Mocktail Minutes

Work-Life-Health Balance Part 3

Mocktail Minutes Episode 79

This is our final episode for our work-life-health balance series.

In this series wrap up episode we will be expanding on part 1 and 2 to talk about how to sustain and maintain this delicate balance. We talk about consistency over perfection, how to adapt to different seasons of life, reevaluating goals when faced with unexpected changes, the importance of a support system, celebrating small wins, and long-term perspective!

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Taika -
Live -

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.


Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.


And this is Brianna.


This week I am drinking, I don't know how to say it. I think it's Haka? Taki? I don't know. T A I K A. And I did the matcha latte one. I actually got another one. It was the mocha latte too, but I tried the matcha one first. Do not Love it. I don't really even like it. It kind of me want to gag when I first heard


Do not love it. Don't even like it. Is it like the, cause some matcha doesn't, I don't know. Matcha has to be very specific for me. I either really enjoy it or I'm like, no, I can't stand it.


Yes It's a very earthy One where like the one that we made with the roasted purpose. I really like that one. It wasn't super earthy I'm actually about to get another bag of it But this one it's pretty earthy, which i'm surprised about because it has erythritol in it but Maybe I just also didn't sh yeah, maybe I didn't shake it well enough. I don't know, but I don't think I'm gonna finish it, so.


Well, we both have things that we don't love today. I'm doing a, I think it's live. It could be live, but I think it's live because it has probiotics in it. So I think it's like live cultures. I don't know, but it's the, you know, gut supporting organic soda, luscious cream flavor. I don't love it. It has a weird, a little bit of a weird aftertaste, which is weird. Cause it only it's sweetened with normal sugar just a little bit. So I was like, Oh, it'll be fine. But it's very creamy with like a, this is all of a sudden like a cola aftertaste. I don't know if it's interesting.


and then, you said there was another flavor, too, of that one, what was it?


Yeah, there was. So it was between this one and then like spicy cherry, which I was just like, I don't know. I don't know how spicy cherry would, I don't know.


They kind of sound like scandalous drink names.


Spicy cherry luscious cream. Yeah. So, you know, maybe I'll try the other one just to give it a shot. But this flavor is a no go for me, personally. I might not finish it either.


What a bummer day for the mocktails.


I know. And you know what, this one I got a couple of days ago and it's been sitting in my fridge and I've been wanting to bust it open the last couple of days. Cause I'm like, I want something carbonated. And like, it just looks good. Like it looks so refreshing, but it's kind of let down,


I know, that's how I was feeling, because I've been looking at these ones, too, and some of them that I've seen had more added sugars in them, so I never really bought them. I was like, okay, when I tried this one, the erythritol's like, ooh, it could make my belly a little bit bloated, but, yeah, we're bummed. That's


you know, bummed, but I do love the message on this one. It's like crafted to help our loved ones kick their sugary soda habit. So I think that's cool. Right? Like it's a good alternative. I'm hoping I like the other flavors, but To each his own.


That's okay. I mean, last time we did say we were going to try and do life updates on our episodes. Do you have any updates in your life?


Oh my gosh. Let me think. No. I mean, except for now we're, I guess I do. I guess I do. We're back into the, everybody's doing sports things like that, like ramps back up. And so I just realized, and which is very fitting to what we're talking about, like how much I need to be very intentional with like, how is dinner happening? What are we doing? What's our plan? Well, ahead of time, because. That chaos, it just kicks in and then you're just spending the whole week trying to catch up and you never catch up. that's about it though. All in sports.


speaking of sports, I feel like I look like a sports, what are they? Broadcast host? What are they called?


commentators or whatever, or pastors. Welcome.


you're not watching the video, I got a new headset and microphone for recording, so if I sound better, That is why, but


That's so good that we're, I'm going to get one too, or just going to be over here like commentating.


going to be sports broadcasters. I guess nothing too crazy. I mean, I was sick. All day Friday throwing up and pooping myself. So that was a lot of fun And we're slowly getting back to health and well, I guess of going along with this episode I've been taking a little bit easy I was planning on doing workouts this week, but we're taking that off the list because my stomach still just ain't right so we're not working out and Gannon's been doing so well at the sitters. I feel like I just talk about him all the time, but If you're getting annoyed, I'm sorry.


