Mocktail Minutes

Sh*t You Need to Hear with Lyndsey Chambers

Mocktail Minutes Episode 60

In this week's episode we are bringing back someone who knows just how to tell you everything you need to hear. Lyndsey Chambers is a lifestyle and mindset coach who specializes in helping women get out of their own way and create the life they really want.
In this episode Lyndsey gets really real with you about stress being a choice...and more specifically YOUR choice. If this is already rubbing you the wrong way then this episode is absolutely for you!
You will figure out why making changes feel stressful and how you can train your brain to get out of your own way. 

You can find Lyndsey on instagram
Download her Method of Alignment here!

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Roasted Purpose - use code NUCREWNUTRITION
Cure -
Jigsaw Heath - use code Brianna10

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.


All right. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey,


And this is Brianna.


and we also have a special guest today. Our first returning guest, Lindsay, you want to introduce yourself?


Yes, hi, this is Lindsay. I'm your first returning guest. This is so fun, and it's been like a year, which is really great.


we planned that out nicely. And then of course we always have our mocktails for the episode. So today I am drinking, it's actually our very first Mocktail Minutes personalized mocktail. So Roasted Purpose is a company that's local to me and they do like protein coffees and we worked with them to create a berry matcha. So that's what I'm drinking today. it was really fun to create.


Is it good?


Oh, it is very good. So a lot of times matcha, I feel like tastes earthy, which is why a lot of people don't like it. This one, it's not just like eating, drinking grass. It has that berry flavor to it. So it gives it kind of that sweetness, but the only ingredients in it are the collagen peptides, the matcha green tea powder, and then it's sweetened with monk fruit and the natural flavorings. And they're very particular about their flavoring. So it's not just junk either, which we love.




to try it. I failed. I'm having water.


Well, we need water to


just water and not even a big cup. It's just


I'm having minerals MagSoothe, Adrenal Cocktail, and some cure. Iced decaf americano with heavy cream. Double


fisting this morning. I love


have both. I recently just tried Cure Electrolytes and I absolutely love that they're not so strong.


They're so good. My favorite is the grapefruit.


My favorite is the dark purple label. Is it like berry, pomegranate or


yeah. The yes. That one's


But you, you gals would know this. They have ones for kids. Why do I have to get a different kid one? Why can't I just give the kids the same but less?


I, I honestly


they just have lower amount.




So I can just give my kids like half a packet.


That's what I do like with protein powder. Like I won't buy like the kids protein powder. I'll just give them like a fourth of a scoop compared to like the full. It's the same. It's just lower amount.


That's what I thought. I was like, I'm not gonna buy kid packs.




I think maybe my kids would like that because my kids don't like any other electrolyte powders at all. They taste too sweet or too strong. Here might be the win.


think they're just like marketed a little different to like the boxes look more kid friendly. So then maybe kids would gravitate towards it more. I haven't looked into their kid brand one too much. But yeah, I would say it looked like it was just lower and everything.


Good to know.


today we are talking about, we titled this episode, the shit you need to hear. Lindsay is my favorite person to give us like what she's going to tell you what you need to be told that sometimes we


the tough love. It's the tough love. It's like, dang it, you're right. And you deliver it so well. And it's like, all right, I'm going to go do it.


It's Friday, so I'm feeling very relaxed on my tough love. So you guys are going to get a gen hopefully gen oh, then I'm like going to unleash probably. So hopefully it's a gentler version of tough love versus a Monday.


Yes, very good. You know, sometimes I like the Monday tough love. We need that too.


Things you need to hear.


we'll see what we can bring out of you. So I guess let's just dive into everything because I would say the most common thing that Brianna and I hear with a lot of our clients is the thoughts around being, I'm too stressed out. I can't do this part. Where we teach a lot of things in metabolism makeover and people will dive in and they're just like, I'm just too stressed. And we kind of get that freeze up feeling. So you've had a really good reel, I think you posted about stress and talking about how stress is a choice. Do you want to dive into that?


