Mocktail Minutes

Have You Hit A Plateau?

Mocktail Minutes Episode 62

Hitting a plateau can feel super stressful. But, this all part of the process! Fat loss is not linear. 
In this episode we talk about how to assess if you are actually in a plateau, what might be contributing to this plateau if it has been lasting for a while,  and a couple of things that you can do to help you get out of it.
If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

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Featured Mocktails:
Lemon Perfect -
Just Ingredients -

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.


Hello everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey.


And this is Brianna.


This week I am drinking Lemon Perfect. I actually saw them pop up on TikTok one time and I found them at Fresh Time, so I got one. It's pretty good. It's like a lemonade, but it's sweetened with stevia. So it's not loaded with sugar. It tastes more of a natural lemonade type thing.


How is that lemonade doing for you?


This one's going well. I'm just going a lot better than this one. It does not taste like throwing up stomach acids. So that's a


Well, good. I got the Just Ingredients had a sale for Memorial Day. So I got a couple of their electrolyte flavors. This one is the Tropical Paradise. I really like it. not super strong. I guess it's muted. I guess that's like how I would describe it. The taste is like, so you can mix it with stuff if you want, or like, This one my kids actually do like because it's not super flavorful.


Is it like the tropical one? Is it kind of like a pina colada? Because that's every time like tropical, I think pina colada type thing.


Yes, there's definitely pineapple like pineapple. I don't taste too much coconut, but definitely pineapple. It's pretty good. Not super sweet.


Yeah, I have to look at that. I had like a whole cart full for the sale and then I forgot because I got distracted But I do have electrolytes packed in my hospital bag


Perfect. Yeah. I got, I got this one and I think I got strawberry limeade. I haven't tried that one yet.


I have oh, I think it's the cherry limeade, but I don't think the cherry limeade one that I have It's like an electrolyte. It's just a flavored water. So


I'm just the


I like those flavored watered ones, too


Yeah, I know. I had a bun. I had my cart full and then I was like, okay, let's We'll take some out because I wanted protein. I was like, let's chill out.


Yeah, I do that on thrive market too. Like i'll add all this stuff and it's like my 600 order i'm like That's a little excessive. Let's, let's talk down. What do I need right now?


Yeah. That's how I feel about Costco.


Yeah. Costco's just like weird because you buy, like you buy what you need almost, but then it's like that 400 bill and you're like, I still don't even have meals.


what did I get? I


But now I have so much shrimp to put


I have endless shrimp and endless broccoli and like 1700 rolls of toilet paper. So




cool. Yeah.


Speaking of that toilet paper. So like new house, we're like, I'm putting things away, moving things and. I don't remember where I put things and just things like this chaotic, chaotic organization. And like, I'm a very organized person, but I just keep forgetting where I put things. And so then I put them in other places too. And I was like, Oh, we're out of toilet paper. So I go get toilet paper and I'm putting it away. I'm like, Oh, maybe I'll put some over here too. So we had some for like our bathroom and like the hall bathroom. Yeah, there was still like a whole nother, like a brand new case


You're like, I knew this was a good place to put it.


Yeah, I thought it twice. It was so good. So now we also have lots of toilet paper.


You'll be set up then,


Yeah. Like, well, when baby's here and we're like running around, like chicken with our heads cut off, we're going to have toilet paper. All right. So today we are talking about why you are in a weight loss plateau. This is something I feel like everyone experiences. And I think it's honestly just part of. The weight loss experience, because when you are working on weight loss, it's not just going to be a constant down slide of the scale. You're going to have some up weeks. You're gonna have some down weeks. You're gonna have maybe two weeks where you stay the same. A true plateau, I would say it's like more than three weeks. Is that correct?