No, you're, he's, yeah. He's like a giant part of your life. How do you not, I mean, my life is about my kids. I'm like, I don't know anything that's going on with me


it's fine. Yeah, and I'm starting to see that now, and the sitter, it makes my heart so happy. She always tells us how great of a baby he is. I'm like, thanks, I really tried.


and I really put a lot of work into it. So him, I appreciate that.


Yes, but he is doing so good. He did have a blowout on me the other day, so that was not fun, but we survived.


Yeah. Forget about


Yeah, it was one of those ones like I knew he pooped but I was like it didn't seem like a lot So I went to lay him down so he could kind of like finish getting it out I was gonna put his bottle in the dishwasher And I went to lay him down My hand is wet. And so I flipped him over and it was just all up his back. Oh,


like, okay, well now it's bath time and all the whole shebang. Love it. No one warns you about how much poop you're going to be dealing with when you have kids.


No Like I don't understand just why can't I just stay in the diaper


Yeah, man. Yeah. I don't,




like at worst times, like it was always when I didn't have an extra pair of clothes. I'm like, well, now you're naked at your target. And this looks horrible.


Yeah, and then like trying to get their clothes off without getting poop in their hair


The whole thing. I


but it's fine.


mean, there was times that I just like cut it with scissors. I was like, this onesies done,


We're done.


we're done with this. This is a lost cause


I'm gonna have one of those days where i'm just gonna be done Be like brianna is one of those days. We are down a onesie


down a onesie it got cut off. It's dead to me. It's




No, I love it. I


our little life update mainly just about kids now, I guess, but it's totally fine. Today Yeah, we are talking about sustaining your work life health balance Really? I think we're just going to bring our first two parts kind of together and show you Okay, what's happening now? How are we going to make this long term? Because we talked about it last time. We don't want you just to do these things for a few weeks. All right. All right. See you later, suckers type of thing. What we are always talking about, what we are always teaching you are things that we want you to be able to implement at any point in your life. I mean, you might implement different things at different times, but it's never going to be that mentality of like, I can do anything for three weeks type of thing. I mean, you can, but if you're constantly thinking in that way, once that three weeks hits, you might not need to actually change any habits. So if you're like, oh, I just gotta get to three weeks. I just gotta get to three weeks. Are you really being aware of how you're gonna fit this into your life? Or you just being aware of how to do this for three?


I've talked about this before, but this is the same reason why I don't love things like Whole30 or 75 Hard. Like, not that, I mean, their purpose makes sense. Okay, like they're trying to establish something, but it just gets you in that mindset of like, okay, for 30 days, I can't do this. Or for 75 days, I have to do this one really like if you're trying to find that long term balance and have something sustainable, it needs to be like, this is just how I am now, know, and so when you're just like, Oh, if I, just do like this for January. Okay. But then what happens is like, February comes and you're not doing any of the things and you're going back to whatever. And then you're just in that constant yo yo of like, I'm working on myself. I'm everything's on fire. I'm working on myself. Everything's on fire.


Mm hmm. And fun fact, metabolism makeover used to be called 30 day metabolism makeover. I'm pretty sure that's what it was. But Making it rid of the 30 day because we had so many people thinking that this was just like a 30 day program, which it is a 30 day program. But in a sense of like, you're getting this full on support for 30 days, not you're doing this for 30 days. And then what this is, it's a program that's setting you up for life and you learn within those 30 days. So we actually did get rid of that 30 day messaging on it, because it's not something that we just want you to do for 30 days. So. When working to sustain these habits long term that we have been talking about, the number one thing that we ended last episode with was Getting rid of that perfection and part of that you have to shift that mindset and emphasize that Maintaining balance is not about being perfect every single day. It's not about, like, doing the exact same thing every day, necessarily. It's being able to embrace that flexibly and allow there to be room for setbacks. Which I think is huge, and when you allow those little unexpected times to come up and you're able to adapt to it, you're going to feel so much better when you can just start to manage the unexpected.


