Mocktail Minutes

Eating Healthy, But Not Losing Weight?

Mocktail Minutes Episode 74

Are you being super mindful about what you are eating, but still not seeing weight loss? You are not alone! We get a ton of clients who are eating all the right things, but having trouble seeing progress.
In this episode we talk about a few of the most common reasons why this could be happening and give you some advice on how to fix it.

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

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Featured Mocktails:
Poppi -
Just Ingredients -

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.


Hello everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.


And this is Brianna.


This week I am drinking another poppy. I had a couple teas that had caffeine in it, but my smoothie this morning was the coffee one, so it already had caffeine. I was like, let's not overdo it on caffeine before 8am. So we're doing a poppy, the strawberry lemon flavor. It's the first time having it and I like it. It reminds me of like, A limeade type thing from Sonic, but obviously it's not a limeade. It's not really a lemonade. I don't know, but that's what it reminds me of.


No, I haven't tried that one. It looks good. I like eating strawberries.


Yeah, I like it. I was a little bit nervous because it was like sparkling lemon and yeah, but it's good.


This morning I'm having some coffee, but with it, I got the just ingredients, like super food, hot chocolate mix. So it's like an adaptogen Mix it has like cinnamon ashwagandha lion's mane and a little bit of collagen but i've been using it as like Just to add to my coffee for flavor because it gives it some sweetness because it has monk fruit in it And then it has all those adaptogens and I just do that in coffee And maybe like a splash a half and half and it's really good.


That one has dairy in it, doesn't it?


Let me see it does well it has grass fed collagen


That should be fine.


Yeah. Well, no, it has cacao, cocoa, however you say that. Coconut milk, collagen, monk fruit, cinnamon, ashwagandha, lion's mane, and turmeric. So I think you could have it.


I might have to try it. For some reason I thought I looked at it and it did.


Dairy free,


Oh, well, look at that.


peanut butter free, egg free, soy free, dairy free, gluten free. So I, this like on the label, it says like, basically your like protein source is supposed to be coming from milk. So it's like, you make it like a hot chocolate, which I have done and it's pretty good, but I just, I gotta get to my coffee.


I do that a lot. I like flavor up coffee. We get those questions of like, how do I enjoy my coffee and not drink a black? But because I'm not like a black coffee drinker, I don't actually drink coffee every morning. I do more now. But a lot of times I do like a chocolate collagen in it or drink wholesome has a mocha protein that has coffee and like cacao in it. So that's how I flavored mine up without adding. A bunch of sugar, but yeah, I'm gonna have to order that hot chocolate one from Just Ingredients.


Yeah, it's pretty good. I'm gonna, I'm gonna order it again. So. Yeah, I, yeah, because I feel like if it's like, if it's coffee, something you enjoy, like don't be drinking it black, like find a way to enjoy it. So yeah, I switched it up a lot, but this has been my go to lately. And I'm probably going to do it again. Cause I need to get more flavored water stuff. So


Yeah, their flavored water stuff is so good. Have you done that orange pineapple one?


it's really good. I think that's my favorite.


that juice. The orange pipe.


Yeah, like the dole. Is it the dole juice? Yeah, so


drink so much, your tongue is raw. That one. All right. Anyways going into our topic of the day This is what happens when we don't have a huge time crunch, right? Right now. We're just Time crunching in an hour before Dannon wakes up the other day. We had a time crunch in like 30 minutes So we're gonna try and stay on track


Pretend like we have a time crunch.


We're talking about eating healthy, but not losing weight. Now, a lot of the clients I have gotten, I would say within the past year and the people that I've worked with in Metabolism Makeover, so many of them, so many of you who are listening, come to us and you're like, I am eating salads. I am eating my fruits and vegetables. I'm eating my chicken. I am eating healthy. What like, what the F is going on with my body? Why can't I lose the weight? Now, just like anytime anyone asks us, how do I lose weight? It's a loaded question. There could be so many possibilities. And honestly, I'm kind of to the point where I almost want to just start saying like salad may not be your best option.