Yeah. That's what I try to tell people. Like, you know, especially if you're kind of judging it like a week of your period or the week before your period, I'm like, give it like three weeks, maybe four weeks, and then if you're legit, like. No, nothing is happening. Okay. And


say like, you also have to consider like, what did those weeks look like? Great. You've been consistent for two months. You were seeing results, but now it's like, okay, do we have some weeks where you kind of just threw in the towel a couple of days? Not saying you can't have quote unquote off days, but if you're not being as consistent as you weren't were, maybe it's not a true plateau. Maybe it's like you put yourself on a plateau type of thing.


this can happen to like, and this we'll get into the first reason why it's going to be that metabolic adaptation. You're decreased in your basal metabolic rate. This is what I see when people like do a calorie deficit for too long. This is why I like cutting your calories for too long. Like, yeah, it can be a useful tool. If you've already been eating a good amount of calories, you can decrease it a little bit. Like, I definitely wouldn't do like five to 700 calories. Like most people just recommend and talking like a, you know, 10, 20%, but a lot of times people will be like, Oh, I'm seeing results. So I'm just going to stay here. And then what happens is your body adapts. And then suddenly you're kind of, you know, back in a place where you don't want to be where you're actually burning less calories at rest.


When we do have clients that come to us who have been eating like a thousand calories, the 1200 magic number that, and I don't know who came up with


I don't know who came up with 1200.


When they come to us, I'm like, I've lost this weight and now I can't do anything else. So one of our jobs, we work to kind of repair their metabolism. And we also do this like in metabolism makeover. And sometimes people do initially gain weight. And it's not because, oh my gosh, you're gaining fat, blah, blah, blah. It's because your body has learned to adapt at this point. 1200 calories, even though that's not what your body necessarily needed, body learned to downregulate. So kind of how we talked about in last week's episode about your hair health, when you are not eating enough, it's just going to take care of the vital functions. It's not going to do the extra things. It's downregulating the things that it's like, you don't really do that to survive, or you can survive sub optimally, or you can like survive versus thrive type thing. So then when we start to support your body a little bit more, yeah, I mean, you could experience some weight gain, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. And it's a sign that possibly you're supporting your body a little bit better. So then all of a sudden your mind's like, Oh, okay, she's going to take care of me now. Or he, I say she, because we work with a lot of women, but we've worked with them too. But. Okay, they're going to feed me now. So now I can start to pick up my efficiency. I can start to work a little bit better. Kind of think about it as like a pay raise, almost like when you're starting out, maybe it's a little bit lower and like, or, okay, let's just say you're starting out, you're making good money. And let's say your boss is like, okay, we're going to cut you down 30 percent what you're making. You're like, okay, maybe what you love your job. So you're going to stay working. And, but maybe you're just not going to function as high quality or put out as high quality work as you were, because you're like, I'm only getting 70 percent of what I was getting. So I'll still do my job, but probably not as well.


as efficient.


So then let's say you get a pay raise. Now you're like, okay, I'm going to work the same hours and be more efficient. I'm going to get more things done. I'm going to be more productive. My day is going to run a lot smoother because we're getting compensated differently. Does that make sense?


Yes. No, that makes total sense. And this is something that I think keeps a lot of women stuck the fear of losing weight or the fear of eating more and possibly gaining a little bit while you're transitioning. I think that freaks women out and they just always want to stay in this like, no, it's not worth it phase. And it's honestly, Your body is going to like sustainable long term fat loss where you're not always like what the heck do I have to do to just lose the weight that I can't lose that comes for when you're fueling correctly. So yeah, your body's going to be more productive. It's going to utilize nutrients better. It's going to utilize those calories better. It's going to work better in the long run.


Other things that can happen that can lead to a plateau. So I mean like under overestimating what you're eating, underestimating, If you think you're eating like, Oh my gosh, I eat this much food. I like I'm meeting my goals. I'm like, okay, to me, it doesn't sound like a whole bunch. Then let's just track for a few days. And if you've been listening for, I mean, we've talked about how we don't force our clients to track. But we've also talked about how it can be a useful tool. Sometimes it's a great tool to be like, oh crap, I have been under eating because I thought I was eating so much more. And that's when people in my town's makeover, where they're like, I'm actually like eating food now, or like I'm eating a lot more sometimes. Yes, they literally are physically eating more calories. Sometimes. The volume of food looks a lot different because the nutrients are a lot different. You feel like, oh my gosh, I'm eating so much food, but starting your day with an iced flavored coffee and a danish compared to like eggs and some fruit looks and feels very different.