I mean, yeah, it's a shift in mindset. It's the small, sustainable habits and then the routine versus rigid schedule. And I think for this, it's just. a step back and realizing goals are goals for a reason, Goals are goals because you're not doing them. They're not something that you've established. And just thinking like, I'm really, I'm really getting in my own way by wanting it to be a certain way and look the same every day and like having this perfection mindset and that all or nothing. And it's like, if this can't be perfect, then I'm not going to do it because let's just be honest, like life happens and you have to be flexible in order to really achieve it. Because if you're constantly in a routine where it's like, if one little thing changes, everything goes off the rails. That's not sustainable and you're never going to be consistent with it and you're never going to be successful with it. So it's figuring out like, how do I kind of bend a little bit? Like what are my goals, but also what's my minimums? What's the bare minimums that I need to do and achieve to that way, no matter what's happening or what life's thrown at me or. It was supposed to be my workout time, but my baby had a blowout and I would just spend 30 minutes figuring that out. Like, okay, I can't do my goal, but what was my minimum? Like how to kind of shift and be flexible,


Like, I mentioned that I was sick, so. With these unexpected things, they come up all the time. So illness, for example, this is the time you're going to prioritize rest and recovery. You're going to listen to your body. And I do get that question a lot of like, how do I know what my body is telling me? How do I know when I actually need to take a rest day or if I'm creating an excuse for myself deep down? I think we really do know I think if you're having to sit there and be like, Yeah I'm just not gonna do it. I my body just needs rest like maybe not but if you're like, okay You know, I was pretty sick. My stomach ain't right. I've got a little bit of a headache my nutrition isn't as up to par as usual, then yeah, you know, it's time to prioritize rest over having to be productive right now. I mean, you can, I would say rest is, I guess, And I'm going to be talking about the importance of being productive. But you don't have to just like push through and power through to keep doing all the things just because it's a Monday and you can't start on a Wednesday. Yeah, like whatever it is, you can miss a Monday and you can take some extra rest. You just adjust your goal. So like during illness, your productivity is going to be all about healing and allowing your body to kind of be a safe spot. You're going to lower your expectations and just focus on the essentials. So even Like, thinking of hydration and nutrition. Water, I'm still keeping that up. Electrolytes, we're keeping that up. Nutrition, on the other hand, while I just have, like, no appetite. So, instead of just skipping meals altogether, I'm doing the best I can, so I'm not shoving food down my throat to the point I want to throw up, type of thing. So I'm doing More smoothies. I'm doing like we had pasta last night, but I use chickpea pasta and we had some beef with it and some roasted vegetables. I'm just kind of doing smaller portions of what I would typically eat. And to be quite honest, like protein doesn't sound super great right now, but I know my body needs it. Not only to maintain my muscle mass, which is what I've been working to get back, but also to help recover from that illness. So it's things like that. You just learn to adjust or like, let's say work is a little bit crazier. I mean, I think we all have different times and our work schedule where it's a little bit busier. We're in a busy season or like maybe Wednesdays are your busy days, whatever it is. So then on those days, you're going to again, focus on the essentials, like what tasks are most critical for you at work and also at home. And that is your focus. You're not worried about cleaning out your closet that day. That's not your focus.


