Mocktail Minutes

Summer Weight Loss Series: Part 2

Mocktail Minutes Episode 64

It's part 2 of our summer weight loss series!
In this episode we are giving you some important action steps and teaching you how to strategically apply them. This is important because you have to have a plan for putting your goals into action.

If you didn't listen to last week's episode make sure to do that before listening to this!

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Rayvi -
Just Ingredients -

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.


All right. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minute. This is Bailey. And this

is Brianna.


So we're actually, this is our part two to last week's episode. And we're going to give you very specific action steps that you can take after your head is on straight, a little straighter. We're at some clarity. So if you still have not done what we talked about in last week's episode, stop listening. Go back before you do these things and you will be more successful at the things once your head is straighter.

Yeah. Yeah. That's a prereq. You have to watch it.


Let's do it. Watch it. Whatever you're doing to this, to these episodes. So we'll dive in. We're going to list out a bunch of different things that you can do. We don't want you to do every single thing where you're about to do it. We want you to pick like two to three things. Start there, become the expert in that, and then add on. And that's it. And that's how you create these habits. Do not, I repeat again, do not try and do every single thing. We're talking about,

no, do not. Because again, we talked about it in episode one. That's how you get burnt out and then you stop and you don't do any of it. So before starting these, or as you start these, I do recommend a habit tracker or something to help keep you accountable so that you know, how often am I actually doing my action steps? Am I ready to add to this list? Because I think, you know, once you've been doing these for a while, you can add some more, but not if you haven't mastered these things. So I get a lot of push back for the habit tracker of people being like, I don't want to do it, but how are you going to know? So get a habit tracker, put it on your planner, put it in your phone. I don't care how you do it, but keep track of how much you're actually doing, whatever that you pick from this list.


And it can honestly be as simple as getting a blank calendar and take your two, three things you're going to do, get a different color highlighter for each thing. Each day that you do the thing, just put like a line on that day and then see, see your colors for the, for the month, I would say, yeah. I mean, give it like a month before you add something on, unless you're like. Feeling super confident, but give it a month to really solidify, because we don't want you to be like, Oh, I've been doing this for three days. Add something new, add something new, add something new. That's where burnout happens.

No, it is better to be. And I talk about this a lot in my consistency goals. It is better to be 100 percent rock solid at two to three things rather than 40, 50 percent at eight to 10 things. Okay. It's just. You're not getting as much bang for your buck as you think you are. So, and I don't care if you have five pounds to lose, if you have 50 pounds to lose, this goes for everybody. Mastering these things and being consistent is what's going to get you to see changes. With that being said, I like to start with breakfast, get a solid breakfast in. This is a great habit, especially if you're not a breakfast eater. Um, if you've done metabolism makeover, if you've heard ours before, you know, maybe you need to break this down even more and focus on protein. Whatever that it looks like, get a solid breakfast in number one. That's just going to set you up for the day. Um, number two, maybe get a 20 minute power walk each day and intentional walk added to your day. Again, if that sounds insane, maybe you do it a couple of days a week or because I really like to encourage daily movement, maybe aim for 10. Maybe you're someone who doesn't move at all. Okay. Aim for five. I'm walking to the mailbox every day. That's what I'm doing. I'm getting in some sort of intentional movement. I'm creating a habit, but really, if you could do a 20 minute power walk, excellent. Um, number three, we kind of talked about this in episode one, but wake up and go to bed at the same time. That can be very helpful just for a lot of things for your energy, for your hunger and fullness cues for blood sugar management, that could be helpful.


Mm hmm. Nice saying. I would say, add in something fun. Stop running around like a chicken with your head cut off and just feeling chaos all the time. Like, actually enjoy yourself, have some fun, get some play time in, whether it's with your kids or you just go do something by yourself or call up some friends and go do something a little different. Mm

Yeah, and this could be reading a book, like play looks different, do something daily.


I saw the other day on Facebook, it was like, they were painting pots for like flowerpots. I was like, Oh, that'd be kind of fun, like have a girls night and paint some pots.