So that could be a difference there or kind of like overestimating what you're eating as well. Like, are you actually just eating a lot more than what you thought? And you just didn't realize it. And I feel like this happens a lot with fat.


Oh, yeah. Because that's really easy to overdo because there's more calories per gram, but this is okay. So this is something that I have most of my clients. First of all, if you're coming to work with us, You probably want to get answers, right? And so we're going to put in a little bit more work than we typically would. Do I think you need to be tracking normally all the time? No, I don't think that's very helpful, but I think it can be a useful tool to be like, what am I typically eating? What am I, you know, cause we all have like typical, like, oh, breakfast, lunch snacks. What does that actually giving me? You know? And for a lot of people, It's less than they think. This is what I find with food that you make at home. It's less than they think. So they think they're getting like a certain amount and then they realize, Oh wow, I'm still only at like 1600 calories a day. And I like bumped up my strength training and all that. Like, Oh, okay. I need to add more food. And then with the overestimating, I feel like this comes with eating a lot outside the house. And so this could be something if people are like, I do want to kind of like, reign it in and have boundaries, but I don't want to be, I don't want to be tracking and stuff all the time. And they're in a plateau. I'll tell them like, reduce the amount of time that you're eating outside the house because nine times out of 10, you're going to be eating a lot more than you think. It's more calories. It's more fat. That's just what tastes good. So you could be going to Chipotle and being like, Oh, I'm, I'm, you know, I'm getting this, this is what their menu says. And then the people that are putting your bowl together are not using the correct serving sizes, you know? So then you're actually getting like a lot more or whatever. So. I think tracking to use as a tool to see like, what am I actually getting can be very, very helpful. And again, it's a tool to see like, am I eating enough most of the time? Or what is like eating out constantly doing for me rather than I have my fitness pal and I'm making sure I only stay at 1200. You know what I mean? Like it's a different way that you use the tool.


Yeah. And kind of going along with that, I mean, your diet composition can affect your plateau as well. Like if you, let's say you are meeting your calorie goals, but you're really under eating protein. It's going to be a lot harder to build that muscle. So protein is going to be super important to be able to. Create new muscle, maintain your muscle, which is part of the weight loss, better yet, fat loss part of everything. So we want to really have that muscle. If you're not eating enough to do that, eating enough protein, it's going to be a lot harder. So what your diet or nutrition actually looks like macronutrient wise, that's also going to affect. What does our body composition look like? A diet composition and body composition kind of can go hand in hand.


Yeah, and I think that that is extremely important when you feel like you're in a plateau because what people do when they're in a plateau is they usually kick up their exercise. And so if you're kicking up your exercise, when you are under eating you're going to like exacerbate issues. Yeah. Yeah.


then with exercise, two other things that I would say go with plateau. What type of exercise are you doing? And then sometimes I can see once we start like, right. Okay. I want to make these changes. I want to get, I want to work on my weight loss goal. Eventually our movement can start to slow down a little bit, or we're like, Oh, it's been super busy. We naturally start to slow down. So. I like to do check ins with myself to kind of see, okay, have things actually changed. And I just didn't recognize because it's like the slow changes at a time, because you can make slow changes at a time towards your goal, but you can also slowly make changes away from your goal and just not realize it as much. It kind of works both ways. So think about how has your movement reduced, or if you're like, okay, I was getting, 9, 000 steps a day. And then it's like the next week, okay. I got 20, 000 one day. And then I got like 3000 the other, we can't just have like one day, almost like essentially cancel out the rest. Where it's like, Oh, I had a good day. We have to find that balance, that consistency of all the days. And sometimes I think it helps like think about your week as a whole, your month as a whole. But sometimes I also think it's helpful to like, just think of it as a day instead of feeling you have to average everything out.