No, and I would say this is something that I have clients do and, and some who are a little bit overwhelmed with things, or they're in a very busy season, I'll have them do this daily, but like figuring out the glass versus plastic balls, like what needs to get done today? What has to get done? I cannot drop it. It has to get done. And I always encourage them to put themselves on that list. So whatever it is that makes them feel their best. Put it on the list. That's what you need to do for. Yeah. If you're recovering from sickness, it's going to be like, okay, hydration, maybe some fresh air. That's kind of what I need to feel my best today. Everything else can kind of go to the wayside. You know, that can be dealt with at another time. I think just being realistic with those expectations. Can really help because if you're constantly in the mindset, like I need to do it all, I need to do it all. You're going to do a poor job and you're going to get burnt out and you're going to crash and burn. And that whole perfectionism really does kill consistency. So really evaluating what do I need to get done today so that everything keeps going smoothly? And how am I on that list? And I think it does help if you kind of start to implement, like these are things I do daily every day. I nourish myself somehow. Every day I move my body somehow or I get outside, you know, just thinking about those bare minimums, something I do every single day and then adjusting if it's on a day where it's like, yeah, I can do all my goals. Perfect. But what is the minimum I'm doing today to take care of myself instead of just, I can take care of myself tomorrow. Everything's out the window. Cause that's, Everything else is going to crash and burn with you. Yeah,


these minimal tasks I think sometimes it can feel a little bit defeating where you're like all I could get done was the bare necessities so Give yourself some quick wins like celebrate that you got it done Or when you give yourself these like small manageable tasks, this is going to build your momentum, it's going to give you a little confidence boost, like, Oh, look at me getting things done, you're going to feel productive, you're going to be less overwhelmed. Because I mean, I know when I look at a list, like, yeah, there's so many things to do on it, I will actually do sometimes the things that I know are going to take less time first, so I can cross it out first. And I'm like, Oh, Well, look at my list declining. And then I might have a task that takes like two hours at the end of the day, but you know, I'm left with like one or two tasks instead of like five little tasks. And so it just feels a lot better. I would say when you just can give yourself some quick wins, even if your win is like, Oh, look at me. I got out the door on time today. I was two minutes early actually today.


that's a great one for me. No, but it's like kind of finding the whole peach and pit of the day, right? Like, okay, what went bad? I know what went bad. You know what went bad. We were so quick to be like, yeah, we know, but also forcing yourself to be like, what went well? Cause something went well that day. And even if it's just like, well, I got in breakfast or I got in mealtimes, even if they weren't great. Okay. You know, or I did. I don't know. I got in bed at a decent time. That's the only thing I did great today. Okay, great. Like you need those little like kind of happiness things like scratch your brain to like, okay, I can do this. This is happy. This makes me feel good. I can still be progressing towards my goal. Even if the day was crazy.


And even as you're going through these crazy times and working to make all this more sustainable, One of the biggest things that we mentioned last episode as well is just leaning on your support system. Delegate where you can. You don't have to do this all yourself. You don't have to be the person that is in charge of, you know, planning, grocery shopping, cooking the food, getting the kids, packing the bags, getting yourself together, like, I mean, I guess you are in charge of getting yourself together, but you don't have to do that. Plus, all the other things. Allow yourself to lighten the load, whether it's at home or at work, especially if work is the spot where you're coming. And very overwhelmed and that is causing you to leave work and now you're overwhelmed at home Like if you can delegate a little bit at work do that set those boundaries and we talk about this all the time about setting your boundaries But it's something we really need to do and then just be able to embrace that help So if you're someone who struggles to ask for help recognize that letting others help you is not a bad thing It doesn't make you a weak person It can actually Give you some resilience, because Again, you don't have to do it all. We are not meant to be human beings that do every single thing. If so, why would we all, I don't know, go to college for different things?


Right. Well, and I mean, if you're listening to this and you're like, but I'm like a single parent or I'm this, or, well, I'm the sole parent, blah, blah, blah. This is where I, first of all, that's a real thing, a real stressor, but this is where I encourage my clients who are like this, like set boundaries, like say no. Take stuff off your calendar. Don't be the person that speaks up at work, you know, or because there's usually if you're that person, it's just like, okay, I'm constantly doing all the things. Something needs to be done. I see it. So I do it. Don't be the yes person. No.


It's okay.


And you don't have to have a reason, right? Like everyone's like, well, what's my excuse for not, you don't need an excuse. Just no, I don't, I'm not doing it.


Literally sometimes I just don't want to, and that is okay. And that is something that I've learned a lot recently that you don't really have to give a reason to people. You can just say no, and no is a complete sentence.


