Mocktail Minutes

Silencing Your Inner B*tch with Cindy

Mocktail Minutes Episode 70

This week we are joined by longtime Metabolism Makeover member Cindy Kemp! Cindy is a mindset enthusiast and your soon to be gal pal who aims to help women (just like you) get out of their own way, and more importantly out of their head, so that they can effortlessly achieve a life that feels good to them. She is a down to earth, no BS hype girl that can help you rebrand who you want to be and how you want to feel.

You can find Cindy on Instagram you can also purchase her "Silence Your Inner B*tch" and "Rebrand Yourself" workbooks here

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams  or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Ultima -
Jigsaw -

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.


All right. Hello everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.


And this is Brianna,


This week I am drinking, I don't think I've done this one yet, but it's the Pink Lemonade Ultima and it tastes like the, I think it's called Country Time Lemonade. That's in like those, it tastes like that. So it's like the summer electrolyte drink. That's what we're having.


I'm doing I have like nothing in my house right now, so I just did coconut water with orange juice and salt and trace mineral drops, the OG, just at home one today.


Perfect. And we do have a guest on the podcast today. We have Cindy. Cindy, do you want to introduce yourself and share your mocktail?


Sure. I'm Cindy. I'm doing just jigsaw electrolytes. This is like my go to probably have like two a day.


Well, we're talking about silencing your inner bitch, and it's inspired by a training that Cindy actually did with M3, which is the continuation program from Metabolism Makeover. So do you want to just jump in by sharing kind of your story, your experience with Metabolism Makeover, and how you kind of got to this point? Because you've been a part of Metabolism Makeover for like two, three years?


yeah, almost three years. Yeah. So basically just introduce myself. I'm Cindy. Like I said, I've been an M3 for four years. I think the end of this year will be three years. And what really brought me here initially was I was trying to lose baby weight. So I had come from a history of like real bad, like binge restrict cycles. So I had done like Weight Watchers a million times. I had done Noom a ton. I basically had. Done like my fitness pal. I just went back and forth and every time I lost weight I would gain back even more and then I got pregnant and I you know, you can't really restrict when you're pregnant So in my first pregnancy, I gained about 50 pounds And then I'm like, alright, I'll lose the weight when I have the baby and I had the baby and I did not lose the weight So when I was ready to start focusing on losing weight, I started calorie restricting Again, but this time I gained weight immediately and I ended up in a situation where like, I didn't recognize myself. I didn't recognize my body. I was a new mom. It was during COVID. I, I was just a mess. And one day I just had enough. I was probably about like six to eight months postpartum and I was like, restricting isn't working. It's making me feel like, Terrible and I'm not doing this anymore and I didn't know what I was gonna do But I knew I wasn't gonna do that anymore. So around the same time I found Megan on Instagram and she Posted something like toddler should be eating 1200 calories a day. And for me, I was like, oh, okay Because that's what I was doing because Noom told me to do that. So then i'm like, all right this girl's saying I could eat more than that. So like i'm interested So I just started binging her content learning about protein healthy fat fiber at all my meals And so I started doing that and pretty quickly I just lost 10 pounds. It's like the more I started feeding myself and just allowing myself to eat, I started losing weight and it wasn't difficult. And I wasn't even exercising yet. So I was like, okay, I can get down with this. So once I started doing that, I started feeling Like a lot more at peace around food. I was, it was like somebody had finally given me permission to eat the foods that I enjoyed. And I did enjoy eating like healthy food. I wasn't just eating like crap all the time. It was just, I wasn't I wasn't like setting my plates up in a way that would like make me feel good basically all day. So now looking back, I realize essentially what I was doing was balancing my blood sugar during the day. So once I started doing that consistently, like I just felt so much better mental, mentally, physically. I officially joined Metabolism Makeover a few months after that. And my results have just continued since then. I. The deeper I get into this community, lifestyle, whatever, like the more layers I've added over the years. So like at first it was just like, right, how am I gonna set up my plate so that I feel good? And then from there it's like, all right, well, how am I gonna exercise in a way that works? As a new mom, I can't work out every day. When am I gonna fit it in? If I am gonna spend the time exercising, I want it to be effective, what should I do? So I started strength training. And then, you know, then I started adding minerals and like little by little I started adding more layers and now I've created this life for myself that feels like effortless and I feel amazing. And Along the path. I also completely changed like my mindset, how I was speaking to myself, because basically what I was doing wasn't working. And I feel like a lot of people have been there, right? Like you gain weight. It seems to happen suddenly. And then you're like, I hate myself. This sucks. I can't get out of this. And the thing is like, without mindset, you're never going to get out of it. So I, I did a few things along the way that kind of like. When you use the term like freed me, like, I just completely changed how I was speaking to myself. And I realized that things I was doing, they're pretty simple and other people can can do these things too. So. I kind of, everything that I have done over the last few years to kind of like elevate my mindset, I put into two different workbooks. One is called Silence Your Inner Bitch. That's kind of like a cheat sheet for if you can't get out of your own way and you just need to like, just stop, that's where you start. You know, it's just like a bunch of little tangible things you can do to kind of start getting out of your own way. And the other workbook is called rebrand yourself. And the reason I created that was because I actually used to work in marketing and I would help clients rebrand and then I had realized that if I could help a client rebrand, I could definitely rebrand myself. So that's just kind of like a fun journal exercise, but anyway, over the last, three years now I've completely changed my life and the reason I'm so passionate about this kind of stuff is because If I'm struggling, or if I was struggling, other people must be struggling, you know, and I just felt like I don't know, I just felt like called to help other people, so that's kind of how I ended up here. Yeah, so, yeah,


