Mocktail Minutes
This is a no fluff podcast created for busy women. We are Baylee and Brianna. We are dedicated to helping women breakup with dieting and rethink the way you look at food. Sharing the real “secret” to fat loss - learning how your body actually works! Our goal is to give YOU the tools that you need to navigate BS diet culture and empower you to feel confident with your food choices so that you can sustainably reach your goals. Find us at @BayleeTheDietitian and @themomminnutritionist! Welcome to Mocktail Minutes!
Mocktail Minutes
Are You Ruining Your Progress?
When you are on a weight loss journey you want to make sure that you are getting the most out of your efforts - and ensuring that you are losing weight in a way that is sustainable. In this episode we will talk about the common mistakes that we see clients make and how to be mindful to not to the same!
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Featured Mocktails:
LMNT - https://www.instagram.com/drinklmnt/
Koia Protein Shake - https://www.instagram.com/drinkkoia/
Click play, sip back, and be empowered.
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.
Brianna:And this is Brianna.
Baylee:This week, I am drinking the Chocolate Element, which I've been very scared to try it with just water, but I did it with even cold water today. It actually is pretty good. So, when I was younger, I used to love just like the hot chocolate mix by itself. Like, I would literally lick my finger and put it in the container. It was very sanitary for the rest of my family.
Brianna:like the next quick powder.
Baylee:That's what it's reminding me of. Nostalgic.
Brianna:Yeah, I like that one. I haven't had a cold though. I've I'm doing a, I'm going to say this wrong, but Koya Koya protein
Baylee:Yeah, I don't know how to say it either.
Brianna:Yeah. It's a, like a plant based protein shake, soy free, dairy free, gluten free has 18 grams of protein, seven grams of fiber, four grams added sugar. So it's not too bad. it's the vanilla bean. I tried it right before we started. It is a little chalky after. But it's not like this one. I actually got a Starbucks. So it's like a good little, I know Starbucks has it. So if you're kind of needing something, you're in a pinch, I think it'd be a good option.
Baylee:I did not know they had them at starbucks. I always get them from target i've tried other flavors. They are less chocolate I always think vanilla plant based ones. They're always got a chocolate
Brianna:I agree. I think it's, it's hard to kind of mask that like chocolates kind of always safe. I feel like
Baylee:Yeah, I think they have like a chocolate banana. They might have like a mocha one, but I like their other flavors
Brianna:chocolate banana would be good. But I like it. I approve.
Baylee:Alright everyone, this week we are talking about, are you ruining your progress? We came up with a list of items that we hear often that you may feel like is the right thing to do, or maybe you've heard to do this, but could actually be working against you. And not to say that like you're doing everything wrong, but just be like, Hey, maybe look into this a little bit more and see is this actually working for you.
Brianna:Yes. And I feel like a lot of them are easy to overlook. And again, if you're on a weight loss journey, it's frustrating, right? I'm doing all the things I'm doing all the right things. I'm doing all the things I've seen. Why isn't it working?