And if you are like a people pleaser or recovering people pleaser, that's difficult, but that's where I'm like, that's. That's what you need to do. You need to just.


And sometimes they can, I mean, Like, inform the key people who maybe do need to know about a situation so that they're understanding it. Like, you don't have to be a biatch about everything, like, nope, nope, nope.




But, like, inform people that need to know, and so that way they kind of understand, like, what are your limitations right now? And if you're like, okay, this is how you can help me, so that they understand what you're going through. Your life is going to go so much better. I made a reel the other day kind of joking like the best way to meal plan is to have dinner with people other people three nights a week because


So that you can cook. That's such a good idea. I love that.


and like one of the nights we do at our house, but it's like with our friends And so either they bring food over or like we'll do the meat and they bring the sides, but either way, we're not cooking a full dinner. So


Yeah. Delegate


your village together, delegate, have that support system, just keep things moving.


I love that. And honestly, it's needed and you'll know, like everybody listening, you know, you have that one friend where you're like, it's probably a no, or I'm not even going to even ask, right? Or then you have another friend or you're like, well, she'll do it. I'm going to ask her. You kind of have to set like. That expectation for people, you know, are you the person that's always piling it all on and doing all the things? Cause then, you know, or are you someone that people are like, I don't know, she kind of has a lot going on right now. I don't think I'm going to ask. Yeah, be that person.


Think about it. Yeah. And even so like when you're having these periods of lots of activities going on, don't forget to take breaks. It seems a little bit counterproductive to take breaks. But when you do this, when you can take these micro breaks, these short breaks throughout the day, this is going to reduce your tension. It's just going to Give you time to breathe. We can get so tense and that's where we start running on cortisol. We feel terrible. We get really irritable. We stop prioritizing ourself. We start running on autopilot and. We've talked a little bit about like making things more autopilot, but I think it also helps to not run on autopilot because we don't want to just be these robots in our life. We want things to be quick and simple. Of course, like our meals when in the other, yes, I want that to be super easy for you. I want incorporating movement to be something that you just do, but at the same time, you're being intentional with everything. That is how you get. Off of autopilot and then you can intentionally take these breaks so that You're not getting too overwhelmed. So you're not snapping at your husband. So you're Performing better at work so you're actually getting things done instead of scrolling tik tok because It is actually weird that I will grab my phone more often when I have a bigger to do list because like I just I don't know what even starts so we're gonna We're gonna disassociate


gonna avoid a very little bit. Yeah. And for a lot of people, I kind of have them take note and really think about like, where are those times in my day where I just feel very overwhelmed or things are very busy. And I would say incorporate like a little transition period or a small break in there for yourself. Even if it's like, okay, you know what, between these two crazy things for five minutes, I'm going to go outside. I'm going to take a breath. I'm just going to cool out for a minute. I'm actually going to do something to calm my nervous system rather than scrolling. Cause it feels good to avoid, but that's not actually like filling your cup. So if you can just start to really get intentional with where do I take breaks? You know, like for a lot of my moms, it's like between the workday and pickup. Like, maybe you need 20 minutes just to, to yourself to kind of switch gears so that you're really more intentional with your time, but you feel good about your attitude. You feel good about your energy, you feel good about all of it, but taking breaks is important. And if you're someone who is struggling with balance, I would say this is an area you're definitely struggling with. If you are probably someone who does not take intentional breathers. Throughout the day, but you have to do it


You do. Same thing, I mean, you also have to sleep. You can't Just sleep when you're dead. You wait, that mentality sucks. I'm over it. Because it used to be my mentality.


right now. I feel like I'm seeing that a lot on Tik TOK, the whole like reverse schedules where like moms are like doing all their things between like 11 PM and 4 AM. And I'm like,


Oh God.