Yeah, I don't know about you, but we get so busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. And we feel like we need to be very productive. And so it can be like, why would I do that? Like, I need to be doing some of my time, but like, and this is how I know I'm getting old, but like, sit down and play a board game or like do a puzzle or like sit down and do like paint pots outside, like doing stuff like that is actually so therapeutic. And it kind of just makes you chill out for a minute and be like, Okay, like I'm allowed to do enjoyable things. I don't have to be productive all the time.


Yes, I can definitely relate to that because there's sometimes they're like, I don't have time to go play. I have to work type of thing where you need to make time to go play, go do something with your people. And you'll notice the benefits from it. So add something fun in strength training two times a week. That's the next thing. Two to four times is a good spot to be in. But if you're doing nine right now, start, I mean, you could even start at one, but start like one to two. See how that feels. Or if summer is busier and you're used to doing four and you're like, okay, it's already fallen off. I'm doing zero now. Cut it down to two. And that's still going to be helpful. Do like an upper and lower day.

Yeah. And this is where it comes to, again, episode one. What what's your routine going to be? What are you willing to sacrifice? What's realistic? What am I actually going to be able to do?


And then, especially with summertime, hydration with water, but also minerals. So, I mean, summertime, you're probably outside more, you're going to be sweating more, you're going to be releasing more sodium, potassium. And it's going to be extra important to hydrate, and extra important to get those minerals and electrolytes in. General, half your body weight in ounces of water, play around with the electrolytes. See what makes you feel good. You could even make some like electrolyte popsicles as like something like a sweeter type thing on those hot summer days that are going to give you your body some benefits too.

Hmm. Um, the next thing would be meal prep, especially if you are busy, this is even more reason to do it. If you know. Evenings are crazy. We like to go. We like to go do a bunch of stuff. We don't always have a plan. Plan ahead and I would say pick your hardest meal and meal prep for that meal.


You could even meal prep by just buying like a veggie tray. I do that all the time. That's my meal prep. The ones at Costco and Sam's are actually really good. Sometimes when you get them from like Walmart, they go bad within like two days and they're kind of dry. I've had really good luck with the one, the last one we got, I think from Sam's and it was like good veggies that didn't crap out on you. Yeah.

And that's great. Cause you can just pull out of the fridge, add it to stuff. Perfect. Which also helps the next one, adding in fruits and vegetables. This is a great plan. You know, summer is a time where I feel like we just eat more color. We're just, we're eating more fresh foods. So have that be one of your action steps. I'm eating X amount of foods every day, or, you know,


decide how you're going to add it into, like, get specific with it. Like I'm going to eat a fruit at breakfast. I'm going to eat a One to two cups of veggies on lunch and dinner, or my snacks are going to include vegetables, whatever it is, start with something and be specific about it rather than just saying, Oh, I'm gonna like, maybe you have to like, put veggies on the list. Like, if you're not buying vegetables right now from the grocery store, right there, like I'm going to buy vegetables. You gotta buy them in order to eat them. Try them out in different ways. Don't be an automatic veggie eater.

Yeah, don't because I guarantee you, you like veggies and some, some sort of edgy in some sort of way you do.


But you've been told they were gross and healthy. Tastes bad. Don't roast them carrots. They're so good.. Add

stuff to it. You know, I'm telling you like get creative.



Because that's something you're someone who eats vegetables. So figure out a way to eat it.


Yeah. Another really good thing for summer, especially sleep. So if you're at a routine, you're like summer, it's longer days. We end up staying up later. The kids aren't on a routine, so they stay up later, get that routine. And part of that routine is going to be get your sleep in seven to nine hours of quality sleep. Whatever you have to do there, like, whether it's decreasing screen time, creating a nighttime routine, turning lights down, doing something calming, like an hour, 30 minutes before bed.

Meditation. I'm doing breath work. I'm, you know, I'm reading instead of TV before bed.


