna:yeah. So yeah. Tracking different types of. Things going on cycle tracking, sleep tracking, body composition tracking. I like it. The next one, I think we're definitely both in agreeance of this is the GLP ones. So the peptides, I'm pretty sure they are here to stay. I do not see them leaving, but like using them.
baylee:for different reasons.
brianna:Yeah. So like, of course, diabetes, we get it. Things like insulin resistance, we get it. We're kind of. For some people, it goes hand in hand with metabolic issues, not for everyone. But we're also like, I actually just read a thing this morning about how they're doing studies on their impact on people with Alzheimer's
baylee:mm hmm.
brianna:how it's like very brain protective and slows down, like the shrinkage of the brain and that in those people, which is amazing because as of right now, we don't have. Anything that does that. And so basically they're tying it to the GLP ones roles in mitochondrial health, because we have GLP ones and other receptors than just the ones that we know of for like blood sugar management and all that. So I think that's very interesting. So I think what's going to come with this is better ways to use them too.
baylee:Yeah, I think they're gonna trend last year. They definitely were trendy at the beginning of the year I think they're gonna trend in a different direction where last year is all about give me a shot so I can lose 20 pounds I we're not going that route. I don't think anymore. I think it worked in general. I think we're becoming a more educated population, which is why I also think the tracking tools are gonna be more popular. And we want to know more of the information. I have so many people that their doctors have mentioned starting ozempic or somaglutide and they're just nervous because they're like, I don't want the easy way out. I'm like, no, no, no, let's, let's talk about what this actually is here. So I think it's going to be very useful for kind of like the more metabolically sound population, more micro dosing. So I'll
brianna:Yeah. Which I'm excited for. I'm hoping, I'm hoping more people jump on the microdosing train and it, it might take a little bit for doctors to do it just because there is no FDA, like there's no, here's how you microdose. Like we just have it for diabetes and weight loss. So hopefully with these new findings, we'll start to see like, here's a good dosage for microdosing.
baylee:And I have three people that I'm working with right now that I work with a nurse practitioner with that we are microdosing and
brianna:Mm hmm. Well, and that's, I think that's important to share. Most of your nurse practitioners. We'll order it from a compounding pharmacy and kind of walk you through how to microdose it because they can do it and I think doctors in private practice to they can do it. If it's your normal doctor you might have a harder time so shout out to other MPs out there yeah there's one in my area to that I'm, if I ever refer someone to I might go to her because she knows what she's doing.
baylee:Yes, so yeah, I because I my office is kind of like a whole wellness center So, I mean if you are a person in missouri I actually do take insurance if you want to work with me as a dietitian But it's nice because you have me our nurse practitioners are in the office. We have the chiropractors. We have massage therapists We have functional meds. We got it all here. So
brianna:like that. I love it.
baylee:Next thing I think functional fitness. We've always like the gym thing You It's not anything new, but I think I've been seeing more and more on like, let's lift so that when you're a grandma, you can pick up your kids. We're thinking more future. Yes, longevity. I think we're doing more just like, how can we keep our body going? And that's strength training is where it's at. But it's not we're just squatting to squat. We are squatting to be able to like bend down, pick up the kid type of thing.
brianna:Yeah, that independence. And if you think about like a lot of the compound movements for strength training, it's like things that you do every day, like lifting things over your head, sitting down, like getting back up. So I like that we're having a new perspective on it. And I think it is making people feel more comfortable to walk into the gym and the workout space and be like, I have a place here too. Like it's not just for aesthetics,
baylee:Mm hmm.
brianna:because some people who work out for aesthetics are not really doing much for their longevity.
baylee:Mm hmm.
brianna:Different topic for different day. But I think it's exciting. Along with that and thinking of longevity, I think weighted vests. Weighted vests are making a comeback. And I say comeback because I have worked with so many patients who are like, is this coming back? I had one from like the eighties and nineties, like in the back of my closet. And now I'm seeing like my neighbors wear them and stuff. And I'm like, yeah, they're coming back. And I think it's more women are thinking about their like bone health, you know?