too, I like your perspective on it because I feel like a lot of times when people talk about like mindset or doing all this, people are like, Oh, it's woo woo. And I understand, like, sometimes it feels like you're BS ing yourself. And I think you do a really good job at being like, No, like, I don't know, training your brain to be like, okay, this is it like you're acknowledging I'm talking to myself like shit. You're acknowledging like this, like surface level mindset isn't working. And then you're also acknowledging I'm going to butcher this, but it's the whole like body acceptance thing, how it's like, you could still like accept your body, but want to change your body, but it's neither like, what do you, it's like neutral. Can you explain that? Because I'm butchering it.


basically, like, I, I've gone through like so many different versions and perspectives about how I view like body acceptance, my own body for a while. For me personally, I couldn't want to change and accept my body. It's like I had to do one first before the other. So for a while I just had to stop worrying about weight loss. I just had to start. Worrying about how this is like this is what my body is doing today, and I'm gonna give her permission to be what it is And I might the first thing I had to do is just accept that and I did that for a long time but what I realized A few years in was that in accepting myself, I actually stopped believing that I could change. So, then I gave myself permission to like, alright, I want to be really strong, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna train a little bit harder. And I ended up realizing like, okay, well, I accept my body now, but I also want to change it, but that's okay. But I didn't for a while. I didn't believe that I could have both. And now I do, but I think I had to go through one to get to the other, like, first had to do radical acceptance. I just had to accept my situation and be at peace with it. And I was at peace with it for such a long time. And then it was like, I hit a point probably. Six to eight months after having my second baby where I was like, all right, I'm ready Like I I can do more but it wasn't from a place of like I need to change right now I hate my body. It was kind of from a place of curiosity Like I wonder what my body could do like, you know I'm like doing squats with like 15 pound dumbbells like but I know that my legs are strong Like I wonder how heavy I could lift so I got a barbell, you know so but it came from a place of curiosity versus a place of like You Thinking I had to change my body.


And I think it, I would say like the last six months or so, or like six months ago, you kind of had a really big transformation almost, or it's something that I kind of noticed just with following you on Instagram, where it's. All of a sudden, one day you, like you said, you were just like, all right, I'm ready. So can you kind of explain how you got to like that aha moment or what it felt like? And does that make sense?