Yeah. Well, sometimes I think that's what bites people in the butt because they think a main reason why, and this is why the calorie counters are like, we told you it was about calories, but it's a lot more than that. But most of the time it's like you do really well, or you eat really good. And then you kind of just lose it at the end of the night. Or on the weekend and then you really overdo it because you're hungry. So yeah, if you're kind of like skipping breakfast or you're having a really light breakfast, like maybe just a yogurt and then for lunch, you're having some salad with chicken. Yeah. By the time the evening comes, you're going to be starving. You're probably going to have a much bigger portion at dinner than you typically would have had you eaten normally throughout the day. And you're going to kind of overdo it. And then same with the weekend. If you're someone who's like habitual about like, I'm so good during the week. And then I kind of lose it on the weekend because you're still having the cheat meal mentality, or you're having the last supper mentality, or it's like, I earned this because I did so well throughout the week. And then you're having like triple your calories on a Saturday that you would have like on a Thursday, you know, main reason, because yeah, it's not setting you up. Of course you're hungry. It's so hard to lose weight if you're starving


Yeah, I mean and that you're not gonna feel good. I mean it makes it easy to lose weight if you're starving yourself Yeah, you're gonna drop weight quickly because your body's starving type of thing


and then you'll plateau.


yeah, you're gonna plateau you're gonna feel like shit like let's just stop doing that and we talked about it all the time So I feel like the more we talk about it The more people were going to get on board to realize that the calorie deficit, while it matters, it's not the most important thing. So, I mean, like we said, there's a lot of reasons why you could be eating really well, eating really healthy, but you're not losing weight. The first thing I see so often with this type of Mentality or these people is under eating because we are so focused on two eggs in the morning. That's breakfast, a salad at lunch. That's lunch, maybe some lunch meat on it. And then dinner, I would say dinner is usually pretty good for most people. When you're really focused on eating healthy, like most of them are getting a protein and some veggies, maybe a starchy carb. With this, I see all the time under eating because you're not, you're just not getting enough food. And this doesn't necessarily mean you have to count your calories. I can tell this before I even put anyone's calories in before I put your meals in. But to kind of check in with yourself, as far as asking if I am under eating, check in, okay, are you feeling tired all the time? This could be a reason if you're not getting enough fuel for your body to work, it's going to be tired. It's not going to run as well. If you're having difficulty concentrating, like if you can't focus on at work, you're having brain fog, it's like, you can't think straight. Maybe because it's, you don't have enough energy for your brain to work so that you can think straight. Another thing, if you're always hungry, I mean, that's a big sign of under eating. Now it could also be like blood sugar imbalances, making you always hungry because you're crashing spike, crash and spike, like Spike and crash, spike and crash. But, if you're always hungry, or if you have cravings all the time for like, the more carbohydrate rich foods, like if you're constantly like, I cannot get cookies off my mind, it could be you're not eating enough, or it could be, again, that blood sugar imbalance. Other things, signs of under eating, if you're super irritable, or have some mood swings. That hangry feeling that's definitely a sign If you're someone who works out and you feel like you can't work out to your full capacity Or you have decreased workout performance or if you have slower recovery Like it's normal for you to be sore after a workout, but you don't want like days of soreness You also don't want to be like in pain where you can't function the next day So you need to eat enough to be able to recover from these workouts Other things I see, hair loss and things, dry skin, brittle nails, because if you're not getting enough of that nutrition, and we did talk about this in our hair growth episode, I think that's what we called it.




But if you're not eating enough, your body does not care about how well your hair looks.




Especially like, I get this question a lot of, okay, what do I need to do to make my hair healthier, stronger, my nails stronger? Like, do I need to take this biotin? And like I said, we did discuss this in a previous episode, but a lot of times you just need more protein and fats to build those tissues, I guess they would be


Yeah. Technically. Yeah. Cause it's not a priority. Right? Like your hair isn't keeping you alive. It's not a fun. I mean, it does have a protective function, right? Like that's what it does. But on like the scale of what's most important, your hair is not very important. Neither is your skin. You know? I would say another good one, and this has been our theme lately, but like how good are your bowel movements? If you're not having regular good bowel movements, you're probably not eating enough. Yeah. So definitely under eating keeps people from not losing weight