Baylee:Yes, first one up on the list is relying on restricted diets. We talk about this all the time, but at the end of the day, these extreme restrictions do lead to nutrient deficiencies, loss of muscle mass, like 20, like around 20 percent of your muscle mass is lost with these restrictive diets. And often it ends in binge eating because it's like you're going hard or it's like this is a time period where you're like, I am so good. I am sticking to the plan salads for lunch. coffee for breakfast and we're like we're doing so good and then it's like oh, we've been bad because on Saturday like we ate an actual meal. First of all, you're not good or bad but a lot of times a period of restriction often ends in a period of binging because you're, you're hungry. It's your body's natural response. So instead of focusing on these really restrictive diets, what you can do Instead, focus on what you can eat, not on so much like of this list of no, I can't eat these things. Allow yourself to have treats and moderation so that you're not In this like last supper mentality when you do get to enjoy them and build your meals for yes They tidy but also so you enjoy them That is often a missing piece is they say tidy factor where if you're having a salad, but you're trying to decrease fat So now you're not doing dressing You're gonna be missing some satisfaction. I personally don't want to eat iceberg lettuce for a meal. I'd be so hungry
Brianna:Well, yeah. And then you're going to be like, okay, what can I have? I'm just really craving something. And then you're like, just thinking about food and wanting something delicious. And eventually you caves because it's a normal response and then you feel horrible, rinse and repeat. It also, we've talked about this at like ignosium, but it lowers your metabolism. So while it might feel like, okay, I'm having that instant gratification, you're really kind of biting yourself in the butt. The next thing is underestimating liquid calories. And there's a lot of things that are like, don't drink your calories, which again, like I'm drinking right. It has calories, but it's okay. Right. I'm using it as a snack. I need it. Actually, it's pretty decent for a snack, like macro wise. So You know, things like that, like I'm on board with, like, I like protein shakes. I like a little bit of extra collagen in your coffee, whatever it is, but where people go wrong here is doing like really sugary coffees or juices or even things like alcohol, even if it's like the zero, you know, zero sugar or like whatever, you can still, you're still drinking your calories. And so you want
Baylee:calories and alcohol
Brianna:Yeah. Yeah. There's still calories there. It's a better option for an alcohol, but there's calories. And where I see people going really wrong with this is like not realizing how much sugar or how much fat or stuff is in drinks. And then they're pairing it like with a meal. So then their meal, it's just much larger than they thought, or they're having it like between meals. And then it's like, well, now your blood sugar is a little bit out of whack between meals. So kind of just building awareness of like, what is in the things that I'm drinking. And knowing that those aren't really going to fill you up. So the majority of your calories should be from food sources.
Baylee:And maybe out of sugars, I mean, they're not, I feel like they naturally decrease. I mean, it's sugar season right now. We have Halloween followed by Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas, followed by binge drinking on New Year's Eve. A lot of yes. Yes. We're in sugar season, lots of added sugars. And it's definitely sneaking up on people. I have so many that are like, I'm not eating a ton. And then I'm like, you're eating 80 grams of added sugar before noon. And Especially, I feel like the drinks, because these warmer drinks, I would say, like apple cider, I was looking at one this weekend, 26 grams of added sugar in a serving. hot chocolate, those can easily add up in added sugars. Fun seasonal coffees, those syrups. Added sugars.
Brianna:very, and it messes with your appetite. You're going to have more cravings later on. You're going to want more sweet stuff. And so kind of just building awareness of like, What does my coffee look like? I have to do this with my husband the other day. Cause there's just like local shop we go to, and there's like a Brevi base drink. And it's, you know, like a lot of heavy cream. It's delicious. It's so good. It has like vanilla. And I was like, you know, that has like 40 grams of fat in it. Right. Which like, I love that. I'm like, that's a lot to have in your coffee after you just had your breakfast that also had good fat. Cause he's like trying to build his meals. I'm like, Oh good. I have good fat here. I'm like, perfect. But You know, and then he's like, Oh, maybe that's why I haven't been hungry for lunch. So he kind of skips it. And then he's like ravenous for the rest of the day after like three 30. I'm like, that's, that's all.
Baylee:is peace. Yep.
Brianna:There it is. So instead kind of like prioritizing water, you know, your mocktail, your minerals, trying to stick with like the unsweetened teas or black coffee or using less sweetness. And I think sometimes people are just like, I'll get the regular, regular seasonal drink. I will just get it in the sugar free, but the sugar free tastes much more sweeter. So you're going to want more, it's more sweeter things later on. So just watching how sweet your stuff actually is.
Baylee:I usually do like one or two pumps instead of the four for any of the sea stone drinks. I also, I don't get them. Often so I think that helps and then I try and get moving and afterwards That's how I kind of navigate the seasonal drinks, but definitely take a peek at your drinks or anything that you're doing sugar is Everywhere and slowly killing us
Brianna:It really is everywhere. Sometimes when I'm an outpatient, I'll just have people like, just track how much added sugar you're doing, like build awareness, look at your, like your labels and people will be like, wow, I was having over a hundred grams of sugar a day. So
Baylee:And with this it doesn't mean yeah, it doesn't mean you have to just drink water and part of Mocktail minutes as we're introducing you to good options. Like we are hardly ever doing I don't think we've ever done anything with a ton of added sugars There are some that do have added sugars, but it's not like the ones that we're drinking all the time But most of the ones we do I mean they're great options. So part of this is introducing to other Drinks that you can include. Next thing, skipping meals or eating too little. It We've got to stop doing this. It's going to lead to overeating later in the day and slow down your metabolism. Save your calories. Again, it's gonna usually end up in just eating more Later on, so start your day with a high protein breakfast. Stabilize your blood sugar. Curb your hunger with food. We're always looking for an appetite suppressant. Hey, food. It's a great appetite suppressant when you feel your body sit. Your hormones are calmed down.