Getting up the same time

every morning


is also going to help you go to bed at night too. It all plays in. It's the circle of your metabolism.

Next thing I would say, like, because we've said quite a bit, and I would say, like, a lot of these probably need to be broken down more so I had said, you know about the like get breakfast like, Maybe you're aiming for 30 grams of protein or 30 grams of protein at each meal. And that's just your action step. Maybe it's too stressful to think about the other components. Okay. Start there.


I will say too, as you're trying to pick out where to start, Honestly, I would pick what sounds like things that are most challenging for you right now. If you're not even eating breakfast at this point, like start with including one part of a solid breakfast, start with just getting in some type of protein in an hour within waking. So get really specific about it and base it on where you're at right now. And like we said, add onto it as you feel good about it.

Hmm. Yeah. And I would say again, this is where your habit tracker comes in. How many times am I actually getting in breakfast? And it doesn't need to be pretty at first. It doesn't need to be like, oh, I'm going to have a beautiful. It could just be like, okay, am I eating breakfast? And then maybe month two, you're going to, all right, I'm going to get intentional with my protein. So again, you're only picking two to three, get really specific with it. And then, yeah, like Bailey said. I really do like to pick what you're most struggling with because that just decreases stress around the whole thing. It makes a really big impact and then you feel you can do it, you know?


So yeah, you can get that win, feel some confidence within yourself and give yourself reassurance.

Yeah, I would say this is and I, we didn't put it on our list, but I would say this is a good one. What do you mean to decrease? Right. Like for some people it is decreasing your social media time, or maybe decreasing the amount of accounts that you follow because they are confusing or decreasing alcohol or decreasing. Again, it's hard in summer, right? But this is where I really encourage clients to like, if you know, you're going to be eating outside the house more for a lot more fun things, decrease the amount of time. That you're not so maybe like something on your action set would be like, I want to make X amount of my meals a week at home. That's a goal, which is going to help you kind of rely less on, you know, DoorDash or going out to eat or, you know, whatever it is. So what do you need to think


yeah, even like. Setting some boundaries, another one, I mean, giving yourself some quiet time, especially if, like, you're home with your kids all day, give yourself a time period where you can just have quiet time, quiet time, not being like scrolling your phone, but like, literally, if you need to just sit down. Sit there, like sit outside, enjoy the sounds of nature. Like just, just be, just be for a second.

Wow. It sounds crazy, but, and it's so helpful, especially if you do have a lot going on. I have told people like take a yoga mat outside and just lay on it. And just look up at the sky. They think I'm crazy, but I'm serious. I'm like, don't have your phone because you'll realize very quickly how much you just cannot sit with yourself in quietness. It's really hard. You need that to not be stressed and to feel centered and to feel like we are information overload all day. And if there's anything that you can manage over the summer, stress should be one of them.


Yeah, I've definitely recognized I'm really bad at that. So that is something that I am working on this summer is just like being still. Like I, it's so hard for me to watch a movie type of thing. Or like even just an episode on TV, like Josh makes fun of me all the time. He's like, you were struggling just laying on the couch. Are you like, yeah, like I'm shaking. Yeah. Yeah. Like I can be doing this and this and this and the floors and this needs to be dusted and this needs to be hung up. Why does that matter right now? I don't know, but it just does. Because I'm a dietitian, Josh. I'm a type A personality. I've ran off cortisol

my whole life. And not, yes, and not only that, but we try to run our own businesses. So this is where we lie.


Productive. I don't matter.

This is why we're so good at helping people with this because we understand. Yeah.


Yeah. We're a work in progress, too. Um, next thing is, like, read a self development book. I think those can be super helpful. It's a way to kind of calm your mind, but also, it's like you're being productive, too, because you're helping yourself out. And I think that's why I love these types of books, where I don't like to sit and read. Is it fiction? Fiction is false. I don't like to read fiction books. I prefer more of, like, a self development book. Because I like just taking some quiet time to read, but then I still have that productivity type of feeling. So that can be super helpful. Not saying it's a bad thing to read, like, fiction books. If you enjoy fiction, then read those, and that's your fun that you add in.