Yeah, bloating kind of goes with those bowel movements. Like if you're constipated, bloating can also happen because the body is struggling to process that little amount of food that you are getting cold sensitivity, that's another thing that I have seen, like often getting cold. Like, yeah, if you outside and it's chilly, like this morning, it was 50 degrees when it's been like 90, obviously, yeah, I'm gonna be a little bit colder, but if you were cold and like warm environments, or if you're always the person that's cold. It could be your body is trying to conserve energy by reducing heat production. So you're cold all the time.


and that's really, yeah, it's your body trying to conserve energy is really the main reason why you're not losing weight when you're under eating, because you're dropping your basal metabolic rate so low. And it's just unrealistic to eat less than that amount. It's. Not function. You can't function that way. The other would be overeating, right? And I feel like this is the common one that people are like, Oh, duh, I'm overeating. But I think people, I've worked with enough people now to really realize that the majority of people are not overeating and the way that we consider like, though we think about overeating, right? Like when you think about someone overeating, it's like, Oh, they're eating a lot of fast food or they're eating really large portions and they're constantly just snacking on junk. Okay, cool. But the majority of people can be overeating without realizing. So again, if you're saving your calories and then you go into the weekend and you go out with your girlfriends and the like appetizer that you order is larger than your daily amount of calories that you've been eating for the day. You're accidentally overeating. You don't realize it. Another one I see is with macros. And again, we've talked about macros. I think in terms of like using it as a tool, I don't hate it. And it's actually like a decent way to think about your nutrition, how to balance it because I think counting your macros is much better than counting calories because your macros absolutely count, but the majority of people when they calculate their macros, it's so much more food than they're used to. And then they get really married to the idea of I need to meet my macros and if I'm meeting my macros like everything will be all well in the world and what they realize is they just start overeating much more food than they were and they usually gain some weight. When they start counting macros, or they feel like. They stop listening to those hunger fullness cues and they're just eating because they need to meet their protein or they need to meet their carbs or whatever it is. And like, you're just not listening to your body anymore. You're overeating when you're trying to do the right thing.


Yes. Exactly. And kind of going along with that, another thing that when you're eating healthy, not losing weight, lack of protein. I would say this is in the top three reasons of why I see we're having issues with weight loss and overall how we're feeling. We're just lacking protein because we need a lot more than what we think. And everyone's always like, Oh yeah, I get my protein in. And I'm like, you're getting about 40, 50 grams of protein, maybe enough to not get malnourished, but not necessarily enough to get you thriving to get you to build that muscle. And I feel like this lack of protein, I mean, honestly, it can come from a lot lately around misconceptions around protein, because a lot of times if you're like, okay, I'm eating healthy. You are someone who is researching a lot. You are diving into all this information. And when you dive into all this information, you're getting a lot of information back, a lot of information out there is coming that. Like protein causes inflammation red meat specifically causing inflammation Honestly, I would say added sugars are more inflammatory Than that red meat. I mean, it's a whole food so This fear around animal products I think has led to a lot of people Under eating protein, especially when you feel like the only thing you can eat is chicken and fish and I mean, I live in missouri We're not getting good quality salmon at our local Kroger or anything You So a lot of times we end up we're just eating chicken and people get burnt out. So we have this fear. And so I just want to put that out there. You can eat red meat. I eat red meat like two to three times a week. Just get a variety in Beef, turkey, pork loin, eggs, like get all the different proteins in. And the other thing I would say that makes it harder to get enough protein in for many people is it's just not as convenient or we feel like it's not as convenient. I will say it does take a little bit more thought, a little bit more like planning to get protein ready, but you can also make it easier. You can, especially, I mean, for me, I have a dairy allergy. Some of these I cannot do. And that's just part of life. Like it's not a woo me. I'm just not going to eat protein type of thing, but you can tolerate dairy. Go grab some cottage cheese, go grab some Greek yogurt. Very easy, but also utilize a crock pot, throw chicken in there, throw a pork loin in there. Make some hard boiled eggs, grab some chicken nuggets from Costco. They actually, I think it might be their store brand. I don't remember, but I recently found some. They're in a white package. It's not the Bayer ones,


purdue. Is it Purdue? Maybe? That's in a white


tell you. I don't remember.


they're large. They're really high in protein.