why, are we normalizing that? That seems horrible. I don't know how that got on my algorithm, but it did. And then I watch it because I'm like, this


then it's


horrible. It's more, but I'm like, don't do that. Don't


Do not do that. Get your sleep in like at least seven hours and I know you can do it. I have a newborn right now and I am, I'm not, I would not say I'm getting seven hours consistently, but I am getting close to seven hours, but I am in bed for like, I am. Making an effort to get that sleep in, but there's things that are obviously out of my control right now, like I am in the bed, but if you are pushing off sleep so you can get a workout in, or so you can catch up on emails, or so you can catch up on your TV show, or, I don't know, what are we doing between 11 and 4? What are they doing?


work, like working and stuff like, like getting a workout in or catching up on work or cleaning. And I'm like, know if we need to be doing this thing. It's not cleaning, leave it


Yeah, I mean, cleaning can wait, please clean your house, obviously, like I'm not saying you never clean your house.


on at like 2 AM. I'm mopping the floors. No.


Yeah, I've actually found it really helpful to kind of split up the cleaning throughout the week instead of trying to do everything on like the Sunday cleaning day. Because our Sunday is actually that being really busy not I mean, we do it to ourselves because we like to just kind of hang out with everybody. So we're all over the place on Sundays. So that makes it harder to get stuff cleaned. And then, I mean, after work on a Monday, I'm home for maybe an hour before it's time to, like, get beds, bed routines going, everything. So, like, things like that, like, split it up. Instead of doing everything on a Sunday, dust on Monday. Or, actually I lied, dusting is like the last thing I'm gonna do. So we're gonna like do the bathrooms on Monday. Every night I would say the kitchen gets cleaned. Because I'm gonna wipe down the cabinets. Goodness gracious, I'm not wiping down the cabinets. I don't know why I'm like pathologically lying right now.


Why am I saying I'm dusting and wiping down cabinets? I'm like, those are things I need to do.


No, I'm not doing those. I'm wiping down counters every night and, like, the stove and the microwave because it's so much easier to keep up on if I do it every night. And then, like, another night, I will get the floors really good. Thankfully, we have a robot that vacuums our floors every day, so it makes it a lot easier.


Oh yeah. It's like splitting it up. And I think that's so important for moms. Like again, glass and plastic bare minimums goals. My bare minimum is my kitchen is going to be cleaned at night. Why? Because I have to go in there first thing in the morning, get everyone going. And I just get in the worst mood when it's dirty. I get overwhelmed, but like laundry, I mean, it's clean, but I'm not going to stay up until 1130, 12 o'clock at night to put it away. I'm not going to do it. It's a boundary for me. That's a no, So just kind of think like, do I need to do that right now? Does the laundry need to be put away or do I need seven to eight hours of sleep? Correct.


need seven to eight hours of sleep. I mean, we have, we have two loads of laundry sitting at the end of our bed just in a pile right now. I'm like, it is clean. But the other thing I think that has been helping lately is I don't necessarily have to finish that task right then and there. And I will utilize small moments within the night. So, like last night, I folded. For like, five minutes. So I did get some laundry folded and put away, but I didn't do it all, and that's okay. Whereas sometimes I feel like, oh, I don't have thirty minutes to do this, I'm not just not gonna do it, type of thing. Just see what you can get done in those five to ten minutes. Because that's also times that I'd be guilty of just, like, randomly scrolling or whatever. So, I stood there, talked to Gannon and Josh, and we folded the laundry and put it away. We got some of it done.