Brianna:Wow. When I eat food, I'm not hungry. No. And this is especially important as we're heading into holiday parties and you know, all the things, festive things that we do, because I know in theory, it makes sense. Save your calories. I know I'm going to be going to a holiday party later. It's going to be at a restaurant. It's going to be this, it's going to be that I'm going to have more food, but it will always bite you in the butt and you will always eat much more. You will overeat in that setting than you usually would. And then you're doing it late at night when you don't utilize those nutrients as well. So you're more likely to have a little bit more fat storage. So don't skip your meals. try to eat the smallest meal possible. Just eat like a normal person. Even if you have things going on later, it's a biggie.
Baylee:Next thing, not prioritizing your protein kind of goes along with, well, like the calories a little bit because I would say our professional dieters, they're really good at counting calories, but I'm more concerned about the quality over the quantity of calories. Low protein intake is going to decrease your muscle preservation and you're not going to feel as full and satisfied. So, yeah. Minimum for adults, 30 grams of protein. That is going to be how you can shake your money maker. Cause you're going to actually like build a butt then.
Brianna:Yeah. You're going to preserve muscle. And also we've talked about this again, it's going to make you feel satiated. And so if you're a person that's like, how am I going to be around all these fun foods? Well, if you feel satiated and full, you have a much easier time with portion control. And so a lot of times I'll work with people and they're like, what do you mean, I don't have to count calories. I would much rather you just focus on protein because I know, well, protein and a little bit like check in with yourself. Am I just eating now? Cause I'm like eating out of habit. I'm just like socializing eating. Like no, if you focus on your protein, you are more likely to keep your other macronutrients in check. That's just the reality of it. And I feel like it's less stressful too.
Baylee:And make protein easy. Hard boiled eggs, deli meat, beef jerky, beef sticks, turkey sticks, edamame, Greek yogurt, protein powder. There are literally so many options to make protein easy. We have to stop with the idea that protein is too hard. So we're just not gonna do it. That's just an excuse you're giving yourself.
Brianna:Yeah. And if you're like at a party or at a restaurant, at least the size of your palm, at least that's like a good visual. Okay. Can I, how do I know? Cause I, that always pops up to people are like, well, how do I know what I'm eating? I just don't know. That's a valuable tool, at least the size of your palm. And when I tell people that they're like, oh my gosh, really like your palm without your fingers, but still
Brianna:it's a good judgment. A little bit more, it's probably better, you know. Whatever. The next thing would be neglecting sleep. So we have a whole episode on this before sleep disrupts hunger hormones and intensifies crazy cravings. It makes it harder for you to stick to those more healthy choices. And you are a little bit more insulin resistant the next day, which just means your blood sugar is a little bit harder to control. That's where you have that ups and downs. You are going to want to eat more. You're going to want to have more carbohydrates, more sugar. It's just going to be harder. So this is a big one. I see, especially with the time change and it's so crazy, like how much one hour can impact you, but it can. So at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night, really trying to do all you can do to do that. And for some people, I'm like, this is your only goal. Like you have to get your sleep under control. Don't ignore it.
Baylee:A non negotiable. Like, sleep is so important. We have got to stop just letting it fall behind and feeling like we have to skip sleep to get a workout in because we end up in a worse place than when we started, and I know this because I've seen it happen time and time again.