Yeah, and they're really good. I like them better than the Bayer chicken nuggets and the Tyson ones, and they have less ingredients than the Tyson ones, so win. But you can make protein easier on yourself, and just getting used to planning out your meals is going to make it easier, because if you're like, oh, I need a roast tonight and it's in the freezer. Well, if you plan it for that day, but it's frozen, it's not really going to do you much good. So it helps you to kind of get set up for that day. And the other thing I would say when we are lacking protein, it can be if you are under eating and your hunger hormones have decreased and declined, you're probably having a low appetite. When you are having a low appetite, you're usually not going to be craving a chicken. When you have these cravings, it's going to be like your pretzels. So your chips, like things like that, You're going for more of those fruits and vegetables. Cause protein probably, it just doesn't sound good. And it probably sits a little heavy if you're under eating.


hmm. Yeah. And this is where I really like to start because, you know, you know, a lot of people are like, well, if I'm under eating and I want to lose weight, how do I slowly increase calories? This is where I'm like, eat more protein because it's hard to overeat protein. That protein shuts down a lot of the food noise. It shuts down the cravings and you're slowly going to increase. Your calories when you're focusing on a protein bowl. And so it's kind of like a safer one to where people feel like, okay, I can really trust like my hunger cues when I'm focusing on protein. And I will say too, like going back to the, everybody is, you know, worried about it being inflammatory, but your other options are going to be a lot of packaged foods. And I feel like, like you said, added sugar and packaged foods are going to be much more inflammatory than like some meat. And there's also like plant based proteins too, like. Beans, edamame, like all those things. You can add them to your meals, sprinkle them throughout. Really? When you start to realize what foods have protein, it becomes much more easier. And then suddenly people are like. Eating all kinds of protein. And I'm like, okay, well, let's pull back a little bit. Cause we got to actually add in some other micronutrients, but it seems really daunting at first, but it's not, but that's like your best bet. And then, yeah, it's hard to lose weight when you're under eating and you're hungry and you're just craving those really simple carbohydrates. Speaking of being in the top three, this is one, I don't want to say it's number one. I don't know what should be number one, but


number one.


they're all number one. But this one, I'm like, I have, I'm like trying to drill into people's heads, not strength training. Not strength training and still choosing workouts that look like they burn a lot of calories, like your hit, your cardio, that sort of thing. It's not about your amount of calorie burn during your workout. It's about how much calories you're burning overall and building lean muscle burns more calories overall. And you also have a better calorie burn throughout the day when you're recovering from those workouts. So I don't know how to tell people this. If you're not losing weight and you're really frustrated, but you're not strength training. You don't need anything else. Like you don't need anything fancy. You don't, your body isn't broken. None of that. You just have to start string training.


It makes such a big difference. And we're so stuck. I think still a little bit and getting all the hit work at workouts. And it's like the feeling of the more I sweat or the harder I work or, you know, like that type of thing. It's like the better option. Strength training is going to be your better option. You're going to get that afterburn. So if this is you and you're like, I'm doing the orange theory, I'm doing the hit workouts, like orange series, like a hit workout, or like the burn bootcamps. We're not saying these aren't great workouts. You can still do these if you enjoy them, but you need to do strength training. And this is, I'm going back to boxing. So with me going back to my workout routine, strength training is going to be two to three times a week. Boxing is going to be once a week. That's more HIIT training type things than something I enjoy. And also, if you're just doing a lot of cardio, that's not necessarily helping build your muscle either. Great that you're running half marathons and everything, like that's amazing.


Yeah. It's great for your health.


But if you enjoy that, do that. But you also need to do the strength training. So, two to four times a week is going to make a huge difference for you in how you look, but also more importantly, how you feel. He's doing kind of anything else to add to that one.