Yeah. Yeah. So I the first thing like so Since joining metabolism makeover. I did get pregnant again and had a second baby So I had to like for a good chunk of time Just give myself space to do that So I think part of being ready just realized like I was like Out of that baby phase and i'm like, all right, i'm ready to focus on me again. So that was part of it but The other part of it was, like, just realizing that if I'm saying that I want certain things, then I am the only one responsible for achieving that. It's not like, like, I just had to put every single excuse I had aside. It's like, I had this realization, like, I want to be the most fit version of myself. You know, I'm in my mid 30s. I will soon, I'll be 36 in October, then I'm teetering into like late 30s, you know what I mean? I'm like, I just like, if I'm gonna do it, it's gotta be now. And I care so much about setting a good example for my kids and just like my life being easier, like, just like, you know, with kids, you're up and down and up and down. And I, like, I just wanted I just wanted to be strong. Really. That's what it was. And, and no one else was going to do that for me. So, for me, it just turned into like. Well, do you want this or do you do not want it? And it comes with a little bit of discipline, right? Like I could share it this morning. I'm like all hyped up. I'm going to work out in the morning. Then I have a babysitter coming and my husband was like, no, I have the doctor this morning, completely forgot. I didn't skip the workout. I did the workout anyway. It wasn't my best, but I did as much as I could. But like, maybe a past version of me would have been like, it's not going to happen today. So I think overall it's just, it comes down to like. Well, do you want it or do you not want it? And it's okay if you don't, but like for me, I do. So I'm just going to act accordingly,


And I think sometimes we have to give ourself a good talk and be like, are we just saying we wanted, or do we actually want to put in the work to get there? Because. We, I think we did talk about this before in another episode where we're like, we can say we want to be millionaires all the time, but if we're sitting watching Netflix all day, like that's not going to happen because we can say we want all these things, but you have to, like I said, be willing to put in the work. And you kind of mentioned it feeling effortlessly now. How did you get from the point, because I feel like a lot of people, when we start on a weight loss journey or just like a health journey in general, it's super overwhelming. It's like, I have this new, I have to focus on my sleep. I have to focus on my eating. What's for breakfast. What's for lunch. How many of this protein and like all these things we had overwhelmed and we shut down, but you've kind of gone through it and now you're like, this is effortless. This is easy. What got you into that mindset?


just focusing on what feels good. Like above all, I need to feel good. And I think this wasn't my priority when I was younger because I didn't have kids. I didn't have other people depending on me. I would like roll out of bed. I worked from home in marketing. So I'd roll out of bed, go to work. Like it didn't, the stakes weren't as high. I feel like. When you have people, like, depending on you, you have to feel good. Like, you cannot be a mom and not feel good. So, that drives every decision that I make. Like, I'm a person that loves Taco Bell, but I'm not gonna hit the drive thru every single night because that would make me feel like shit. So like, it's not like I can't have that, it's that that doesn't make me feel good. You know, so like, everything I do is driven by how is this gonna make me feel. Because I want to feel good. And it's not, that's not from like a restriction place. That's not from a place of like hating my body. It's just, I know it feels good. And what doesn't, and I don't always get it right. Like last night at dinner we had like tacos and I had like, just a little bit too much, but I recognized after, like, I don't feel good right now. It wasn't like, Oh my God, I hate myself. I overate. I was like, wow, that doesn't feel good. So I feel like if you just shift it, like. Does this feel good or does it not feel good? It becomes effortless. It's like, I know what to do and I know what not to do. And sometimes I make decisions that aren't in alignment with my goals. And I do my best to like, make that fit and feel good. My, my husband and I, we joke, we have this Italian ice place two times a week because we would go every single day. But we did, we both have like health goals in mind and physique goals in mind. So like we do Wednesdays and Sundays and that feels good. That makes like our favorite things fit in without making us physically like, feel like shit. So yeah, just above anything, just feeling good. Cause like, that's like, why would you want to feel like shit?