Baylee:thing, overestimating your, like, calories burned. So, this is another reason I don't really love calories. I know some programs, they, like, give you your calorie recommendations, but then they're like, oh, if you go walk or do a workout, now you can subtract this, now you get to eat more. With food, it's not just an exchange like that. We have got to, we, like, You're going to end up with much better success when you stop just exchanging all these numbers and you start looking at food as how is this going to feel in my body? How is this going to energize me? How is this going to work for my bowel movements? How is this going to Like, keep me full. So many other things, rather than how many calories people have. Because, again, that quality is what's gonna matter more. And if we're, let's just say, for example's sake, that we are, we're just gonna focus on calories. So then, we get our Apple Watch, and we're like, okay, I ran, and I just burned 121 calories. It's not completely accurate. Sorry to rush your bubble, but that doesn't mean, Okay, now go eat 121 calories and it's like nothing happened. It doesn't work that way. Our bodies are not that simple. So give your body a little bit more credit. And, Instead, track your workouts and progress beyond just your calories burned. So what I mean about this, like, look, are you lifting heavier weights? Do you have improved endurance? Do you feel stronger? That's going to make a difference. And also just incorporating just non exercise activity all throughout the day with walking, housework, playing with your kids. This is just going to, yeah, it's going to burn calories, but now we don't have to stress. About so much of did I burn enough calories to earn a cookie? We're just gonna move because it feels good a lot of time if you feel like you can't move because you don't have energy It's because you're not moving
Brianna:Yeah, I know. I tell people that and they're like, what? Like when you're more sedentary. You want to move less. When you move your body more, you want to move more, but this is such a good one because a lot of diet programs have you track how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn. And it's such a not strategic way to do it because it's wrong. Like if you were to wear like all the different fitness watches and do a workout, they will all be different. They will all be different. They can be so wrong. Like when I tell people I like, ignore that on your Apple watch, I want to know how many minutes of activity you had, that sort of thing. Like maybe your standing hours. So we can kind of know how sedentary you are, what your steps were, the calories I could care less. You can use it as a little tool like, Oh, it seems like I'm burning more calories than usual according to my watch. Great. But you doesn't mean that you burned those 700 calories, you know, or like, Those little things that like, Oh, for every Reese's you have to like go run X amount of minutes to burn it off. And that's not how that works, but I think it's a slippery slope because a lot of people will do that and then be like, Oh, I burned so many calories today. And that's, you know, that's how they choose their workouts too. And I'm like, you guys,
Brianna:that's going to get you in a slippery slope, especially if you're really trying to lose weight because you're going to be like, Oh, I'm doing so great. And you're probably not doing as well as you think. Don't do it. The
Baylee:You want to really you just want to treat exercise as a tool not so much as Punishment or permission to over indulge because at the end of the day you're still doing it Eating like added sugars. We're usually not trying to earn permission for an egg It's like oh if I work out then I get to have a piece of cake
Baylee:Like no, it's still not gonna give you benefits You
Brianna:and that's not how it works. And I, I wish it was, honestly, if it worked that way, you guys, everybody would be exactly where they wanted to be. Cause that's a very, but it doesn't. The next thing would be ignoring portion sizes. So, and this goes for all food. And I think sometimes we think like, Oh, it's like healthy food, you know, but even healthy food in excess. Can cause some weight gain. So really understanding like, what is a portion size? And so for a lot of people, that's again, building awareness, like maybe look at your food labels, maybe like Google, what is a serving of an avocado? Right. Things like that. So that you just kind of know, Oh, okay. Yeah. I am having 11 grams of fat from that avocado as opposed to like 22 that you may be having. Right. Stuff like that. But. I think just understanding what a portion is, right? And knowing that like, okay, just because that's a portion size doesn't mean I have to stick with that. But I know that I'm eating, if I'm eating less, it's less than that. Or if I'm eating more, it's more than that, like using it as a tool to gauge how much am I actually taking in, you know?