So I just want to do a little disclaimer because I'm learning more and more that people think string training or like I have the three pound dumbbells on the back of my Peloton and I do a little bit of arms during my ride. That's great. That's not what I would consider string training. Constraint training is like lifting heavy. Picking up a weight that you can only do eight reps with, and then you need to rest. So if you're still chatting during your workouts, or you've been picking up the same 10 pound dumbbells for the last five years, that's not heavy. And that's not strategic strength training. Again, I like to stand by any movement is good, but if you're like, I'm trying to be intentional with really seeing that needle move. You got to pick up some heavy stuff. And I see this, I was just talking to my husband about this. I see this so much with moms. They'll be like, still, they're using five and 10 pound dumbbells at the gym. And then they're picking up their 35 pound toddler. And I'm like, girl, pick up a heavier dumbbell. You're doing it all day. It's like, that's why you're not getting a ton out of your workouts. And I think women are just like scared of like lifting heavy, but I'm like, you're lifting heavy. You're carrying car seats and diaper bags and groceries. And you're walking up the stairs and you're like doing all the things. You can lift heavy and like, that's where, that's where you're going to see it. So that's it. That was my little caveat


Yeah. I mean these kids they get heavy fast


and you're holding them all day.


Yes, I was just telling you before we started he weighed 12 pounds about two weeks ago. We go to the doctor next week And that was just from like me seeing on the scale and then adding him to it So like this kid is at least 12 pounds and I'm carrying him all day I struggle to get them in the car a little bit. Sometimes I'm


You're like, yeah,


when you're getting bigger? I told Josh, I'm like, we're gonna have to change the car seats. So we don't have the pumpkin seat anymore. I cannot get them up. I need, I need to go start lifting again. So I can


Like, right. Like lifting, so you can actually do your things. And then also when you're lifting, think about what am I doing all day? Like if I'm holding a 12 pound baby. For half of my day, I could probably do heavier than a five pound dumbbell. You know what I mean? Just thinking of it that way.


use my little weighted vest sometimes. And I wear the carrier and walk. Look, it's heavy.


arms were the best looking arms I've ever had when I was in the throes of like infants and toddlers. And now I'm like, someone hand me a baby so that I can wear my arm.


Yes. Speaking of all these workouts type things. So we mentioned like the HIIT workouts. Now, another thing I see often is stress, and especially, I mean, stress is something we tend to think about the emotional stressors, or just like things going on within our life, like relationships, finances, kids, all these pieces, and we're like, oh yeah, I'm stressed out, and we've also, we've talked about this so many times about how we have normalized stress, But I think as far as like this episode thinking about the physical stressors that are straining your body So this could this could be over exercising Not getting enough recovery time for sleep Dehydration too much caffeine too much alcohol lacking nutrients And this is like a big thing with the htma testing We're doing a lot of and we can link that if you want to do an htma test You We should probably talk about those again at some point. We have a previous episode that we talked a little bit, but anyways, we should probably talk about those again. But yeah, like imbalanced macronutrients or the micronutrients with your vitamins and minerals, environmental stressors, like toxins around you I mean, like a sedentary lifestyle where if you're someone who does go to the gym for like an hour or two every night, but you're also sitting on your butt all day while working. Okay. You're still considered a sedentary person. So we don't have to want to have these prolonged periods of sitting other stresses on the body, digestive issues, ignoring food intolerances, ignoring different things going on with your gut being as normal to only poop twice a week. Hormonal imbalances like the thyroid dysfunction or adrenal fatigue. And then also blood sugar fluctuations. Everything is always coming back to that blood sugar balance.


Yeah, these are the ones that I like to really have people honing on because a lot of times when I'm talking stress management, most people aren't there. Most people aren't ready to really like get really intentional with like, being proactive about stress management. They feel overwhelmed. It's like, how am I, I'm always going to have kids and work and a relationship and how am I not going to be stressed? And so this is where I have them get really nitty gritty on like, okay, well, there's also other things that increase your stress. There's all those things that you listed, what in there feels controllable. Right. And this is where the whole, like, should I have coffee before food or not? Is it the biggest thing in the world? If you have coffee before food, maybe not right. Like it does raise your cortisol. Okay, your body adapts, but if you know, I'm really stressed all the time, why would you still continue to do something that's very easy to manipulate, right? Like if you have a lot of things going on and you can't control that, well, you can control having coffee before food, right? You can control over exercising, you can control excess alcohol. So like thinking about, okay. Maybe something crazy is going on at work in my relationship and that's overwhelming, but there's other ways that my body is being stressed that I can control. So let's work on all those small things. That's a hard one because it's, it doesn't feel as tangible, but I would say another thing too is like your phone first thing in the morning. That's something that I'm really getting clients to work on. It's like your cortisol is always already high. And then you're going to blast your face of blue light with all these notifications of the 1500 things you have to do that day. And suddenly your heart rate is up. Your stress is higher thinking, Oh my God, my to do list is a million years long. And you're just keeping that cortisol high and that stress high, don't look at your phone for the first 30 minutes in the morning. Don't look at it.