know, that's what makes it effortless. Like if you don't, if you just. Focus on that. It's like a no brainer, you know what I mean? Like, lifting weights gives me energy. I work out first thing in the morning. Why would I not want to set up my day that way, you know?


and also coming from a place of you're not punishing your body. Like you're not punishing your body because like you have to eat this vegetable because you have to lose this weight. You have to work out because you ate too much cake. Like you're coming from it from a totally different mindset and that's what makes all the difference. And that's what that mindset piece is. It's not necessarily about like sitting there meditating all the time. It's looking at it from a different perspective too. Silence.


and they essentially hate themselves and one of the first things I tell them is like If hating yourself is what got you to your goals, you would have been there a long time ago. Like this isn't working. And so when you kind of take a step back and you start doing things that are like, okay, I want to do things that make me feel good. It's a completely different mindset because like you said, nobody wants to feel like shit, but you do feel like shit when you're restricting, when you're overexercising, when you're just like constantly in your head being mean to yourself, like that also doesn't help you really get anywhere. But I think that's the part I think that's where people really struggle with, like, instead of being like, what can I do to support my body? Cause that seems scary. That seems scary to be like, Oh, I'm going to eat more food. But you know, the things that are needed for sustainable weight loss are all things that actually do make you feel good. But I think people are just terrified to allow themselves to try it.


well, because they don't know what to do. The other thing, and I see this every now and then, I don't want to use the word a lot but I, you know, I run an accountability group. I have like over 40 women in my group. I'm a part of a separate one from when I first joined, and, you know, I've met a lot of people in the community Throughout the years and I've seen I've seen such transformations and other people's mindsets But I do see a lot of the time from newer people It's like girl like you're not a victim here Like I feel like a lot of people just think that like they're in this body. They don't like their genetics. Fuck them They have no choice like And it's like, you're, you do, like, I'm not going to discount the fact that it's hard and some people have, like, everyone's situation and journey through this is different, but like, every single person is capable of feeling good. You're just capable, every single person is capable of making a decision that feels good multiple times throughout the day. If your breakfast suck, like, you can still have a good lunch. If your lunch gets, like, you know, you barely get to eat, you could barely Reframe things at dinner. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like a lot of people allow themselves to, to believe that they can't change. And that is where you get stuck. And I've been there too. Like I was saying this earlier, like I practice such body acceptance that, and that I love and respect myself no matter what. And I needed to get to that place. But also in accepting my body, I allowed myself to not challenge myself. So like. That like body acceptance is so important, but you have to believe that you can change. And that's actually something that came out of a conversation I had with Seneca. I didn't even realize I had these feelings. And then I said to her something about losing like my last 20 pounds of baby weight. And I was like, I don't even think I can. And she was like, why? And I'm like, well, I don't, I don't think my body will do that anymore. She's like, but have you tried, like, have you tried lifting heavier? And I'm like, No, no, like, again, I caught myself believing that I couldn't do something. So I'm just in this phase where like, I'm done with that. Like my goal by the end of the year, I want to be able to squat 100 pounds. I don't know why I'm up to like 65 70 pounds. There's no reason for this goal other than like, it popped into my head and I want to do it. But again, I believe that I can.


Yeah. And you mentioned in your training with M3, kind of not thinking about all these things that's so transactional. And I liked how you put it in that way because sometimes it can be like, Oh, I worked out this week twice, but where's my butt? Like, we can't just be like input, output if it's not there. All right. It didn't work. So


doing it for the right reasons, you know, that just, yeah,


What would be your advice to kind of stay consistent and not, and get away from that transactional approach.