baylee:I put one on my Christmas list.
brianna:Yeah. I told her, I told her that's what I wanted to do. I was like, I want a weighted vest. And he was like, okay, let me figure out which one you want. And of course he's trying to do like a ultra amazing one. I'm like, listen. Amazon is fine. Like, you know, but yeah, like all these women out here and it's cool too, because I mean, TikTok is like, so great for trends like this. Cause it's showing people like I saw one girl, she's like in her robe with it on, like cleaning up around her house. And I'm like, yeah, it works. Like you could totally do that. You know? And I think it, you know, making people think differently of like, Oh, how do I help myself long term? Like, I could just wear it around the house. Cool.
baylee:I also speaking of tic tac salt, oh, I've heard the company, but they have a waste that are like aesthetically pleasing weights. Like you can use them for decor too. And they're kind of like a kettlebell type thing, but it doesn't look like a kettlebell. Like it looks just like one of those abstract pieces that you just put on your shelf.
brianna:It's like on your coffee table.
baylee:Yes. They're, they're a little bit pricey, so I haven't bought one yet, but. I got my eye on them.
brianna:that's definitely like a Shark Tank idea. That's actually brilliant.
baylee:I I have this thing where when I get really Anxious or I just feel overwhelmed. I have the need to buy something and it's never like go buy a coffee It's like go spend 400 So,
brianna:I did that. I did that on that. We didn't include this on the higher dose sauna, the little sauna blanket. I was like, I'm overwhelmed. I need to work on my stress. All this stuff is going on. I'm going to purchase a 700 sauna blanket. And my justification was like, it's half off for black Friday and I need to take care of myself. Yeah. I would have been better off. Just like. and grabbing a 7 coffee and like walking around Target, but you know,
baylee:I might have an aesthetically pleasing wait soon stay tuned And okay, they come I think they only come with one color and it actually matches my house. So It's
brianna:You're using it like it's a multi purpose. You might get a little bit more movement in. String training is your goal.
baylee:I mean, I don't see anything wrong with it.
brianna:Josh is probably gonna be like done. I'm here for it. It's a write off. I don't know that for a fact, but I would say it's a write off. Verona said
baylee:Brown has said it was a write off.
brianna:it was a write off. Verona doesn't know how that works, but it's a write off for sure.
baylee:Yeah. Well, I guess the next part that we're kind of talking about, anyways, protein slash muscle building. I protein, I think has definitely been trendy this year. I think that is going to continue, but I think what's going to be more trendy is the muscle building for women. I think we're finally getting out of the stage of being Dainty, and I think women are now focusing on like, I want to be toned, I want to feel good, I want to look good naked, we don't, I'm seeing less and less people care about the scale,
brianna:I am too, which I love. But yeah, protein, even if you want to like break it down, like I think animal protein is here to stay too, which I'm like not against, you know,
baylee:but of course we're taking it too far to now the carnivore diet and everything, but that's a topic for another day.
brianna:Again, we can still have fiber, but yeah, get, please don't eat raw chicken. That's not, I don't think that should be here to stay, but you know, but protein and muscle building, especially for women and thinking about like, cause I'm seeing more and more women get DEXAs and actually caring, like, what does this say? Like instead of the scale, which exactly the next is lymphatic. Anything lymphatic, like lymphatic drainage, lymphatic health. So like those vibration plates, dry brushing, rebounding, I think more and more people are, you know, getting into like, what is my lymph doing, which. It's super important. I think definitely overlook. Yeah.
baylee:Yeah, I definitely, I would agree with you there. I'm seeing more and more about vibration plates. I've been trying to do some dry brushing, but definitely some lymphatic drainage because it really is a great way to support your body's natural detoxification. It's also going to improve your circulation, so, I mean, there's lots of things you can do. It's as simple as staying hydrated, but yeah, also the dry brushing, the vibration plates, elevating your legs. There's, like, the cupping therapy actually helps reducing your toxin exposure in general. But especially I, you know, I've seen a vibration plates pop up a lot and all of a sudden on my tick tock page. So, I mean, that's going to help your lymph flow, it's going to boost your circulation, it's going to activate your muscles, reduce inflammation, and it's going to support that detox process. So I think that form of detoxing is going to be powerful. Pretty popular this year.