right, right. And that's reduced movement, I think is a major one, especially like as we get busy, when we are more busy, When we feel busy, we feel like we move a lot, right? But like, odds are you're really busy sitting there doing work, or you're really busy driving your kids around to like all the sports, or you're really busy in meetings. And so while your brain has been going, going, going, your body really hasn't. And so I think like, This, and this is where people get really stuck on that. Like, well, I've been in a good workout routine. Why am I not seeing weight loss? And it's like, well, yeah, you know, 30 to 45 minutes, maybe an hour a day, an hour each day, or an hour, three to four days a week, you're killing your workouts, but you're actually really sedentary the rest of the time. That's a huge reason why people hit plateau. Yeah.


are you doing the most strategic workout for you? Because when you first started your weight loss journey, I mean, You probably, maybe you did start moving more than what you were doing. And I would say any type of movement is good to movement. But if you really want to see that body composition change you, and you really want to like reduce body fat, you have to be doing the right types of workouts. And this means lifting weights, not five pounds. I mean, starting with like 10 pounds, but you have to actually be challenging your muscles. If you've been lifting the same weights. For the past six months, or even I would say three months, you were not challenging your muscles.


Mm hmm.


Therefore, you're not pushing yourself enough to see that body composition change. Where classes like Orange Theory, F45, Pilates, Zumba, HIIT training, anything like that doesn't mean they're bad workouts. They're just not really building muscle for you, or like I've talked about before I take boxing. I don't take boxing to build muscle. I take boxing because I enjoy it. So it's like a fun workout. I do on top of my lifting. So it's not like, the lifting is basically, it's just going to give you the most bang for your buck to actually reduce body fat and help you get off the plateau. Then also like, cool, you're lifting, but challenge those muscles at the same time.


Yeah, I think especially for women like just weight lifting is like non negotiable and this is In reality, we should be moving our body every day. So when we are talking about like those fun types of workouts that maybe, okay, aren't getting the most bang for your buck, but you can still incorporate them. You know, you still need to be moving your body. And so that doesn't mean like, Oh, don't ever do them, but your focus, especially if you have limited time and first and foremost should really be strength training. And this is another issue I see in particular when people are talking about hot toes is they do not revisit their nutrition or their strength training. They started their journey. This is what they did. They started to see great results. And then they continued it. And now they're at this plateau. And it's like, well, it's just not working anymore. I guess this wasn't the answer. What's like, no, we probably now need to tweak your nutrition. Maybe you need a little bit more. Maybe we need to revisit carbs. Maybe we need to it. As in eat more carbs. Like we need to like revisit your nutrition because your body is different than it was when you started. And then also your strength training, if you're doing the same exact workouts you were doing with the same exact weights you were doing six months ago, 12 months ago, well, of course you're going to plateau. Like you need to. Now challenge yourself. And I think that's just us being like creatures of habit. We want to be like, Oh, we found what works. We do it every day. Perfect. That's, you don't have to worry about that again, but that's just not how our bodies work.


Yeah, so you need to check. I think it's important to know that what you originally do is probably not what you're going to do for life. I mean, it's perfectly normal to have to flip and change things around based on your current life situation. And that's where having a healthcare professional or a dietician in your corner can be super helpful because we help you navigate it.


You're building on that foundation. You're constantly like, okay, we did this. This works now. How can I build upon this? It's not like we're switching up the entire game. We're just building. On what we've already done. Yeah.


Yep. Building upon it. We get to start somewhere and then you adjust other things. I mean, water retention can definitely affect feeling like you're on a plateau related to like sodium intake or hormones and even hormone changes related to stress and thyroid function. They can affect your plateaus as well.