just like take it like one moment at a time throughout the day, like ask yourself what you need right now. Also, something that has worked for me since January that I've been doing it's like taking a beat to, to just ask yourself what you need. Like, cause like, you know, once you like do this long enough, you know what 30 grams of protein looks like. On your plate, right? But you might not be hungry for that and you have to like be okay with that too. Like, you know what I mean? So like take it like one moment at a time check in and ask yourself what you need Sometimes what you need is like a glass of water or some electrolytes Sometimes what you need is like a walk around the block like I feel like especially as women you get in these cycles of like running from task to task and Did you ask yourself how you're feeling? Like, did you check in? Like, you, so I feel like we, our bodies are telling us more than, than we're giving them credit for. And so I would say, just take it one moment at a time. Like, are you hungry? Are you not hungry? Are you hungry for this amount or this amount? And it's allowed to be different. That was something too for me. It was like. I'm allowed to be more hungry at some times and less hungry at other times, and I'm allowed to also trust that I'm capable of figuring it out. And if at the end of the day I'm still hungry, I'll eat. You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't have to be so It seems so, like, dumb. You know what I mean? It's like, it seems so, like, like, you're hungry, you just eat. You're not hungry, you stop eating. But, I don't know. But one moment at a time,


I think you're able to really start doing that when you are supporting yourself and you are saying, okay, Hey, what do I need? And you're not so worried about like, am I doing all the right things? Am I not doing all the wrong things? Like you're able to be like, Oh, this seems like no duh, but it, people aren't, you're not taught to trust yourself at


well, the rules, the rules are what like mess you up every time. Because when you're trying to like go by certain guidelines, like you're not listening to yourself. I think that's a trap. A lot of people, myself included in the early days might get into first starting mm is like, these are some guidelines that that are made to help you feel good because a lot of people aren't eating enough. But like. You're allowed to like not be hungry for something or be more hungry. Like you're like there's flexibility and I feel like when you're coming from a history of dieting it's so tempting to make everything Megan says Bible and like whereas it's like Yes, these are the guidelines and also listen to yourself You know what I mean? And I feel like that's for like newcomers. That's where a lot of people might get tripped up It's like well, she said I had to do 30 to 40 grams and it's like I only had 20 So I failed at breakfast. It's like were you hungry? Did, did you make it to lunch? If you did, then you didn't do anything wrong.


hmm. Bailey, maybe I'm sure you, I'm sure you've like ran into this, but sometimes I feel like a big part of my coaching is telling people like you, cause people are wanting the, am I doing it right? I need to know I'm doing it right. Am I doing it right? And they want the, tell me exactly how to be doing things. So I know I'm doing it right. And a lot of it is me coaching them, like. Okay, let's tune into things because your body is telling you if you're doing it right, like it's not, is it perfect on paper because it has nothing to do with you and it's, it's a lot of like, okay, we're giving you these guidelines, we're helping you with these implementations, but really the ultimate right thing to do is going to, you need to tune into that,


I always ask, I'm like, okay, well, what makes you feel like you're doing it wrong? And I'm like, well, I feel super good, like, I have more energy, I'm getting good sleep. I'm like, so it sounds like you're doing it right, type of thing.


keep doing your thing.


And even if, like you said, we give the guidelines, even if you're not to those guidelines yet, that's okay. If you've been under eating for a long time, it's going to take you time to get up to what your body probably needs. I don't want you eating to the point where you're getting sick. And that's where, yeah, we do need to do check ins with ourselves. Even me as a dietician, I check in with myself because our lives are always changing. I'm five weeks postpartum now. So even with that, I've, I'm still making adjustments. And for the first two weeks, there was several days where like, I didn't eat until two o'clock, which is something that I would yell at my clients for, but I had to do a check in with myself. I'm like, of course, you're feeling extra tired and extra worn out. You're not eating. And you're also trying to feed a baby like duh. And I had to get called out from Josh for him from my mom. Like, what would you tell your client? I'm like, I'd be like, why the heck aren't you eating? That's why you don't feel good. So we all need little check ins with ourselves too, just to see, okay, what is actually going on here? And sometimes, yeah, we might need a glass of water or just step outside in the


some fresh air. Well, and I think, and people don't like hearing this because it scares them, but. Your needs change and what might have worked for you in a certain season of life as your body changes and everything changes, it might be different. And until you get comfortable with being like, okay, I'm going to check in with what I actually need and I'm going to fall in line accordingly. That seems like terrifying, to be honest.