Unless you're me asking Bailey what we're recording that day. But to be fair, I had already been up for a while.


To be fair, I've been up since 5 a. m. So


Yeah, I've been up, yeah, I've been up for a while. But you know what I mean? And I feel like That's something I get really good feedback on. And then it feels a little more like I can do the hard things today. I can focus on a good breakfast. I can figure out my movement. Like when you're not just bombarded first thing in the morning with all this stuff that it feels like I have to do, it's much easier to focus on you, which I think is a huge reason why people aren't losing weight. So they don't focus on themselves because everything else is a priority.


and as you're listening to this, I also want to point out that you are so much more capable than you think you are.


Oh, yeah.


Especially, you mentioned the coffee part, and this is one thing, as soon as you mention it, we have like a shutdown mode.


Yeah. I used to be that person. I will totally be transparent. I was. I liked my routine.


it, but like if you're not willing to change something, you can't expect things to change. And if you're like, I can't do it. Yes, you can. You're more capable than what you think you are right now. And if you really want these different things, you, you just have to know that you have to know that you can do the hard things and it may seem hard right now. But a month later, it's probably not going to be as hard. not going to have to really think about, okay, I need to do my breakfast before I need to do my breakfast report. So once you get into that routine, then you're out of the other routines. So it's so much easier.


Yeah, 100%. We can do a whole other episode on that. Actually, we probably will with like the life health balance. That seems to be a popular one.




The other thing would be like, we'll go through these kind of quickly. Poor sleep. That's another one. I see so many people not wanting to change, thinking they can power through, thinking I run really well off four or five hours of sleep. No, you don't. You were, you run really well off cortisol, but that's not what we want. Especially as we're getting older, you can't just, you're not invincible forever. Okay. Poor sleep. We've talked about this in the past. We have a whole episode on it. Like what it does to your hormones, what it does to your hunger cues, what it does to your blood sugar balance, what it's doing to your recovery. The next one would be artificial sweeteners and trying to choose the better option. I think this is a slippery slope because when you keep having things that are super sweet, which artificial sweeteners are way more sweet than normal sugar, you're going to keep craving sweet things. Sure. It doesn't raise your blood sugar, but we do know that it can kind of change your gut microbiome, which affects a lot of things. And also some of them do increase insulin, which they might not be increasing blood sugar. They might be increasing insulin. And so some people think, well, that's not bad. This isn't that better. But if you're struggling with some insulin resistance, and then you're having more of an insulin response,




it might be like, not great. And also then you're usually typically doing a lot of packaged foods, which again, I'm just trying to get people to eat more whole foods. Like I can't tell you how many people are like, I don't eat fruit because it's high in sugar. And then they're getting all like their sugar free pumps and like their coffee. I'm like, please eat some berries. It's okay. Berries are okay.


they're, they're great, and I always, I always call these like the diet foods. Like, just step away from the diet foods for a minute, because the more, like, if we're adding artificial sweeteners, that tells you right now that this food is probably highly processed. So you don't have to get all the sugar free things. You don't need to get all the fat free things. You're probably better off just getting the OG version. I actually compared two salad dressings. They're the same exact flavors, same brand. One of them was sugar free and the other one, no, it wasn't sugar free. It was fat free. Fat free versus like the full fat original. The fat free one had more added sugars in it. Because they took the fat out. So now they needed more sugar to make it still taste good. The original, it had more fat, but it was like eight grams per serving. Totally fine. But it also had less added sugars. So. I would say go with the OG. We'll just do that.