Yeah. Well, gosh, people are going to love this episode. I think stress is a choice and no one wants to hear that because that rubs people the wrong way. But Stress being a choice meaning how you react to a situation is your choice, and we always have a choice all the time. No one's making us do anything. We're not victims of anything. You can choose every single, every single thing. I can't think of anything that you don't have a choice over. You just might not like the other choice. So you might feel limited by your choices, but we do always have a choice. And I think with stress and saying like, Oh, I'm so stressed or this is too overwhelming. I think when people, I mean, I've coached enough in metabolism makeover to also be able to say, I think when people say this is too stressful, they're really saying this is making me uncomfortable. I don't have the skills or the knowledge or like the prerequisites.




how to do this. So instead of saying, help me, I'm confused and lost and I don't know what I'm doing and I feel wildly vulnerable. I'm just going to throw up my normal excuse. This is too stressful. I'm out. This is too confusing. I'm out. This is too overwhelming. I had someone the other day and they're like, Oh my gosh, right there in my program. And they're like, Oh, I have to download an app. like, yes, yes, you do have to another app. I need to use another app. And I'm like, Listen, I asked you to use one app, that's it. If that's your resistance, like maybe we need to talk about this further resistance, right? So there's all these things that come up like, oh, I have to log in. I don't know where to find this. This is too much work to like eat food. You're eating food anyway.


Mm hmm.


So you always have a choice. Am I going to choose to eat food that's going to make me feel better and nourish my body and help me reach whatever goal it is that I have? Or am I going to just choose what I'm used to doing and then stay stuck in this cycle, right?


And both of them is frustrating. Like I have to, I had a client, I literally had this conversation with her. Both options are frustrating, right? Like the cycle that you're in, already stressful. It's not working for you. You don't like it. So yeah, this new thing is stressful too, but it doesn't need to be stressful. Like you're already stressed. So let's figure out how to get out of that cycle. Yeah.


they're new and that's where like you have you have to have nervousness You have to understand your nervous system and you have to do nervous system work so you can really understand Yes, I'm full of all my own BS and I'm full of all these excuses But also your body is literally working against you in terms of your nervous system and your subconscious It's designed to keep you safe while safe is familiar And even though, like, my terrible habit of eating just coffee and three bites of toast and not eating anything else until noon and then having a chocolate bar, even though that's familiar That's not good. That's not safe. And it's actually keeping me feeling even more unsafe because now my blood sugar is a disaster and all these other things are happening. And so, I think we have to understand, if you can just think, stress is a choice. I'm giving like the easy solution here. And you go, okay, I'm stressed. Am I choosing the easiest solution? Is this a choice? If I have a choice over what to eat, I can get uncomfortable and change, or I can stay uncomfortable and not change. But regardless, right, you're gonna be uncomfortable, and the way our subconscious works is, anything new could potentially be a harm or a threat, and so it's gonna make us feel like this is uncomfortable and this is hard.


And we don't like to be uncomfortable either that,


so bad for our confidence.


yes, I mean, it freaks a lot of people out. Like We don't want to be uncomfortable. So we freeze up a little bit and we fall back into maybe old patterns, or maybe that's why a lot of people turn towards. A drink every night after work because they don't want to deal with those feelings. So it's like, okay We just need to have a drink. It's been a long day Let's just not deal with it. So any advice as far as Getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Yeah


Practice, nervous system work, small, like, little steps, and even just that idea of like, I, I can do uncomfortable things. Just even shifting that mindset, right? Usually the person who is going to say, this is too stressful, I don't have time for this, is gonna, I'm gonna say their excuses, they're, it's their truth, that's valid, like, they're saying this is too stressful and I don't have time, but they could just change those words to like, this is uncomfortable for me and I don't want to prioritize this.


And it's different because like


you guys know that that really is their truth. Like,


Yes, well, and it's something you said. This was like a long time back now, but it's a training you did that I literally have used with every single client. It's the take your power back. Instead of saying, I can't do this. I don't have time for this to say I'm choosing not to do this.


choosing not to.


I'm just choosing not to and like once you kind of switch that and I even have like clients I haven't stayed out loud Like I want you after we've established the promises you're gonna keep to yourself when you don't do it. I want you to stay out loud I'm choosing not to do this right now, and it sounds so




But yeah, it's like oh I have the power Wait, I do want to do this.


Yeah, that's what I mean. That's why we always have this choice. I'm glad you brought this up, because when you say, I'm choosing not to do this, Then you can literally call yourself out and be like, Well, no, I'm, I'm being ridiculous. Or, yeah, I'm, I'm choosing not, I'm, yeah, that's right, that's right, I am. I am choosing not to do this thing and I don't want to do it. And then, because I'm a grown woman, And I'm choosing not to do this, then I'm also taking responsibility for what is going to happen if I choose not to do this, right? Like, if I made a promise to myself and then I say, nope, I don't want to do it, I also am fully aware of, like, all of the repercussions of making this choice. And oftentimes, though, I'm with you, with my clients, once they can say that out loud and they feel empowered and they feel like, oh, I am a grown woman. I do have a choice. Then they can really be like, no, actually I want to do it. This is just making me uncomfortable, or this is just feeling sticky, or I need to rearrange my schedule to make this work. I think I'm stressed is just this like default setting,


hmm Yeah


stressful? And a lot of times when I do ask that, they're just like, I, I don't know. I'm like, okay, well, why are you saying it's stressful? So it is that like default cop out where things get a little sticky. Like I'm stressed and we use it so often.