And I think that's important just to know about yourself too, because I think a lot of the times we really, really, really want to use the tools that other people use, but they might not be good for you. Yeah. Like we


try to force it

on ourselves. Yeah. So it's like, what of these sound good if you know, like, no, me reading is not going to be helpful. Okay. Then don't read. Pick something else. I added decreasing sedentary time. So this can be. You know, maybe standing desk or I'm going to do certain things while walking or while moving, or, um, if you're someone who really likes to watch shows and you know from your productivity thing that it's taking up a lot of your time and you have all these other things you want to do. Well, can you get a workout in while watching your show? You know, can you, you know, maybe like have a boundary idea. Yeah, me too. Like I only do this when I'm doing this, you know, like this is my boundary.


I catch up on my Hulu shows while I'm working out.

It's great. I love it. So it's like not taking away. Cause I think sometimes when we think about action steps, it's like, all right, I gotta get my shit together and I need to stop doing all this and I need to start doing all that. And it becomes like really overwhelming. So this way it's like, okay, no, like again, we're doing the baby steps.








I think it's called, is it called life in motion? Maybe I think it's called like living in motion.. Let me see if I can find it real quick on Amazon. But when we're talking about, like, decreasing your, decreasing your sedentary life, just think about how can I live in motion type of thing. How can I keep my body going, my blood pumping?

Living in motion. I have


not read it yet, but I, I've heard it's a good, it's book to invest in. That

could be something you like download on audible and listen to while you walk like because you're someone who lives in motion. You know what I mean? So again, a lot of this is going to make sense if you did listen to the first episode. So if you kind of cheated and didn't listen to us in the beginning and still haven't done it, go back and do it. And then Choose two to three action items. We listed a lot. There's others that you could do but try to prioritize Like try to sit down think about the most stressful things and start there


It's hard for us to give specific advice For the hundreds of you that listen sounds kind of like a big ego thing to say, but we can see the download day So it is really cool to see how many downloads we have but we can't Give like specific recommendations like sometimes. Yeah, you have to just start with eating something start with the protein I mean 30 grams of protein That's a good general recommendation for everyone getting at least 10 grams of fat per meal Doing at least one starchy type carb per day. That's high in fiber. Those are good places to start and then Those are things that you would look in deeper with when you work with a dietitian

Yeah, 100%. If you're looking for more specialized, like we can come up with a game plan for you. That's kind of what we do. Um, but really that's the only way to get it. And honestly, if you are someone who's just really, really, really struggling with that. And like, where do I start and how do I know what to pick? I do recommend working with someone because TOK and seeing what everybody else is doing is only going to make you feel more paralyzed. I really believe that I so many of my clients are just like tell me what to do. I don't know. I'm so overwhelmed like Information overload and I just want to feel good in my body And so you kind of need someone that can like help you navigate through that And I do


offer Our strategic power hour sessions that i've done with a couple people to help you decide where to go next So if you're interested in that feel free to send me a message Um at new career nutrition, that's my instagram, but I do offer that as well

Know if you did because I do too. And I was like, I don't know. I don't want to like we both offer, but yes. Okay. We do. Yeah. It's in our, I'm sure we have it on our profiles, interlink, send us a DM, send us an email. We can help you out. That's literally what we do. And I, that's one of my favorite things. I think strategic. I love those calls. My favorite.


So maybe we need to host like a workshop on that. Oh, that's a good one. A strategic group call.

Literally writing it down.


Write it down, otherwise it's going to fly out the window.

Yeah, and I'll be thinking about it like randomly. When I'm watching and then I won't be watching a movie anymore. I love it. So maybe we'll offer that. Like, I don't know, maybe if you guys are listening to this and you're like, Ooh, I'd be interested, send us a DM.


All right, everyone. Thank you for listening to part two and we will have a part three coming up next week. Have a great rest of your week, everyone. Bye.

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