sometimes I'll like set a timer. I'm like, okay, 20 to 30 minutes. That's all I have right now. Let me just see how much I can get done. And it's actually crazy how much I can get done, but then it feels good. Cause it's like, okay, it's better than it was. Everything isn't spotless, but I feel good about it that that's, you know, fine.'cause it's, again, it's a all or nothing. And if you're someone, again struggling with balance, there's probably multiple areas in your life that you struggle with. But all this mental load of like I need to do it all is just unrealistic. But, and so I like that you said kind of like delegate things out, like find kind of your village, do it. I also think if you have some sort of accountability that could be helpful. I think that's what's so great about like the MM community. Is like they have ability and they're in there, you know, like we're in a lot of the accountability groups and I see them like kind of holding each other accountable, sharing, when sharing struggles, like, Hey, this is what's going on this week. And other people are like, Oh, why don't you try this? Or, you know what? I'm also struggling with this. This is what I'm doing. And it's like, that can be so helpful because we've talked about this before, about how it could be isolating to feel like, You're only doing this on your own. Maybe you don't have a great village or a partner that really understands, or maybe you don't have friends around, something like that. But if you can get plugged into like some accountability, you'll realize you're not alone. The things that you're struggling with multiple people are. And I tell clients that all the time, because I'll have meetings with clients and they're like, I know, isn't this crazy? This is so dumb. I don't know why I'm like this. I don't know why I'm like this. I'm like, I literally like four other calls today. Where I'm hearing the same things like you're not alone. This is common. And I think it just feels so good to be like, okay, I can take a breath. because I, you know, I feel like we can get really overwhelmed with like social media, like all the highlight reels. Like people feel like they're doing it all. Like, how is this one girl making all of these crunchy from scratch meals for her children? And then she's also working out and has this glorious clean house and this amazing sex life with her husband off. And we don't actually know, but we're comparing it. And usually it's like all the things that we want. We're just assuming other people have, and we're like, why can't I do that? And then just kills balance. So if you can have other people in your life, being that soundboard of being like, yeah, I'm struggling with this too. It's like, okay. All right. Okay. I can do this. I'm not alone. This isn't just a me thing. Cause we're so quick to be like, it's just me. I can't figure It


is really interesting how I feel like we all go in phases about the same time Where I will also have clients and i'm like, oh, I just talked about this yesterday It was someone else where I talked about this morning And so there's definitely phases where everyone is going through the same thing and I think we can get a little bit embarrassed to talk about it because it's like Why can't I just put chicken in a crock pot? Well, is it because your crock pot is in the garage and you're not going to go outside to get it? You Move it inside.


Yeah. Understand the barriers. Cause I think that's where people get caught up. They're like, what a stupid barrier. Like it's not stupid. It's something that's actually keeping you from doing it. So who cares how valid it is? It's valid to you. Let's identify that and like, fix it. Like there's, again, I think it was your client, right? Who like put her blend or was it you who like put your blender on the counter? And that's like, suddenly. I mean, I'm someone, if my husband's always using the air fryer, so if it's out, I'll use it. But if it is under the cabinet and I have to like, dig it out and all that, I'm more likely to be like, how else can I cook this? Which is so dumb.


Yeah, that's how I am. We literally like air fryers on the counter, blenders on the counter, our toaster is now on the counter. Oh, I did buy another gadget. It's the pampered chef blender thing that like makes soups. But you can also make like almond milk with it. So that's now on the counter. And I hate things on the counter.


Me too. I'm like, I want clean surfaces. I want it to look like no one lives here.


Yep, and oh, the ninja creamy. We have our ice cream maker on the counter. So they I mean, they're getting filled up, but you know, they get used. So it's fine. But it's just Yeah, you have to figure out what is the barrier is the barrier, you're just not making it as accessible as it needs to be. That's an easy fix, whatever it https: otter. ai For life, how am I just gonna keep going? How am I gonna make this work when I'm sick? How am I gonna make this work when I have to work late unexpectedly or when the kids have a game? and There can definitely be some trial and error. There's no shame of trying something like well that did not work And that's fine. You can either try it again and tweak your plan a little bit or try something else Whatever you need to do There's no right or wrong way You


I'm always telling clients, allow yourself to fail. Like, especially if you're working with us one on one for a while, I'm like, this is where you need to fail. This is where you need to try out new things under the guidance of someone and see what the heck actually works for me. And what doesn't because. If you just keep, and again, I feel like I'm on, like, I constantly say this, if you just keep trying to bulldoze your way through something using a plan someone else does, it's never, ever, ever going to be sustainable. So like, Allow yourself to figure out what doesn't work, what is like an absolute failure, and then let's go back to the drawing board and find what actually works for me. And I, I always tell people like, it's okay, like, allow yourself to fail. Like I have a client that's about to travel and she's terrified. And we've kind of like set up things like, okay, this is like, this is like, Some things we're going to try. We're going to see how this sets you up, but take note of anything that like, didn't feel good or kind of was a failure. And like, let's learn from it. Like, let's figure out like, what the heck, why didn't that work? How can I better support myself so that next time I don't run into this problem, like, let's do it. Let's figure out the failures. That's what, what I need, what I need to know. I think people are scared to fail.