brianna:And I think it's just because people are kind of becoming more aware of like the toxic load that we have every day, you know, like we are really, even if you do such a good job at like limiting what you clean with and what, you know, beauty products you use and, you know, your food, like just the environment in general, there's a lot. It's one of those crunchy things. And I'm like, yeah, like, cool. And you know what, you feel good doing it. Like you take a little extra time, you feel good, but we like self care. So, you know,
baylee:Yes, we like that form of self care. And then, I guess sleep. I think sleep is going to get more attention this year. Kind of goes along with the things that we are tracking. So I would say sleep is definitely a good one that is going to be trending, but especially mouth taping. I think mouth taping is going to be pretty popular. Have you ever done that before?
brianna:I never have, because I'm not a mouth breather. Like I always breathe with my mouth shut, but I'm not opposed to doing it. And like my kids and Victor, they're all like mouth breathers. So like, I want to do it on them and I want to see.
baylee:I know, people are so nervous to do it on their kids, but like, it's as simple as like, sometimes you just have to push
brianna:Oh, that's what I do like a bit like push it. Yeah. And to like our bodies will breathe. You know what I mean? So like if
baylee:like you breathe out your nose.
brianna:yeah. So if you keep your mouth like your body's like, okay, let me go to my nose. Like it's not just going to panic. It's like one of those things that just happened. But yeah, in terms of like sleep quality, I think it's great. I, I don't know if the whole, like, have you seen the, like, whenever those like videos where people are like getting up for the day and they have like the chin wrap and this, the like mask on their face and the tape, they're like unveiling and they're like the heatless rollers. Like, I don't know if everyone's going to keep doing all that. It's awfully funny, but I definitely think mouth tape,
baylee:Mm hmm. That's another thing that's been on my TikTok. I don't know why all these things are popping up online. It was before we even talked about this episode, so I don't know. But there's, I mean, companies have ones that are, I mean, it's about like a rectangle size, about the size of your mouth, has like a little slit for where your lips would meet, I guess. And so there's companies that literally sell things like that. I, that's why I think they're just going to become pretty popular this year. And we should probably do an episode just to dive deeper on that. mouth taping, but it is to help like D obviously. So you're not mouth breathing. So then it can help decrease issues of like snoring, sleep apnea, dry mouth. It actually is helpful for your oral health and it can lead to issues like reduce oxygen uptake. So that's going to impact your sleep quality and recovery. So even like when Gannon is sleeping, I will like kind of push his jaw up so his mouth closes.
brianna:close your mouth.
baylee:You're welcome. Nap a little better.
brianna:Yeah, right. And so I, one of those things, and I think people are, I don't know if that went hand in hand with more people doing that or a ring, maybe sleep quality scene. I don't know, but I like it and it works. That's the thing is like, it's not just one of those silly things. Like we know that it has benefits. So
baylee:You can literally do it. Like, some people do it with masking tape. Like,
brianna:yeah. Yeah. Like the cheap little, like, you know, like the first aid tape. We're like, it doesn't have to be fancy, you know the next thing would be cutting alcohol slash mocktails. I am seeing more and more people going like the sober route or like this were ish, you know, I think they're calling it like sober ish where it's just like, not everything is revolving around alcohol. I don't have to get a drink every single date night or every single event that I go to. It's not like an incredible amount of alcohol. I think More people are getting into that. Yeah. Which
baylee:not, I don't have any good guesses as to why all of a sudden I think we're all cutting alcohol. Maybe we're just like tired of all of our own shit and we're just, we're just getting rid of and then we're realizing, Oh, we feel pretty good doing this. So maybe that's why, but I have definitely seen Seeing that coming to be a trend towards the end of this year more and more people are just they're just cutting out alcohol There's like I just don't want it anymore. I don't really care, but maybe that's going along with our focus on stress Possibly or she's like it's not really doing anything for us. Maybe we're just being more intentional. We're understanding our bodies more Maybe 2025 is gonna be the year of understanding
brianna:really being able to like, you're the gatekeeper of your health and what's going on with your body and not everybody else. And maybe too, it's like, The toxic load, like people are really into like, what's in our food, what's in, what's in, you know, vaccines, what's in all the things. And I think like, I mean, I've always said this at the very core, like alcohol is a toxin, like it doesn't do anything for you. So I think people are realizing like, wow, that's a pretty low hanging fruit in terms of toxins, you know? Yeah.