Baylee:Can overeat on protein or anything. It's like especially things like avocado. It's a great healthy fat Yeah, if you Eat too much of it anything in excess can cause issues or cause weight gain
Brianna:so being mindful of it, especially with those calorie dense foods, you know, like your nuts, oils, seeds, your salad dressings, things like that. And sometimes this is where maybe you need to measure something out again, not that you need to always be doing that forever, but sometimes people really, truly don't know like, what does a tablespoon of avocado oil look like? If you don't or some in a tablespoon and so you could visually see, cause I see that all the time. And this is where the people on the internet will be like, it's calories in calories out. And if, you know, someone they're truly not counting their calories, right? Well, they're probably not overeating like 1500 calories a day without noticing it. Like, I don't think they're using that much ranch,
Brianna:but it is very easy to do. So, and again, this is, if you're that person that's been overestimating your calorie burn and underestimating your portion sizes. That's a biggie. Right.
Baylee:the next one eating too quickly So I see this a lot at lunch, especially with my busy professionals. I would say lunch we eat too quickly, breakfast we often skip. So eating too fast, it can actually prevent you from recognizing your fullness signaling. So then it can lead to overeating, we're just distracted. It's like, it's that time when we eat lunch and it's like an hour later, we're kind of hungry, where sometimes we're not actually hungry, we just really weren't paying attention to the meal. Or it's like, We're trying to work through lunch and we end up eating an entire bag of chips. Because you're just not paying attention. Your focus is on work, not so much, okay, what am I eating? So, things that can help with that, start bringing your attention to the food. Like, this is your meal time, this is not your work time. Give your food more attention there. And that can look like, that is what mindful eating is, you're just bringing awareness to that. And then, start chewing your food more slowly, start, like, enjoy your food. There are so many times where I ask my clients, I'm like, okay, what did you eat yesterday? It's like one of the, it's the hardest question I ask everyone. I stump everyone, like, what did you eat yesterday? We have no idea because we're just like powering through the day.
Brianna:And then when you eat super quickly, this is where it can also, you know, get you in trouble in terms of portions because you're eating super quick. It takes a little bit for your brain to kind of recognize like, Ooh, I'm full. And then, you know, if you're someone who's like, I constantly just feel over full, you know, this is why And so telling people, slow down to your food, swallow it, don't be in a stress state, stop when you feel satisfied, wait about 10, 15 minutes. See how you feel. You'll probably be full. That's like a good way to kind of manage portions, especially if you're dining out always, whenever you're around higher fat, higher carb, higher sugar foods. This is where I'm like, you need to slow down while you eat. Which is another reason why I don't save your calories. Cause if you go into it, you're going to be like hangry and like gobbling down your food, like inhaling. You're
Baylee:too. Just slowing down there and not going back for seconds right away. I, I like to give myself a good 10 15 minutes before I'm like, Okay, yeah, I am still hungry. That's fine. But it's like, if you've been sitting there for an hour and you're still going back, Like, Mealtime's done by an hour.
Brianna:grazing. It's probably out of habit.
Baylee:And even like, that's honestly, cause I have Ganon on the schedule. And part of it is like, he can eat and like, I will adjust his feedings. Like he'll eat between six and eight hours. And that depends on like how fast he's eating it. But if he eats it really fast and I give him a few minutes and he's still hungry, like I just give him more. But he never eats for longer than 20 minutes now. Like that's his meal timing.
Brianna:I think that's important because we do that. Especially if you are, like you said, not paying attention or some people are
Baylee:you, you gotta get that digestive system break. Mm
Brianna:or like, you know, some people are like, Oh, I do eat lunch, but it takes me an hour and a half because I'm busy. I'm like, nah, don't do that. The next one is a biggie. It's relying solely on the scale. So the scale does not show you the whole picture. It doesn't tell you how much muscle mass you have or water retention, and it can be very discouraging. So instead, track your progress with measurements, maybe progress pictures, energy levels, how your clothes are fitting, et cetera. I will say this is something almost like 90 percent of the clients I work with one on one always see changes in clothes, measurements, pictures. before they see changes in the scale. And I, I feel like this is where women really throw in the towel too early because they're like, well, I haven't lost weight. So I guess it's not working. And it's like, but you were having body composition changes, you know, but the scale really does mess with your head. Like that number really affects us. And even if you're like, no, it doesn't. It does. So like, do not, and I'm not fully against using it as a tool, but if you're like, I'm getting on the scale every single day or multiple times a day, don't do it. I would say like maybe once a week really, but it should be relying on other things and the scale should be the last thing. That's such a biggie. And if you are constantly getting on the scale and correlating it to like, Ooh, it's lower today, but I ate less yesterday or it's higher today. And I ate more yesterday. That's going to dictate how you do your nutrition, how you work out all those things, and you're going to stay in this, like never really fully making progress because you're just like short sighted. So that's a big one. These are all big ones. Yeah.