And also with the water retention, because I just feel like that goes hand in hand with the same feeling as like being bloated that your digestion, your digestion can definitely affect how you feel. Like I have plenty of clients that are like, I feel like I haven't made any progress. And then like we dial in their digestion a little bit and it's like, Oh, wow. I feel a million times better. Like, you know, so. That could be another thing. Maybe you've gotten too reliant on, you know, easily grabbed foods, maybe like eating a little bit more processed foods than you were, like you got a little lax with it. And so again, this is where we go back and we're like, okay, maybe when you first started focusing on protein, you needed a lot of these sources to help you because you just like crazy under eating protein and you didn't have that skill yet. But now you do have more of a skill. So like, where can we, you know, where can we change around the types of foods that you're grabbing on a regular basis? Maybe that's affecting your digestion. Maybe you need to slow down when you're eating. Maybe you are really trying to increase fiber and be more healthy, but you've actually increased way too many raw vegetables too quickly. And now you feel crappy. Like, so, you know, that could be something like too much fiber, too fast, too many easily grabbed foods, that, that sort of thing.


Yeah. You're just always adjusting and that's okay. Other things, kind of going along with the hormones as well, not getting enough sleep because oftentimes, I've actually had this conversation come up a lot, like last week, I would say, where people are like, how do you just fit it all in? How do you just do it all? So sometimes when we feel like we have a All these things to do for weight loss. We start to sacrifice things like, okay, if I just sleep for five hours a night, now, now I can do all the meal prep. I can get my workout in every day. I can get my steps in. I can do the stress management for an hour. I can do this whole laundry list of things. So I'm like, well, we'll just sleep when I'm dead type of thing. Well, inadequate sweet sleep is going to affect your hormones, like your hunger and satiety hormones. It's going to affect your appetite. It's going to affect how well your body recovers for those workouts. So it is going to have a trickle effect there as well. And if you are someone who feels a little overwhelmed with like, Okay, I want to do weight loss, but when you guys are talking about all these different things, now I feel like 20 things are added to my to do list. This is where I like to do like power hour sessions, or we do this in like coaching calls. I will literally help you break down your day




and decide, okay, how can this kind of fit in? And I did this on Friday. It was someone last Friday. And we talked about it. He's like, I just, I just am so overwhelmed. I'm like, okay, well, let's just look at your day. And. A lot of times it can come down to screen time. Like, okay, if you, yeah, if you really want to make these changes, here's how we can use this time more efficiently. Or if it's something like I'm super stressed out going, I feel chaotic going into work every day, sometimes. I was kind of going backtracking on my sleep comment, but like for me, for example, I wake up like at least 30 minutes early than technically I need because that is helping my day start. Less chaotic going into it smoother, but I also know because I'm waking up earlier I have a bedtime that I set for myself and if you're like, well, I just can't wake up earlier I don't want to get a bit out of bed Like you just have to make that choice


You're an adult. That's the choice that you're making.


you have to make the choice to get out of bed and it's probably not gonna be like super exciting like there's yeah There's some mornings. I'm like, I don't want to get out of bed type of feeling but Do it anyways So basically, yeah, if you're feeling overwhelmed with things, break down your day, or we can help you break down your day to see, okay, how can we fit these things in strategically so that you're enjoying your life, you're spending quality time with your kids, with your spouse, but you're also taking care of yourself.


Right. And, and honestly, sleep is one, again, I always am asking people, how are you sleeping? How many hours are you getting? Like let's sometimes I'll have them track their sleep. Like what time did you go to bed? What time do you wake up? Like we need it. Cause that's another thing that you can underestimate greatly is how much sleep you're getting. And there's some clients where I'm like, we're focusing on sleep. That's where we're starting before we start some crazy workout routine or whatever, like you have to get in more sleep than you're getting, because like you said, it affects your hunger. It affects your cortisol. It affects how you manage your blood sugar. It affects how you recover from your workouts. It, it, and that's really important in terms of health and fat loss.