baylee:I guess, well, another trend that maybe I think will come up is like partial homesteading type things. I feel like more and more people are just doing things at home. I think we're getting to a spot, number one, everything's just so expensive now. But I think we're just naturally coming to a spot of like, so many people are making their own bread now. Like we're just doing so many things from scratch. Everyone's in their sourdough era.
brianna:And it's, yeah, everyone, right? And it's so funny because if you think of even like, I think of like my great grandma, right? She died. I mean, she lived until she was like mid nineties. She died when I was, I was pregnant with Kate. So about six years ago, but I think about in her lifetime, like all that stuff was like normal, like you had to make bread. Everybody knew how to can, everybody knew how to do all these things. And I think now we're like going back to like, Hey, let's like, Let's figure out how to do like those normal things that we need every single day. So I just think it's funny. Like if people in her generation were still around, they'd be like, wait, why, like, why, why is this trending? Like, this is just a normal thing, but, you know, I think we got really far from our food source really quickly. And I think people are just like wanting to slow down and be more simple, which I love. Like, I dream of like, I'm just going to quit everything tomorrow. And like, homestead. And then I think about how much work that is.
baylee:Yeah, I don't think I could do it. Actually, I know I couldn't do it. I would hate it.
brianna:I mean, let me just start small, like maybe a garden, some chickens. Love that. But I also love HEV that I could just drive down the street to and be like, you know what? I didn't milk my cow today. So
baylee:I am making my own almond milk now.
brianna:I saw that. Is it harder than you thought?
baylee:No, it's not hard. It's just so, like, you're supposed to get, like, the milk bag strainers so that obviously it separates after you blend it all. Well, like, eh, I don't really need that. It's gonna be fine. It's not fine. You do
brianna:It's not. Oh yeah, you did have that story where you're like, you do in fact need the cheese floss.
baylee:It works out a lot better. I mean, it's still kind of naturally separated, but then it's like everything kind of separated and I feel like it went bad quicker. So I
brianna:Good. I
baylee:well drink, a little bit of spoiled almond milk. It had a funny taste to it, but we're still kicking fine. I got, like, I got reusable milk strainer cloth things and they lasted a lot better. But yeah, it's so weird. It's like gets all the almond pieces out and it's literally like a paste by the time you squeeze all the liquid out of it.
brianna:think you could like, make almond butter with that.
baylee:Oh boy.
brianna:Okay. I don't know. I don't know for a fact, but I think that's what you make almond butter with.
baylee:I honestly did look at it. I was like, Hmm, is there something I can do with this? I was like, No, I'm just going to throw this away right now. That's
brianna:make a paste, make your almond butter, put it on your homemade sourdough bread with a glass of your almond milk. And you could just be like living
baylee:am a homesteader. There
brianna:life. Actually I. My kids carved pumpkins and they put all the pumpkin guts, like they just like threw it on our lawn. And I now have pumpkins growing on my front lawn. And I'm like, I'm a homesteader.
brianna:They're just growing. I haven't done anything to them, but they're literally growing. And my dad was like, you need to figure that out. Cause you're about to have like 15 pumpkins growing on your lawn. I'm like, it's fine. I'm a homesteader.
brianna:I mean, anytime I try to grow something, it doesn't work. So clearly. I
baylee:I mean, it's just. Like life, when we put too much focus on things, we get overwhelmed, we get stressed out, it doesn't work, so just let things happen.
brianna:same thing happened with the onion. I don't know why it's, maybe it's my kids. I need to have, like, they threw an
baylee:Yeah, they have
brianna:my boxes and there's onions. That's what I need
baylee:Maybe you should have them like, throw money in the front yard.