Can we use a different word besides stressed? I think I made a reel about this at one point, like, can we just change, can we find another word to use besides stressed? I'm overwhelmed. I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm frustrated. I'm scared. I feel vulnerable. I don't feel supported. Stress is just like the blanket word for everything and, and I don't think we always use it as a cop out. I think it's just lack of vocabulary and lack of like being like this, not really truly being in tune with our emotions. I don't know. We just don't even know. I think, I don't know how your clients are. I think most of my clients don't even know they're saying it.


Yeah. We say it so often. Yeah.


They're not even aware. And it's like, you're saying like, oh, well, why is it stressful? I don't know.


like it, it just feels like it should


Right. Versus like, this is uncomfortable. Or this is really pushing me, like pushing me past my comfort zone or my limits. I think another thing that really comes up with it is like self worth.




So at the root of their excuse or at the root of their like, I'm stressed, I just want to like, I can't. I think it's really really comes to like a very


Silence. Silence.


a nervous system issue. And then also a self worth issue are two things that I'm that I constantly see. And that self worth is like, well, If this wasn't stressful, if this was easy, if I did make this happen, ultimately I'm not worthy of this result.




so I'm just going to go to this default setting of this is stressed, I can't do it,


And I think part of that self-worth, it really helps to have conversations with the people surrounding you. I see this a lot with moms where they're like, I just couldn't do it'cause I had to take care of the kids type of thing. Or it's like, I just, I don't wanna have to ask my husband to chop up a bell pepper for me. I'm like, have you ever asked him before? Has he literally told you like, no, I won't chop your bell pepper. Like maybe he does not care to do it and he'll just do it to help you out a little bit. So that way, once you're home, you can get some fiber in.


Maybe if you gave up some control and you asked for some help, and you became a little vulnerable, you wouldn't have all of these problems in your body in the first place.


Mm hmm.


hmm. Well, that, and it's like, not prioritizing yourself. You are making time, so much time, for a lot of other stuff, like, let's re evaluate that. Do you need to be prioritizing all the things you're prioritizing and just putting yourself somewhere else? Because that's not helping anybody.


Yeah, I mean the woman who says I can't ask my husband to do something or didn't even think about asking her husband to do something is the same woman who has no time because she's busy doing everything and not even letting her husband do anything and she does, that's a whole nother conversation. It's an entirely other conversation, but I think that it really is about To say like I don't have time to take care of myself or I don't want to make time to do this I think is just really saying I'm not I'm not worthy of of the time I'm not worthy of taking care of myself And one thing I tell any client that says that as I tell them you guys can adopt this Delete all social media for two weeks and come back to me and tell me how much time you have All of it. No Pinterest, no TikTok, no Instagram. Like if you are one of those people who like just browses Zillow obsessively, get rid of Zillow, like all of it. And constantly I have clients and they're mad at me when I do this and they think that it's not going to work. And then they're like, Oh my gosh, Lindsay, I have so much time.


Mm hmm.


I am like cleaning out the cupboards and making these meals. And like, I actually started meal prepping and I started going for walks or I'm meditating. I'm like, Hmm, imagine that. Because you're not spending hours, hours a week on your phone. And when we go on our phone, even if it's for three minutes here and five minutes there, it is draining our energy and it's distracting us from our focus. And so I think when people say they don't have time, they don't have focus and they also aren't really being responsible. Obviously they're not being responsible for their energy and where it's going. And I get, I get that. I have three kids. I run a business. Every day I could say, I don't have time. I don't have time. instead I say like, my day is really full, or my schedule is really full, or this is full on energy right now. Versus, I don't have time, or I'm too stressed out, and then it is. Okay. Do I want to choose to not prioritize myself? Do I want to choose to not prioritize my house? Or can I rearrange some things to make this work? So then, for me, it's always like, well, how quickly can I get rid of my phone? How quickly can I focus on, on what's in front of me? Because when we're always on our phone, not only is it distracting us and like pulling our energy away from our focus, it's also giving us so much false dopamine. is going to trigger so many negative behaviors and it's also affecting our nervous system because like Unless you go on there and you only follow people that make you feel amazing constantly, you could be having this great day and then you go on there and you see something like political or something about some woman who's like crying in her car and you're like, Oh, this lady's always crying in her car. She's so annoying. And then it just makes you kind of unravel. And so now your energy is off balance. And then you I have to do all this work just to get back to being focused to doing the things of like, here's my list and here's what we're doing and here's how the day is flowing. And I think we, human beings are not made to have so many distractions, so many human connections in one day. It's not normal. It's not what we're supposed to deal with. And then the load of like responsibility that we put on ourselves. a daily basis, I think because of our phones, and we're not getting the bare necessities even done because we're trying to like do all these other weird things that our phones tell us we should be worried about.