Baylee:important the next one ignoring stress So a stress definitely triggers a response of how we handle food especially like emotional eating And it does disrupt your hormones that are used to regulate your appetite So when it comes to stress, you gotta get in the habit of using relaxation techniques like the deep breathing the meditation even like Working out is a stress reliever if you're doing it the correct way, or it can also be a stress causer. overdoing it, you want to create like a self care routine. And that's not like getting your nails done. Like self care is just something that you genuinely enjoy that is taking care of your body. So it can be just like, Spending some time with your family. Like, just soaking up the love there. It can be a new hobby. It can be reading. It can be meal prepping. I honestly, I think that can be a form of self care because it's giving, giving your body some care. Anything like that. Just whatever is going to help you. And It can also be helpful to identify any emotional eating triggers and find alternatives. Like, can you redirect yourself to a walk, to journaling, to like an herbal tea or something. So it's not always, I'm stressed out, I need a cookie type feeling. We have other mechanisms to identify and handle the stress.
Brianna:Yeah. Especially if your stress management, like you said, is emotional eating or like alcohol. Like I've had a hard day. I need a glass of wine and I get it. Right. But at the same time, is that serving you? So when you think of stress management, think, am I doing something to prioritize myself today? Yes, you should. The next one is weekend overindulgence. And so this is a big one. If you are like the dieter Monday through Friday, and then I've been so good this week, I've earned my weekend and it, you know, we end up eating the same amount of calories, if not more throughout the weekend than we did throughout the week. So I'm seeing this in like the reward type thing. Like I put in this hard work, I've earned it. You know, I'm, I am allowing myself to have a cheat meal or like, whatever. I've been good all week. I'm not going to care about tonight. That is like a slippery, slippery slope because then it usually leads to the rest of the week and not being great. And then you're starting over on Monday. So just being mindful. And then even if this isn't you, you're like, no, I haven't really been doing that. Like I just, whatever. But you dine out more on the weekend, you move your body a little less on the weekend. You just have much different habits on the weekend that can really be undoing. Your effort, you know, cause think about it. That's like 50 percent of the week or almost a little less than 50. I'm my habits and my calorie intake is much different than it is for the rest. So instead plan your weekends. Have some sort of control. Cause I think that's where a lot of people fall off is like, I'm, I had this rigorous schedule Monday through Friday and I just want to enjoy myself on the weekends. And so they're a little bit out of control, out of routine, have some sort of routine aim for balance includes treats and moderation, but don't treat it as like a free for all
Baylee:If you need a cheat day to get through your week, you gotta adjust to what you're doing everyday. You shouldn't need a cheat day that's like a planned binge all day long to treat your body like a garbage can.
Brianna:kind of percent. You're not doing
Baylee:Even a cheat meal. Like, I think it's a terrible idea to have a cheat day or cheat meal. Doesn't do you anything in the long run.
Baylee:Besides proof how rigid your plan is, making you be all or nothing, and yeah, we just, we gotta get you a different plan there.
Baylee:The last thing, not drinking enough water. Dehydration does mimic hunger. Like our signaling to tell us, like, you're thirsty, it can be confused with our hunger signaling. So. We can start snacking more when maybe we just need some water to drink So start each morning with a large glass of water like before you drink your coffee You wake up pretty dehydrated. So you want to get that in first thing carry a water A water bottle with you all the time get weird with your water like carry it with you everywhere Even if you're like i'm just going in the doctor's office You know how often you have to sit in a doctor's office and wait for them bring your water in and sip on it And then, yeah, you can also, if you want to jazz it up, like, add lemon, add cucumber, add mint to it, add berries, just to kind of give it a little pizzazz, and that is totally fine, too. But you want to drink water consistently throughout the day, not just, let's chug 40 ounces at noon.