And we have a whole episode on sleep.


We do. And yeah, and it's one of those things that you kind of have to be your own adult and be like, I'm going to bed. I'm going to bed at this time because this is what I have planned tomorrow and I want to get it all done and I'm not going to be able to if I don't sleep. So unfortunately. You just got to do it.


Yes. I would say last thing that. Would be good to point out when it comes to plateaus is your motivation changes. And this is honestly completely normal because anything we're starting out, we're going to be more excited those first like two, three weeks because it's new. And it's like, we're doing all these new things. We're highly motivated. And then at some point it starts to just become part of our life, which is a great Like we're not excited to brush our teeth necessarily every morning. Whereas like kids, you buy them a new toothbrush and they're like, yeah, we're going to brush your teeth. I mean, sometimes they get like that when I get a new toothbrush head, but because it's new and shiny again, even though we're doing the same thing. But sometimes that motivation wears off. So this is another part where you have to get really honest with yourself. Like, how bad do you want this? How bad do you want to feel good? How bad, what are you like willing to sacrifice? Not sacrifice, like in a way where you're like, Oh, I can't go on vacation because I gained weight every vacation. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about is how much Facebook time or Tik TOK time are you willing to sacrifice to go put your dinner together?


Because habit change is hard. That's the other thing is like, it is hard. And when you are sustainably losing weight, you might not get those instant gratification. Like, Oh my God, I lost 10 pounds in a week type thing. And you know, that's really what keeps you going with crash dieting until you eventually just crash and burn. Right. It's that like, Oh, I hate everything right now, but at least I lost this and that's going to keep me going. So sometimes when you're making really productive and healthy habit changes, you're not going to see that if your, your return on investment at first, isn't going to be super, super major. And so it's hard to be like, no, I'm holding myself accountable. I'm I'm doing the changes I said I was going to do and it's not that you can't ever like doing it, but you have to teach your brain that this is how I work now. Like, this is what I do. I'm someone that I, yeah, I make my dinner or I'm someone that I prep my lunch the night before. I'm someone like I get up every day and I go for a walk. Like, this is what I do. I think people just want to be like, gosh, I wish I could just be that person, that person that fits it all in. But it's like, no, the person that fits it all in has made steps to be like, this is what I do with my day. This is something that I do or this is how I manage stress or this is how I, you know, manage this. It's not like they just like woke up one day. I was like, Oh, this is me.


It takes time. And I think you bring up a good point about the instant gratification, which is definitely something I can find challenging at times because I've been more, I mean, obviously not right now, but I was more in like a maintenance phase of just taking care of myself. And so sometimes it's like, I don't really care type of feeling. And I see this, it's always around that three, three week mark when I'm working with clients where they're like, I just fell off track this weekend. And then I felt like, and I'm like, great.




great thing because you were getting to a point where it was getting really comfortable in your life. And so your subconscious is probably like, who cares? So then we throw in the towel a little bit and we're like, we're just gonna get into effort mode. We have an off day.




Yes. And then you're like, wow, I actually feel like crap. I'm like, it's a good little reminder that what you were doing was making a difference. Yeah. Not saying that you should do that. Like every three weeks, like how good am I actually doing? Let's eat a whole cake today type of thing.


It's true. And I think I brought this up before. Maybe not. Maybe I just talk about it a lot with clients, but I had a client one time asked me, she's like, you know, she'd like put it on this work and she's like, I'm about to go on vacation. And it was kind of going to be kind of a long one. And she's like, I want to enjoy myself. How am I going to know when I'm pushing it too far? And I was like, you now like a little check engine, like your is going to tell you, you are going to start feeling like shit. You really are. It's going to be like, my God, can I have like something fresh? You know, can I have some water? Can I, I want to move my body. Like your, your body gets used to feeling like, oh my God, this feels great. And it's going to tell you like, you're just, and I don't think you notice that when you're in it. I think you just feel like, gosh, I just kind of always feel like crap. And like, you don't really correlate it to your habits and your movement and your nutrition, you're just like, this is life. Until you've experienced something different and then your body's like, no, no, no, no, I really like feeling good. We're going to crave this. This is what I want. And so your body will tell you, which is great.


we have this weird effect on people where people start craving vegetables.