And that's definitely something I struggle with because I mean, a lot of my work like is producing content. And so I'm on my phone or like I'm messaging people back and there's definitely times where I see other nutrition posts and I get fired up about it because I'm like, that's not necessarily true. Or I get a lot of posts sent to me where people are like, okay, is this person right? Or I heard you say something else the other day. So it's. It gets to be a little bit overwhelming. And I think where my clients, I often see them also get overwhelmed with social media, for example, just thinking of the nutrition piece is they're like, I follow all these different dietitians, all these health coaches. And this person said this, this person said this, this person said this. And it'd be someone that like, I'm working on one on one I'm like, okay, but they're talking to the general public. Maybe that person is just not for you. And also I'm talking directly to you right now. So it helps, I think, to quiet that noise and then yeah, we can get that focus back and be more intentional with everything we are doing instead of feeling that overwhelming.


I think the distraction and like the, I, I mean, I've got a lot of dietitians in my life and you're all wonderful. But there was one point in my life where I'm like, I have to unfollow everybody because everyone is making me feel like I'm doing something wrong. Like every functional medicine person, like now I need another test and another cleanse and another this and, and every clean living and every food prep and every single thing. It was like, this is way. Too much, and you're right, they're talking to the general public, but they're also you have to also think we as consumers like we're consuming content on our phones and we have to be aware of what we're consuming all of the time and how it's actually making our bodies feel and the pressure it's adding to us, right? So you could tell all of your clients, I unfollow everyone. else that you're following while we're working together.


Yeah, because I feel like people have a good, they have good intentions, right? It's like, I followed this person so I could get ideas. And it's like, you're, then you're following like all these meal ideas and these nutrition ideas and these workout ideas. And instead of actually going and lifting weights for 20 minutes, you're spending 35 minutes looking at the different workouts that


it work through osmosis?




You know, and then people are like, gosh, darn it. Like, why can't I just do it? Why don't I have the time? Like this person does like all that. I'm like,


Because they're


all, people, no, they're not living on their phone. They're just not. And they're probably running a business that.


They're getting paid


create that content.


They're getting


You know, like I had to be honest with like a client the other day. Cause she's like, Oh my gosh, like a couple of your meal prep reels and like all this. And like I saved them, but they're just overwhelming. And I'm like, I gotta be honest with you. I don't even do that. Most of the time. I had to create a meal prep reel for the Ellie and the metabolism page and be honest. That's not even how I do it. It's helpful for some, but it's not helpful for all. And like, I think we don't realize what we're consuming. And then We're getting berated with, this is what I should be doing, and like we're just sitting there doing nothing,


No wonder it's


it all in.


and this is like, think about it, if you have a dysregulated nervous system anyway, you're not eating to manage your blood sugar. I don't know about you guys, if my blood sugar is off base, I'm like a crazy wacko. Like, I'm not, I'm not grounded. I'm not confident. I'm bitchy. I'm a little flighty. Like, it's not good.




No one's getting the best part of me if my, if my blood sugar is not on point and if I haven't been sleeping. So you take majority of people whose blood sugar is messed up and they're not sleeping and they're also dysregulated in their nervous system just from like living in chronic stress and living in society and then they're always on their phone and then they're like, I don't have time and everything is too stressful. It's like, well, yeah, of course, because you're literally not taking responsibility for your body. You're just watching everybody else take responsibility for their body.


and that's how we get in our own way a lot is because I feel like we can easily start to compare our life to something we see on social media and also feel like we just have to replicate that. Where, even like Brianna just said, she's like, I recorded this video but I didn't, that's not how I do it myself. Yeah, it can be helpful for some people but maybe not for others and that's okay. We all have different lives. I mean, even us three right now, we all have different lives that we're navigating. Our schedules are not the same. I don't think we have really any schedule comparisons to each other. And doesn't mean we're not getting things done. We were just all doing it in our own way. I think that can really tear us down a little bit there and then kind of, yeah. And even just, You talked about before in a mindset Monday call with M3 is the excuses. And you kind of brought that up a little bit thinking about, are they legit or are they not so legit excuses? And in the weight loss world that I'm in, it's a lot of the time piece. I'm too busy. I don't have time for breakfast. Kids are in sports activities. I don't have time for dinner. I have to get fast food or maybe it's, Oh, it's my birthday or it's someone else's birthday or


But I could stay up until 11 o'clock scrolling on my phone, but I don't have time to make food for myself to eat.


mm hmm.




or it's things like next month is just gonna be easier. I'm like, okay But why are we just gonna keep waiting till next month? I feel like anytime I have said that about my life that it's gonna slow down. It's never really slowed down.