you know, and you're going to be more fulfilled. And again, you know, a lot of times when you're choosing the diet foods too, you fall back into that under eating, lack of protein, increasing stress, you know, all of those things. The next one would be like hormonal balance imbalances. And we talked about this also in previous episodes about like all the different hormones that can come into play when you're, You know, losing weight or really just how your body is functioning, what all those hormones are. And this is another reason why I really hate the whole just focusing on calories in calories out. Yes. At the end of the day, you need to be in a slight calorie deficit for what your maintenance is. But if you're plugging it into a calculator and you think like that's Bible, like this is my calorie number. You have no idea. What your body is actually using and a lot of those hormones influence it. For example, if you have a little bit of insulin resistance, you're using nutrients differently. If you're having an underactive thyroid, you're using nutrients differently. If your blood sugar is out of whack, you're going to be storing more fat. Like there's just a lot that goes into it. So hormones are a big one. And then hitting a plateau. We had an episode about this too. Maybe you need to change things up a little bit. If you've been doing the same thing for the past couple months or a year, it's really tempting to stick with it because maybe you saw results in the beginning and it's like, no, this is how I do it. And your brain wants to stay safe and get your results, but it's okay to switch it up. Your body is changing. You're in a different season of life. Odds are you can't just have the same plan forever.


And I was just kind of like thinking about this as you were talking about it. I don't think I've really ever done the same thing for even a year. Like looking back to a year ago, things looked really different. And I think it's just because, and it's not something that I've like intentionally changed. It's just like the unintentional because I'm adjusting with life that happens. Like if I'm in a period of really high stress, there's just a lot of things going on. That's totally fine, but I'm not going to push it. As hard as I am, like, as I typically would in the gym, I'm going to be more focused on protecting my stress bubble. Maybe I pull back on the strength training and I do more gentle movement. I still get it in, but not four times a week now. So I think unintentionally I kind of changed up every few months, just with how my life is going. And so I think that is super helpful or sometimes you just need to change up. And I do that with clients that I've been working with for over a year. And they like they got the things down and then they're like, okay, I just feel kind of stuck now. Okay, cool We just need to change it up a little bit and that's totally fine. That's normal.


Yeah. Foundations are still the same, but what you're doing is different, you know, and same with nutrition, right? Like this is where it's hard. If you're again, I'm going to count calories or I'm going to count macros and I want to be the same all the time. Like maybe you're in a season of life where you're ordering a lot of takeout or you're traveling a lot and like you're having just naturally higher fat. I probably wouldn't aim for the certain amount of fat every day. If I'm relying on a lot of takeout, then I would, if I was making my own foods, like little tweaks like that. I think once you have those conversations with clients, it's like aha moments. You're like, Oh yeah, like, make sense. Okay. Let me change it up. And then you kind of know when I'm in this season, I do this. When I'm in this, I do this. And then It helps overall, instead of just trying to like bulldoze your way through life being like, I'm going to be the same every single day. You're not,


Yeah Last thing I think that really contributes to I eat really well, but i'm not losing weight Mindless, but I don't really want to say mindless more like unintentional type snacking Because I feel like mindless we often think about like we just don't care where You If you were this person, you typically care a lot about what you're putting in your body. Like I said, you're usually a person doing a lot of research on your own. And so it's more like that intentional snacking that we don't even realize it's having four cookies start the day. And we don't even recognize it because it's like, Oh, I was a little bit hungry after lunch. I'm going to eat a cookie while I'm still a little bit hungry. So I'm gonna eat another cookie and then it comes to dinner. And then after dinner, I'm like, okay, I'm pretty hungry. I'm going to go eat three more cookies. I'm just picking cookies because it's an easy thing, but things like that, if we're not creating these meals that are blood sugar balancing that are getting us enough nutrients, you're going to have these more cravings, and it's going to pop up in little places all throughout your day.