Oh, absolutely. I'm scared to fail. I'm scared to do a lot of things.


Me too. I think we're so good at helping people through this because we are these people that are like, we want it to be perfect and we want to do this and we're so scared to fail. Yeah. That's


We're a work in progress with you guys. And we've implemented these things. And it really does work when you just let down your guard a little bit. As scary as it is, but it does work. Does help just to kind of be experimental with your life. That is totally fine It's okay. If you don't have it all figured out. It's all we're all just winging it at some point someone Started winging and then it worked and so people started following that method Like there was always someone new at something if you really think about it


yeah. All the methods that really work. It started out as someone just trying it out and winging it. And it turns out like, Oh, great.


Look at that.


Allow yourself to be flexible and figure out what works for you.


We hope this little series was helpful to give you ideas on finding that work life health balance. Because we know how challenging it can be trying to manage your work trying to manage your home life with your family or even with just yourself and like your social life. And also like if you have weight loss goals, if you have like you're trying to manage your chronic disease, you know, whatever it is, we all have different challenges. So Break it down. Decide on a challenge this week. Decide on one simple thing that you can do for this next one to three weeks. Like I said, one thing. That's all, that's all we're saying. Just one thing. Whether it's create a morning routine. You can add a protein source to breakfast. You can drink a cup of water right when you wake up. You can go on a 20 minute walk every day. I don't care what it is. But I want you, yes. I want you to do this because you want to, not because you should.


Yes. Find something that you're like, you know what, I've been really wanting to be on my phone less. Great. Set a time. I'm going to turn off notifications at this time and I'm going to go plug my phone in somewhere where I'm not going to be able to grab it. Do something that you're not disturb is great. I force myself to do that if I'm working because then it reminds me like, Oh, not supposed to be on my phone. Okay.


Yeah, I my phone is usually on do not disturb during the day. My sister is funny She has theirs on do not disturb like all the time I'm like I need to get a hold of you pay attention to me But like mine is set so my favorite phone calls will come through still so if something does happen But like using that function, it's magical But if you don't remember to turn it off you might miss a few things, but it's okay If it was an emergency, people would call.


Right. Yeah. Do we get it? Or it would be like, you know, when you have that option where it's like, you can deliver, deliver the message, like whatever, I'll do that. Sometimes the people that I'm like, I know they left it off. Usually I'm respecting it, but if it's like someone I know, I'm like, like my husband, for example, I'm like loudly, like, he was going to get it, but yeah, like there's all of these tools. You just have to figure out what works for you. So I, yeah, we challenge yourself, do one thing for the next three weeks. See how you feel. See if you can keep up with it, prove to yourself, you could do hard things, see how you feel. Yeah. And see, like, is it sustainable? So, I mean, that would be number one, make it sustainable. Don't say you're going to go for an hour walk every day. Yeah. You're probably


I don't have time for that. I'm choosing to not have time for that. Because I have other things going on.


like, I actually sounds great. I would love that. But yeah, a lot of things would not get done, which currently I need to use. I need to not use avoidance as my reason for getting in. But that's just me.


You're going to find what works for you. You're going to be able to sustain this balance. If you've done Metabolism Makeover, go back through and kind of pick out some micro habits that we talk about in there. If you have not done it, ask us for some help on some micro habits. Kind of let us know what's going on. And we actually do have the last round of Metabolism Makeover getting ready to start for the year. So you can also join us in that party as well.


Yeah, you can join the last round of metabolism makeover, or you could even schedule like a little strategic kind of power hour if you're just like, where the heck do I start? So that's kind of what we do. So, you know, if this isn't enough, reach out, we'd love to help you.


Alright, have a great rest of your day and we will talk to you next week. Bye!

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