So the excuses, I think you have to get to a place where you're just not gonna be the type of woman that makes excuses anymore. I think you have to get to a place, I think everyone has their own rock bottom, and I think we have to get to a place where we're like, I'm so sick and tired of my own bullshit.


Yeah Yes,


maybe I don't have any self worth. Maybe I don't have any confidence, but at least I'm smart enough to like hire an amazing dietician to help me. Or maybe I could just start doing one small thing at a time. And I think what happens is people hit rock bottom, they get there and they are sick of their excuses. And they're so inundated, right? Like what we're saying with all of these different information, they're not even, they're not even asking themselves what they need. They're just like, I call it outsourcing. They're just outsourcing their power to everyone else, so it's like, Oh, I need to do what Lindsay does for her mindset work, and I need to do what Bailey does for her workouts, and, and they're not actually just being like, Okay, wait a minute. What do I need to just feel better? Sleep? A clean house? Asking your husband to pick up the kids instead of doing it yourself. Like, I think they just go from like, nothing to way too much. And then this is overwhelming, and then we just go, I'm stressed out. I tried, I failed again, and we're right back, we're right back here. So I think a big piece is quieting that outside noise. learning how to either trust yourself, or like in all of our situations, like trust the person that you hired. and, and really get uncomfortable with the idea that I don't need, like, it really can be simple. And, and it really, I always think like, we didn't get here overnight. It took a lot of, a lot of unintentional work and a lot of time to get wherever we are. And so it's going to take a lot of time to unravel that also. And I, and we're always so, women are so like, okay, well I'm going to start doing all of the things. I'm going to go from doing absolutely nothing to doing all of the things, even though I don't have any time, even though I'm not willing to change any of my behaviors. And it lasts literally eight or nine days,




maybe at the most, like three, I would say.


Because it's not serving them. It's not really what they need to be


yeah, they're not


think they need to be doing.


Yeah, they're not listening to their authentic truth. They're not figuring out. What do I like? What do I not like what's gonna make me feel better? What's not gonna make me feel better and They're just doing what everyone says, right? You know when we when Megan and I teach the manifest journal challenge I'm always blown away. I like literally do not journal I don't. Like, maybe once a month, if I'm like, I need to like, write these feelings out, I just have like a notebook, but I don't journal every day. And I'm so surprised by so many people who are like, Oh, yes, I try so hard to journal every day. And do you like it? No, I hate it. Stop.




It's a great tool, but if it's not for you, it's not for


If it's not for you, it's not for you. And of course, to like an extent, right, we could say, okay, I don't like eating healthy food. So Lindsay said I could stop. Well, no, at some point we have to do things we don't necessarily like, do I like eating 30 grams of protein for breakfast? Absolutely not. I do not. Every morning I'm like, I hate this, but do I love how I feel the rest of the day? Yes.




That's the difference.


hmm. Mm


love how I feel the rest of the day and I know the mornings and I'm like, I'm gonna take my blood sugar on a ride that I'm like, I'm gonna have the worst day tomorrow because I did this and, and I know. So it's like journal if you like journaling, but if you absolutely hate it and you're never doing it, then try something else. There's lots of other things we could try, right? So like, I might not like 30 grams of protein for breakfast, but I'm definitely not eating. I'm like, okay, what of the 30 grams of protein. What can I choke down in the morning? And sometimes it is not even breakfast. Sometimes it's like cold chicken.




And I got to tell you though, and, and like going back to what we were talking about at the beginning, like taking back your power, there is something amazing between being like, Oh my God, I just can't do this. I don't know. I'm just, I'm not enjoying it. I don't know how to get in 30 grams of breakfast every day. And then there's a difference being like, I know why I feel like this. I don't feel my best because I chose not to do the 30 grams of breakfast. And like, somehow it makes it better. You know, it's like,


Be responsible for


Yeah, like now I want to do that because I like how I feel when I do it and I'm doing it for me not because it's something I should do or what everybody else is doing. I literally know this is what makes me feel my best. And then when I don't do it, it's like, okay, Brianna, you didn't do it. And this is why you kind


now you know why.