Yeah. And it's like, when you start telling someone like one day, you're just going to walk by the cake on your counter. And be like, I don't want that. It's very foreign. People are like, no, no, no, there's no way that'll ever happen. No, I'm going to tell you, like, at one point, you're going to, like, crave produce. You're going to crave vegetables, and you're going to not want other things that don't make you feel so good. Just wait for it to happen. And then eventually, yeah, it happens. And they're like, oh my gosh, it's so crazy. went out and this is what I wanted. I'm like, great. Isn't it so much better to be like, I'm ordering this because it feels good. And I really want it instead of being like, I'm ordering this because I hate my body. And this is what I have to do to lose weight. And I wish I was having what everybody else was having,


It's a totally different feeling.


hundred percent.


So closing this episode out, maybe we should give like a list of things to kind of ask yourself if we've had a plateau, what types of things can we check in on?


Yeah. Okay. I'd say number one, check like spot check though. Your typical meals that you're having, how, what's What's in it? How much, you know, protein and fiber, carbs, fat, how much is in that? Do a little spot check


Even if you have to like weigh out your protein for like a day or weigh out your foods, again, not something you have to do all the time, but it can be like, Oh, I was under doing the protein or, Oh, I was overdoing the protein, whatever it is. It's that way you can then have some awareness to adjust.


Yeah, exactly. And with that, I would say, you know, get your calendar out or your planner out. And every time that you go to grab a coffee, or you get a snack out of the house, or you door dash a meal, or you eat lunch at work, tally it down and just see how often am I relying on meals that I'm not preparing.


More specifically like yeah spot check but also like really check on your fat intake like we mentioned I think that would be a good thing to check in on Making sure you're eating enough making sure like do you need to kind of adjust what you're eating? Because maybe you have I mean I have someone who's lost 50 pounds So we've adjusted what her needs are and that's perfectly normal to have to do as well\ I like checking in on like how many times you're going out to eat or how many times are you snacking all of a sudden? Especially with summer coming up And like, if you're a teacher or if you have kids around, or I feel like it's just snacking happens more when we have more events and away from the house, like you're actually eating meals or you kind of just snacking all day long. Now Other things, I mean like what does strength training look like? Are you strength training? Are you actually challenging your muscles like two to four times a week?


Yeah. Are you lifting heavy weight? Or are you like, yeah, I'm going to the gym and I'm talking to my girlfriend the whole time and my headphones and I'm just doing my routine and I leave. No, you should be going to where like, you're like, well, wow, this is heavy. Like hold on one second. I need to finish this


Like be intentional with each movement you are doing. Don't just like go through the motions. That makes a huge difference.


for the movement part. And I feel like this is especially important as we're coming into summer because a lot of people's work schedule changes and they're, it's just different. I would say. If you wear a Fitbit or a Apple watch or something, just check in on your steps. Like, you know, what are there consistently days where you're noticing a lot less days? I would say make a plan to have intentional movement on those days so that you're not having super highs and super lows.


Other things, I mean you mentioned sleep. Are you getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep? If not, do you need to adjust your morning and nighttime routine?


Right. We didn't mention this, but especially, and we have a whole episode on this, but especially as we're heading into summer, alcohol is another one. How many drinks am I having per week or how many with my clients? I like to break down like how many days am I having drinks and how many drinks on those days am I having? Summer people are going to be more. It's like, Oh, when I got to the patio, when I have a margarita, like, okay, not saying you can't do that. But if you're someone who's like, I'm really trying to lose weight, like, you know, drinking three or four days a week, all of a sudden is definitely not going to be helpful.