Brianna:Yeah. And I, I used to have a friend that I hiked with all the time and she'd always make fun of me because I always brought like a big water bottle and she's like, why are you doing that? I'm like, I have this fear of running out of water and needing it. She's like, I think it'll be okay. I'm like, no, it won't. I can't leave to bring it. I'm going to be thirsty, but this is where people, I like the idea of getting when you, in the morning before you have your coffee, have some water because you do wake up dehydrated coffee also dehydrates you. And if you're the type of person who's like, I sip on coffee all morning and then I don't really have anything watered drink wise until the afternoon, this could be leading to some snacking, like. You're just catching up on hydration. So I don't think you should be like, Oh, instead of a meal, have water. But yeah, I feel like you're like, no, my meals have been pretty balanced today. I don't know what's going on. Drink some water and see if it goes away. Cause it's probably just, you're dehydrated.
Brianna:So simple. But we forget about it. This is another thing I see on the weekends, by the way, just so everybody knows. And so if you're moving your body less, you're drinking more alcohol, you're a little bit more dehydrated on the weekend, you're not drinking water. Then you go out and have fun foods. Do you see where like that whole thing is like a storm?
Baylee:Yes. And when you're not working, like, if you're used to working at a desk, like, usually your water's right there, and on the weekends, you're kind of everywhere. It can make it harder, so, carry your water bottle everywhere. I honestly, I don't use regular cups at home. I always use a water bottle. It's easier to,
Brianna:I actually was just on Amazon looking for cute cups. Cause I'm like, wow, when people come over to our house, it looks like the good one. Like we don't have matching cups. I think, cause I never drink out of cups. Like, yeah, I just have my water bottle. I'm an adult now. I think I should have like a cute cup set. I don't know,
Baylee:mm hmm,
Brianna:but they're expensive. I'm like, I'm never going to drink out of them. I don't know if I want to buy it, but there's
Baylee:You have to look on, like, TJ Maxx. I got a full set of cups from TJ Maxx, like, when I started college. So, I've literally had them Did I graduate? I don't know. I've had them for, like, six years, I guess.
Baylee:my gosh, I graduated high school, like, ten years ago. I got them, like, ten years ago. Oh
Baylee:my gosh.
Brianna:Let's do it. I'm like,
Baylee:And they're still doing, yeah, they're still doing great, because we hardly use them, but then yeah, when people come over, then it's like, Oh, look at these cute glasses. You don't have
Brianna:have your life together?
Baylee:out of my shaker bottle or my hydra jug.
Brianna:Or like my, like weird, like cups from like weird festivals around town
Baylee:Uh huh.
Brianna:like cups that I bought at the dude perfect show for my kids that were like 30. So we're keeping them. Yeah. It's going to get cups. Whoever, maybe my family can do that for like white elephant or secret Santa or whatever cups. I want cups.
Baylee:Alright, everyone. Well, we hope these, I don't know, are they really strategies? These, what do we call them?
Brianna:Yeah. Tense.
Baylee:allow you to ponder. Ponder these points. Yeah, I
Brianna:ponder these 12, 12 points that there'd be impacting your progress.
Baylee:Be where you're at, what you need to work on, what you need to adjust. Start with one thing, and go from there. Alright, we will be back next week with a brand new episode for you. Until then, we are launching our Black Friday deal. So you'll be getting a freebie of like a healthy eating blueprint. Just to give you an idea of, okay, what foods are we choosing? What's gonna help me? What's maybe something I need to reduce? So you get that as a freebie. And then Where the real money is you're gonna get access to our exclusive telegram channel We're gonna have like a different topic each month so you can be a part of that if you purchase in december for january That's how you get the freebie. That'll be your new plan You're gonna have a new telegram Topic every month so you can renew it Or you can come in and out as you please. It's up to you. That's what we're doing next big things in 2025
Brianna:Yeah. Oh, 2025. I'm excited for it.
Baylee:Yes. Alright everyone, we will talk to you next week. Have a great day. Bye!
Brianna:I don't know why I'm quiet. Like, as if like, you can't cut this part out. Like,