I think it's important to take that accountability of it to be like I chose not to do this And I know exactly why this is happening. So then maybe next time. Yeah, you make a different choice Maybe next time you do the same thing and you still know why it's happening But it's just being intentional with what you're doing throughout your whole day Taking accountability for different things and that's where we learn to Grow up and do things we don't want to


Yes. And being, and that's where consistency comes from, right? Everyone wants to know, like, how do I be more




And, well, you actually have to start.


Yeah. Yeah. Do you guys start somewhere?


And you actually have to start, and you have to either find what works for you, And maybe that's like trial and error of like seven different, I'm just gonna use the breakfast example, seven different breakfasts before you're like, chia seed pudding works, okay, this is gonna be okay, I'm gonna make it through 30 grams of protein every morning. Versus just like, no, this isn't for me, right? You have to like, want to do it, you have to be open to figure out what is working for you, just because you guys eat other things for breakfast, doesn't mean I have to eat exactly that, right? and then doing it every day and being like, Hey, I've been doing this every single day. I, every day I'm choosing because I have choice. Yes, breakfast could be stressful. Yes, breakfast could be hard. But if breakfast were easy and enjoyable, what would I do? Okay, this is what I would do. I have three kids. If breakfast were easy and enjoyable, I would probably meal prep seven days worth of chia seed pudding and leave it in the fridge so I can, Shove it down while I'm doing all the other 400 things in the morning. That is exactly what I do. Or, I just make my kids the same thing that I need to be eating anyway, and like, we just go on about our day. But then, also, so it's like, you have the choice, you find what works for you, you keep doing it, and then if you really want to be consistent, you actually have to celebrate the change. You actually have to be like, I'm not that person anymore, right? Cause now we're changing your identity. Now we're like last month, Lindsay was not doing this. This month, Lindsay is doing this. I've been doing it for two weeks. I'm not the same person. I don't have the same excuses. So by celebrating the change, you're, you're literally honoring yourself and you're really insane. Like, look, I'm doing it. I'm doing it. It's like with little kids, right? I have three little kids. So the first time they start walking, you don't just be like, You fell down, you're so stupid, you're never gonna walk. Oh, you're like, oh my gosh, you can


So true.


That's my mom advice.


so great at walking! And they're like, biffing, and they're smashing into things, and they're getting hurt, but you keep telling them, you're doing it, you're walking, and then they're like, okay, I'm totally and then all of a sudden they're walking. Right? And what we do with ourselves is we just keep saying like, nope. Even though Lindsay had a killer breakfast two weeks in a row, my old mindset is like, I suck, and I never eat breakfast, and that still remains our story. So we're still attached to this old identity of like, I can't handle things. I easily stress out. I easily quit. And then we never become consistent because we're not honoring and celebrating this change. So I think the celebrating of it, and we don't need to like book a vacation to celebrate it, just honoring it and being like, Hey, I'm proud of myself


Mm hmm.


is all that needs. To happen to be like, oh my gosh, I actually did this and maybe like tell somebody else. Hey, guess what? I'm doing the thing. I said I was gonna do i'm really proud of myself and that builds this self trust Within ourselves and it builds belief and it just compounds right the more you do it and the more you Choose and you choose what's in alignment for yourself, which sounds really easy, but if you don't know who you are, you're going to have to do some work to really figure out what is an alignment for myself. What do I like doing? Why do I do these things? Right? But then when we get there and we can celebrate it, then you get to know yourself more and then you're slowly becoming this, this other version that you want to be. But I think celebrating is a, is key.


Celebrating and also taking out the butt from it. Like I have a lot of people,


Oh my gosh, yes!


example, like I got 30 grams of protein, but then I skipped lunch. I'm like, okay, well we 30 grams of protein breakfast. So just take the butt out. Just enjoy that.


So you did what we were working on, like, you don't need to, I think that's hard, too. We're just like, if we're not at our ultimate goal, we feel like we can't celebrate it. And that just really sets you up for failure. It just really does.


But we're not taught to celebrate anything as women.