Yeah, especially I mean if you're drinking something that has Like 40 grams of sugar per drink gonna be all out of whack. And


and then you're at a restaurant and it's like, okay, well, not that you can't have fun, but the fun times. I think that's how we get discouraged is we don't really realize everything that we're doing. And we feel like we're doing all the right things. And you might be doing a lot of the right things, but you have a lot of things impacting you.


Like you just have to find the balance. And a lot of these things you have to kind of, you have to take that responsibility and accountability for yourself. And we kind of help guide you to find the balance. But if you're like, I'm not willing to cut down on my drink. Like I am drinking four nights a week and that, that is it. And I'm like, okay, well then you cannot. Expect the results you want in the time frame you want. You have to be more realistic about your goals And that's fine with me, but you also have to come to terms


have a lot of, I had a client the other day who was like hell bent on like, I need to be on a GLP one or something to help me, but she's drinking wine every night. And I'm like, I don't think GLP one is what you need. Also, you cannot drink wine every night on it. So let's talk about that, but You know, just going back. Yes. You know, there's a lot of people who are like, I really have these goals. This is what I want to do, but I'm also not willing to part with the type of lifestyle I have. And it's like, okay, well that's really what we need to talk about because that's what's hindering you. It's not so much like, am I working out enough? Am I eating enough? Am I eating too much? It's like, well, you have a lot of lifestyle things that you don't want to change. That's been adding up probably for a while. Yeah.


question to ask yourself Like do you need to have like a come to jesus type of moment? Like how consistent are you actually? being How like realistic are you actually being with your goals? How serious are you about your goals? And again, this is something you have to kind of decide For yourself, who wants you to have all the wins in the world, but I can't want it for you. And so you have to come have that come to Jesus. Think about your weekends. Think about your weeknights. Think about the excuses. Are they valid? Are they not so valid? And think about what are you going to do about it? Do you need to adjust your expectations or do you need to adjust like what you're willing to sacrifice to meet your role, what you truly want?


Yeah, exactly. And I always, that's something I ask clients do like, how important is your make believe timeline? Cause everybody has a timeline. How important is that to you? Because if you know, like I'm going to be drinking multiple nights, I have lots of stuff coming up. I don't say no to this. I don't like prepping and working on it's on my thing. Well, then take a lot longer and that's okay. If that's what you want to do, but I'm here to remind you that you cannot expect yourself to just make overnight changes. If. You're really not ready to, you know,


I can say I want to be a millionaire all I want, but if I'm not taking steps that are, like, making money moves, I'm not getting anywhere closer to being a millionaire.


if I keep spending money at Costco,




I'm not, yeah. So, you know, yes, being in a plateau can be frustrating, but it doesn't mean throw in the towel. What I was doing, isn't working, try something completely new. It's like, Let's build upon the foundation and tweak what we need to tweak and just be patient. The people that I see flipping back and forth to extremes every other month, I'm like, this is why you're not losing weight. Your body says, how are we doing this week?


Yeah. And I mean, it's good to change it up sometimes, but you have to give it some homeostasis. You have to give it some love and support that it can count on for it to, like, return the favor type of thing. Mm hmm. So give it time. And this is exactly what you help, we help you with. And if you are interested, our next round of Metabolism Makeover is in August, I want to say.


Yeah. I think doors closed July 31st.


So we officially start in August, but you can also sign up for Early Bird. Dive into the material now and still come and hang with us in August.


Have access to that all summer. We have a alcohol guide, a dining out guide. You have access to all the material if you're someone that's like, Oh, I can watch this on my own. We'll put it. There's a link. We have a link in our show notes.


All right, everyone. Well, thank you for listening to this week's episode. Let us know what questions you have about plateaus, if anything else, or you're kind of thinking like, Oh, well, this is going to make sense. Or, okay. I've kind of thought about these things now. I don't know next steps. Let us know. We can help you kind of through that as well. Just send us a DM and we'll be back next week with a new episode. Bye everyone.

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