yeah, well, and this is where I think this is a common pitfall that people get into when it's like, okay, I'm trying to eat healthy. I'm trying to be mindful. I have my meals, but you know, I need a little snack and we are terrified to snack. And so what we do is like just a little bit, like I'm just going to have a little nibble or I'm just going to have this and. Instead, if you were just to have a satiating snack of at least two different types of nutrients or more, and then you eat it like a normal amount, you have a snack, you're satiated, and you'd be done. You wouldn't find yourself like taking another lap into the kitchen just to, you know, it's almost like for like, I'm a little bit hungry, but I want to be good. So I'm not going to have a full snack. And then you end up, I saw a reel on this like a long time ago where it's like, I didn't want a snack. So I had a little bit of this little, this little, and then it's like, and then I had a snack, you know, like that's what's happening. And if you've listened to any of our episodes on like your hunger hormones, we know that if you're not fulfilling. your, you know, hunger satiety enough, you're just going to keep feeling hungry. It's like those little tiny bits that you're giving it is actually making you a tiny bit more hungry and you're not ever shutting it down. And then that's where you have a lot of food noise. And that's where you're constantly just like, and you know, you just keep making those laps around the kitchen when it's like, if you're hungry, let's have a snack, portion it out, put it on a plate, make sure you have two nutrients, eat it, be done.


You're good to go. You're satisfied.


You're satisfied. You feel good. Yeah. Your body was hungry. Makes sense. Have a snack. Be done. Instead of the just, I'm being good. So I'm just nibbling, you know, or I see a lot of moms doing that, like nibbling off their kids plates and they're never really fully getting full. And it's like, have a meal or a snack. But that's the scary thing is like, but I want to lose weight. So why would I have a snack? Because you're going to have a snack plus more if you don't


Your body needs food. And so I hope, I hope these parts. I think we listed out nine different reasons. I guess ten if you count under and over eating. So we'll go with ten. We gave you ten reasons of why you could be like I'm eating healthy but I'm not losing weight or I'm like stuck with not being able to lose any more weight. So let us know if you did have any aha moments and you're like oh that might be it. Or if there's anything you need us to expand on, but kind of think about these things. Is this something that you're like, okay, this might be the issue. This might be what's going on. Get experimental with yourself, change it up, try these different things on and see what starts to help move the needle to actually check in with yourself. Make sure you're eating enough.


please, because again, your body is so good at adapting and you could just be spinning your wheels. And you don't want to be doing that. I tell clients all the time, the goal is to not. eat as little as possible. The goal is to get your body utilizing nutrients as best as possible.


Yeah, and that's what I've had to tell so many people right now, because they feel weird coming to see me when they're like, I am super conscious about what I eat. I am not overeating. I am eating this salad. Like, but, you might not be eating enough. And they're like, but I've always been told to be in this calorie deficit to lose weight. I'm like, I know. This sounds so backwards, but your body needs more fuel to live and then also to allow your metabolism to work.


Honestly, if I could take a snapshot of all the people's faces for that like little moment in time where I'm like, yeah, it seems like you have great habits. You're choosing great foods. You need to be eating a little bit more. If I could just take a snapshot of their face, like they're like, What the hell is she telling me right now?


Yes. If you're also thinking that, and you're like, I cannot eat anymore because I will gain weight, try it out. You probably do need more if you are questioning this, and feel free to ask us, like, kind of our thoughts. Obviously, we're not going to be able to give you a whole rundown within a DM, but we can give you some ideas to kind of get you started there. And this episode is not meant to be like, you're, you're failing, do better. It's meant to inform you. It's meant to let you know that. You already have all this information overwhelming you online. Let's break it down. Let's keep it simple. Focus on one of these parts of the time to check in with yourself. And that's it. And it's our job to give you this information, especially as you work with us one on one. It's our job to give you an outside perspective. It's our job to take all the information when you Google and get a billion things and simplify it and give it to you for what you need. That's why we are the dietitians.


Remind you that you probably don't need anything super fancy. You probably just need to be doing the unsexy basic things. And we're here to remind you that you're doing a good job. You're on the right track. Keep doing those things. Because you're going to be tempted to switch it up. And be like, I need to do this. You don't. Just trust the process.


Yes. Right, everyone. We hope you have a great rest of your week next week with another episode for you guys.


Alright. Bye.

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