No, because we could always be better, which is ridiculous.


you could always be better, and you need to be humble, and you need to, you know, all of these different things, we're not taught that we should celebrate, or that we should be proud of ourselves, we should just work more.




then it's, we have this like, it's never good enough mentality. And I mean, you guys have seen this. I've seen this, right? I was a personal trainer for so many years where it's like, Oh, I've lost 20 pounds and I put on all this muscle and I've totally changed, but it's still not good enough. I'm like, I would, I'll train you bodies like that. Your body looks amazing. Let's, let's,


Yeah. Yeah. Right.


that's good enough for me. Right. And they're still not happy. And it's still, and it's like, I need more. I need more. I need more. I need more. And that's where the worth, the self worth. comes into play because it's just it's never going to be enough until you change that until you change that mindset until you can really learn I'm not even going to it's like deeper than self love because it self worth is like busting through all of your fears and all of your limiting beliefs and being like I'm worthy of Feeling good. I'm worthy of being proud of myself. I'm worthy of showing up for myself. I'm worthy of asking my husband to cut the bell pepper for me, right? Versus like I have to do it all to prove everything to everyone. But that's how we were all raised.


mean, it's not to say that all three of us are perfectly doing this all the time too. I




no, even last night I came home, I had like 4, 000 steps. And I was like, this is not what I usually like. And I wanted to go on my walk, but we had plans to go to a friend's house for dinner. So I was like, no, it's okay if my steps are a little bit lower. Cause now we're just going to go to dinner. I was able to get home early. And it's fine. And at first I was like, I didn't like it. And I felt a little guilty. I was like, it's really okay to be missing out on a few steps. And it's okay to go to a friend's house and enjoy dinner and hang out with their little baby.


mindset is so important when it comes to anything. But specifically, I feel like a lot of people listen to us for like weight loss and all that stuff, people don't understand how much mindset is the missing piece, they really don't. So your advice for the person who feels like mindset work is too blue, blue, blue, and. It's not something they need to be thinking about. This is like where I think we should wrap up. Like what's your biggest piece of advice for someone who's like, okay, this is cool. Like nah, for me, I don't need this.


Mindset. Oh my gosh. Mindset work is the reason why they're never changing or they're never happy. work is a foundation. It just is. And like, let's say, I always love to compare it to buying a fixed rupper. So if anyone's ever bought a house that's a fixed rupper, or like Bailey's building a house, right? You can't, we all just want to go in and like get throw pillows and houseplants and be like, right? But if you've ever bought a fixed rupper, like you have to take down the drywall and you have to redo the electrical and the plumbing and everything. Everything before you put the floors in before you paint the walls and that is really mindset work like you can You can slap a bunch of lipstick on a pig and be like this house is great and it's falling down and that's what happens But and and we do that with our weight loss like I can lose weight and I can look amazing But if they don't do the mindset work, it's not gonna stick At all, never, because life happens and then life is going to happen and they're going to have no foundation and they're going to let life take over and they're going to be like, Oh, well, I got so busy and I got derailed and my mom got sick and then my son had graduation and then my husband's going through this and then there's nothing right because they've just, they just want the exterior to look pretty, not realizing a really amazing house, yeah. has to have a really good foundation. It has to have plumbing that works. It has to have electrical that works. And the same thing with our, our bodies, like our body is a reflection of what's going on mentally and emotionally. And yes, we can all do the things to look amazing short term. We've all done it like tell me one person who hasn't done it and it doesn't last and it doesn't stick because we haven't done The internal work so that when your mom is going through cancer treatment You're not so spun out that you're losing track of everything that you need to maintain yourself When you have three kids all playing three different sports, you're not like, oh, there's no time to eat. We're just getting Chick fil a And I have nothing to help ground myself and who I am as a woman. Mindset work to me is like, it's literally is the foundation and everyone just wants to put the throw pillows out and feel like everything is amazing. And mindset work is the foundation. Intimidating, maybe, if you don't know what it is, but we're, everyone's just so self sabotaging, or negative, or has low self esteem, like whatever the reasons are, those can all be fixed. Those can all be changed by changing your mindset and changing how you think. And the science behind mindset work is there. It's not just this, oh yeah, you think happy thoughts. I'm not talking about manifesting. I'm talking about creating new neuropathways in your brain. Our brain is like plastic, we have plasticity, which means we can make new thought patterns, right? We can literally change the way we're thinking, and when you change the way you're thinking, then you're going to change the way you're showing up in your life, and you're going to change the habits you have, and you're going to change your behaviors, and that's when you can really become this new version of yourself. Without the mindset work, you're always going to come back to the same problems.


Yep. And I've been there and I was also the person who felt like I can just power through anything. I don't really need to do all this. I'm just going to power through like who cares what my brain is thinking. And that's why it did take me so long to actually work on the mindset piece of things. And it took me a long time of listening to you, Lindsay, to be like, okay, maybe she has a point in here type of thing. And it was a lot of trial and error is a lot of that getting uncomfortable. And it was a lot of just. telling myself to grow up and get out of my own way. And that's where I finally started to see the change. And that's where like, one really big thing I've noticed for myself, I don't have such a short fuse, like I can actually process information and be like, Okay, yeah, I don't really care to stress about that. Or, okay, yeah, let's do something about this situation, because it actually doesn't matter.