Funny you say that. Cause I listened to a podcast. I wish I could remember where it was, but the girl was like, you need to eat for the season you're in. And that's kind of like, It's so true. Like, you're gonna eat more when you're pregnant, and then postpartum, and like There is an adjustment period for me, especially like I realized it was probably about like eight to ten months postpartum with my second where I was like, I might be overeating right now. Like I might like I don't think I need because I had stopped breastfeeding but you got in these like habits of like this is when I eat and then. I dropped my, like, after dinner snack, and I was like, wow, I'm not actually hungry. Like, it, it was like, no, I was like, wow, I guess I, I was in a habit of doing this, but I don't need it. And so it was, you just give yourself permission to, like, change based on your situation.




The other thing this woman said was, are you eating for are you eating for your age? Like, are you eating, for example, for your 35 year old version of yourself? Or are you trying to eat for, like, your 20 something? Version of yourself. Like, are you taking into consideration everything that you do right now in your current life and are you supporting that versus like, well, this worked 10 years ago, you know,


And the fact is like, you can get away with more things when you're in your twenties versus like when you're in your forties or fifties, like that's just part of life. Don't shoot the messenger. It's just how it is. But even if you're in your twenties, I mean, my sister, she's 21 and I've helped her adjust her eating as an athlete. She's like, I feel so much better and I can run through my whole entire soccer game and I don't feel like I'm passing out. Imagine what changing your food up and not eating a large pizza before a game does for you.


Even though you could get away with it, I always think about that. I'm like, man, if I would have just eaten appropriately when I was, you know, In my early twenties doing sports. What a difference.


Yeah, I remember for lunch in high school, I would eat two cookies and like a Bosco stick, and that was my lunch. No wonder I was so tired.


it's like, why are you tired after school or like soccer practice is so hard.




Well, it's funny, my whole life, like, even with my friends, my catchphrase was like, I'm so tired. Like, I was always the tired one, I'm like, well, I'm the one that's like, seriously restricting my food. I'm like,


I'm doing this to


not that person anymore. Yeah, but it's like, you know, when you're like, no, it can't possibly be that I've only had 1200 calories today.




It must be something else. I must be broken.


This was a good conversation. Thank you so much for joining us. Kind of speaking of that, do you want to just end it with what has been the best things that have happened to you since joining Metabolism Makeover? Like what has changed about your life?


Okay, so I'm just going to say the mind and a lot of people don't want to hear this, but the mindset stuff has to come first. It just has to you can, like, you just can't look in the mirror and hate yourself and think that that's going to drive you to change. One thing that I've said in a bunch of my trainings that I've done is the one phrase that changed my life was. We don't talk like this anymore at the time. I didn't realize it was like a mantra or whatever But basically what I was doing was every single time A negative thought popped up in my head about myself. I would say no, we don't talk like that anymore I would I just wouldn't entertain it. I was just done And the more I did that the less these negative thoughts came up so for anyone getting started my recommendation is borrow that mantra drop it anytime you're about to like shame yourself just say that and end it because Once you stop, like, hating on yourself, you give yourself so much more freedom to, like, explore what you actually want. I will say, so I, I told you in the beginning, the workbook that I made called Silence Your Inner Bitch, it's All strategies like that. So to answer your question, like, literally everything that I did for myself, I put in that workbook because I figured if it helps me, it could help somebody else. The other thing I would say is, like, we didn't quite talk about this, but you can rebrand yourself at any time. And it's really fun. When I used to work with brands as clients when I was in marketing, basically I would get a new client and when they were onboarding me so that I could take over their like social channels, they would tell me like what their brand voice was and what their What their brand guidelines are like you would embody the brand as like a person like this is how the Brand speaks. This is like everything that kind of describes Our lifestyle and so you could do that for yourself. You could just like make a list. Of things that are on brand for you and stick to them you can also make a list of things that are off brand for you and stick to them I do have a workbook called Rebrand yourself that explains how to do that. But it's a really fun exercise You don't even need to purchase it Just like write a list of what's on brand and write a list of what's off brand Stick to it for a week and just like watch your life change. I just I wish more people Realize that like it takes a little bit of intention, but it's it's completely possible to change your mindset and you're not gonna lose weight unless you do that's like Kind of use the don't shoot the messenger thing. Like if you hate yourself, you're not gonna lose weight Or maybe you will, but you're not going to keep it off.