brianna:Yeah. Can you go like just throw some coins and just see what happens? I would.
baylee:Throw yourself a money tree.
brianna:But yeah, homesteading, I feel like the partial homestead is like where, which is just probably normal living, but we're just so not used to it, you know. Yeah,
baylee:back, we're getting closer to those words. I definitely trending. I'm trying it for myself. We started with the almond milk. I don't know how much further we're gonna get. I might try like, chia seed jam type thing. I'm making Ganon's foods. Oh my gosh, this kid. So we're doing like, purees, baby led weaning kind of a mixture. So I've been making all his purees. But we also have like a few jar foods just for like, when we're on the go because it's hard to like, keep cold and also like, heat it up. So he had jarred carrots for the first time. He usually loves carrots. He was literally spitting them out and gagging. I was like, are you joking me right now? So,
baylee:he is only eating purees if they are homemade. Okay.
brianna:love her.
baylee:I buy the beach nut ones, and the ingredients in it was like carrots and water, and so I tasted them, they do, so they taste the same, but I will say their texture is different, like they're almost like a gel, not gel, like, I just had a different texture, but,
brianna:Like a smooth, almost like thinner than the
baylee:they weren't as smooth, I would say,
brianna:Oh, that's why. He likes what he likes.
baylee:yeah, okay, well,
brianna:How dare you. How dare you try to get good quality baby food. Baby.
baylee:oh, I know, I just gotta make it all, my bad,
brianna:I love it.
baylee:Yeah, I would say if I had a guess top three and we should probably redo this episode at the end of next year. I would say top three is going to be partial homesteading lymphatic drainage Mouth taping
brianna:I'm going to say mouth taping. The tracking, like the aura when tracking, I'm going to say GLP.
baylee:that one.
brianna:I don't know that the partial home setting I think is for sure going to be on there, but I'm really, it's a toss up. Okay.
baylee:Okay. I'm gonna trade out. We're gonna do What did I say partial homesteading for sure? I'm gonna do partial homesteading Mouth taping and trackers. Those are gonna be my three final answer
brianna:Final answer. That's it. So we're okay. And I'm doing mouse taping trackers and GLP one. So we'll see what is the GLP one or the
baylee:I guess ours and the others are pretty much the same.
brianna:Yeah. Except those two, which honestly I, who knows? We'll see. Yeah. Let's redo this at the end of 2025. Yeah.
baylee:Well, everyone, we hope you've had a great year with us. It's been so great working with all of you because I mean, we kind of are working with you each week. So we hope you guys continue to find these episodes helpful like we've been talking about. We have lots of great things coming in 2025. We're expanding the podcast. We're bringing more to you. We've changed up what we're going to offer a little bit. we will share more, be sure that you're following the Instagram page, that's where we're probably going to do most of our updates, so you can follow us at MocktailMinutes, that's where we'll give you updates, we're going to share our new podcast episodes, we're also going to work to Like put up some question boxes. That way, you know, what we're going to talk about ahead of time. That way we are also addressing exactly what you want to know about the topic. So like that, we're just, we're expanding the pod a little bit in 2025. We're really excited about it.
brianna:Yeah. I am. You guys are too. Well, yeah. So thanks
baylee:not, we'll just be here talking to ourselves. That's fine.
brianna:Yeah. That's cool too. We like it. But yeah, thanks for, you know, listening to it.
baylee:we had 120 downloads last week, so I will say it's been a little bit slower lately, but we still appreciate every single one of you.
brianna:I think everyone's in the holiday chaos, you know,
baylee:Oh my gosh, yes, I know. I'm behind them on my podcast that I listen to.
brianna:me too, which I kind of like, cause then I'm like,
baylee:You can binge listen.
brianna:I'm going to binge listen while I'm like rage cleaning my house. I love it.
baylee:All right. Well, happy ending of 2024. We hope everyone had a great Christmas because this will be uploaded the day after Christmas and a great new year. We'll talk to you next year.