I think a lot of people compare, like, mindset work means something's wrong with you, like going to a therapist means something's wrong with me, versus mindset work is just something that you were never taught. Like we're always thinking thoughts, why not have them work for you versus work against you? Our brain is always going a million miles an hour. And understanding that you're, are like 95 percent of our reactions. are based on past experiences. So we're always just reacting from a state of the past. We're never consciously. We're very rarely consciously responding and that's why it can feel so hard to change and it can feel so overwhelming to do these things. But you do have to everyone gets to their own point. I think like you were saying where you're just like, okay Yeah, let's change or let's do, let's do this differently. And it, it's actually, to me it's fun and it's easy and it's way better than like, struggling through everything else, but everyone has to have their own, their own sort of breaking point. But to me, it, there's so much science behind it. Mindset work and we're so powerful that why not understand it more and if you're going to work on your mindset, you have to work on your nervous system at the same time because your brain is part of your central nervous system and you have to understand like everything is so connected


I mean, even just your nervous system, what's going on there is going to affect your blood sugar balancing. If you're having a weight loss


and your digestion and


the things. So,


Your sleep and everything else. We all just want to like take out one piece and be like, if I just fix this one piece of me, everything will be fine. Versus thinking we're all, this is like, so many different pieces to us. And then how can I. I think, yeah, the mindset to me is like this is your foundation and everything you do will last so much longer and be so much more abundant if you're coming from the right mindset. Things won't bother you as much. Things won't stress you out as much. You'll be able to pivot faster and things will be easier for you and that's really what we all want. We want the easy thing.


Yeah. I think that was a good note to end on just. Mindset work is not just like the woo woo deer diary thing.


Do people think that it's woo woo deer diary thing?




I hear that. I hear that. And


What do they say? What do they say? Okay,


you bring up mindset work, they're just like, no, I just need to do it. Like I, it's fine. It's just because I don't have the time or it's just because I'm too stressed. That's why I can't do these.


Or like, what's fixing my mindset going to do for this? You know, it's


what's fixing


haven't made the connection yet.




learned mindset work in sports psychology. when I was in college and my background is in kinesiology, right? And so if you can relate it to someone other than themselves, right? Athletes all do mindset work. They have to, because they have to be in a place where they're confident, where they can understand what their performance is like, and they can do all these things. So if you could relate it to that, where it's like, well, if you think about an athlete, Athletes are practicing consistently the behavior that they want to have happen. If an athlete's in there saying, I'm so bad at my sport. I'm so, I'm the worst. I'm so lazy. I screwed up this shot every single time. They're always going to be that way. But a lot of athletes, most athletes have act mindset coaches. They have, they go through visual, visualizing their plays. They're doing all of these things. So when people think, Oh, I don't need to do that. Number one, they just don't have the information. They don't understand why they need to do it. Number two, they are, they are stuck in a state of resistance because their nervous system is dysregulated and they don't want to hear that right and they just want that quick fix and so maybe giving them, well, if you were an athlete this would be part of your training or, because it really would be.


It's going to be a lot harder to do the things if you're constantly feeling like you can't do the things.




Yeah, what's the point if you're just saying, no, no, no, this is never working.


Well, thank you so much, Lindsay. Yes, thank you for coming on.


I do want to say, because we talked about it on my website, I can give you guys the links for these if you want. I have a digital detox that I think people really should invest in. I mean, it's like under 20 bucks. It's digital detox. I like walk you through what to do, how to do it, why to do it. And then I also have my method of alignment, which if, if you guys haven't done that yet, you definitely should. And it's just a free download. But I think so often like I brought up many times like knowing your truth and knowing what's right for you and investing time in what's important. The method of alignment gets all that popcorn brain like onto paper and starts helping you organize it so that you can stay focused and I have some clients that are doing this every single day so they can stay focused on what is important for them in the moment.


Yeah, I think I need to do that especially now since my life is going to be changing pretty quickly all of a sudden.


Yeah. Yeah. They're both on there. Lindsay chambers. com.


Yeah, we'll


We'll put it in the show notes.


Yeah. Awesome. Thank you guys for having me. It's always so fun. We need to come back and talk about letting go of control


I love that one.


topic. That might be a great topic for all our, all our female followers.


yes. Maybe we'll have to do that when I'm on my maternity leave since I'm going to have to be letting go of some control. Mm hmm.


That would be really good for you.


And then I can listen to our own episode.


I can do this. I can do this. guys so much. Have an awesome day.


Yes. All right. Bye everyone.



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