Or be happy while you're doing


Yeah, I mean, let's be real, like, I don't know, does talking to yourself like an asshole feel good? Like, does it? It doesn't. It feels like terrible.


Right. It does.


Also, the last thing I'll say is don't use your journal as a burn book. Like, you don't sit down to journal and then talk about all, like, the shit you hate about yourself. Because I used to do that, and like, why? You're just, like, reinforcing the bullshit, so.


I like


That's a good point. I don't use it as a burn book. I like that.


mean it, when I look back at my old journals a lot, it's like, I don't know why I'm keeping these, it's like horrifying, but I do want like some memories in there, but like, like some of the stuff I used to say about myself is A, untrue, and just mean, so.


And then you're still putting it out there.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like how are you expecting to change, you're just reinforcing the same loops over and over again.


think that's important to realize, like you can get out of those loops, but it does take some intention. It's not going to be just because I want to feel different. It's going to be automatic. Like we have to rewire the way that we're thinking. And that helps. Us do different actions. And then yeah, is it on brand for me? Like that's something I've been doing lately. Like this isn't on brand. I'm not someone that does this. I'm just not.


And it can become like a really fun exercise, I like to do it when the seasons change, like I do it for summer yeah. I do it for like, cause when the seasons change, they usually, it's usually like when my schedule changes. So like the version of me that I need to be for myself or my family, whatever, what's on brand, what's off brand. So like, it's something that you can constantly tweak, you know, what works at one time might not work at another time. I think that's the other thing is like, you need to give yourself permission to evolve, like frequently based on like, you're not only like, I don't know your habits, but your perspectives, everything. You just gotta, like. It doesn't have to be so hard, you know?


I like it. I like how you've been sharing it on Instagram. Like, you're like, this is not on brand for me.




I can give you a whole list of what wasn't on brand for me today, but, I, But that's the thing, it's never perfect, right? Like, it's That's the other thing, like, stop expecting perfection with any of this. Like, I won't get into my morning, but like, it's not always perfect, but like, the rebound is what's important. Like, how do you When everything falls apart, like, how long does it take you to, to rebrand to rebound?


Yeah. Now, if you guys don't follow Cindy on Instagram, you should, I'll put, we'll put your handle in the show notes. But I like, cause you'll be walking through like real life things like, Hey, this is what happened today. This is how we're reframing. This is how we're, you know, I could have done this. I wanted to do this, but


I used to do that.


yeah. And it's, I think it's helpful for people to see like, Oh, okay. And then it's like, maybe I'll try it then.


Well, cause you have more control than you think, right? Like, you, you create your entire life in your mind. You know what I mean? Like, how you perceive things, it, like, dictates your reality. So I wish more people like understood that,, we all have people in our lives that are like constantly the victim, right? And it's like, do you, do you like that? Does it feel good? Or do you want to maybe like just change how you're thinking about this a little bit? So that like your life is a little bit more tolerable. I could talk about that for hours.


some people aren't ready. Some people like it. And for those. Just doesn't apply to you.


Yes. Well, thank you again for coming on and joining us today. And we will talk to everyone next week. Hope you have a great rest of your day and we'll see you soon.


Sounds good. See ya.





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