Mocktail Minutes

Our Favorite Book Recs

January 04, 2024 Mocktail Minutes Episode 41
Our Favorite Book Recs
Mocktail Minutes
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Mocktail Minutes
Our Favorite Book Recs
Jan 04, 2024 Episode 41
Mocktail Minutes

Here is a short and sweet episode dedicated to sharing some of our favorite nutrition and mindset book recommendations! You can find these and more on amazon with the link below

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Cure -
Bubs Naturals - code: Brianna20

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.

Show Notes Transcript

Here is a short and sweet episode dedicated to sharing some of our favorite nutrition and mindset book recommendations! You can find these and more on amazon with the link below

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Cure -
Bubs Naturals - code: Brianna20

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of mocktail minutes. We are doing it a little different this week. So I'm sure you guys can all relate that this week has been a little bit crazy, you know? Honestly, I swear from Halloween till new year's, but even kind of this whole week since new year's was on Monday. Everything just feels all sorts of out of whack. And now we're, we're starting to find a little bit of normalcy. So with that being said, it is Wednesday night at 7:55 PM. And as you know, we release episodes at 6:00 AM. On Thursdays. So. We life got crazy. We didn't realize it was Wednesday. So we decided to do a little impromptu, little recording for you. And we're just going to go over some quick book recommendations as the new year. I know some of you have lots of new year's resolutions regarding nutrition and just health in general. So we wanted to give you some of our favorite recommendations, because this is another thing we get asked all the time. So. You don't have a mocktail with me right now, but what did I drink today? I had, so I always do some type of mineral drink, but I did. A cure electrolyte powder really I'm really loving the grapefruit one. So I did one of those today. But let's jump into my book recommendations. So. Looking at, and I'm sitting right here with a majority of my books. Starting with body love. I think that is a great one. It's by Kelly Lovech. She has some really great information and she kind of teaches on the same principles that we do within metabolism makeover. So I think that is a great one. Just to get a different perspective, have information presented in a different way than what we typically do. And with that being said, of course I have to give a shout out to Megan, our metabolism makeover leader, creator, amazing person, because if you don't know this, she has also wrote a book. Call Mega or so highly of course recommend that. So those are my first two. The next one. I'm not finished reading it. So if it's sucks, halfway through, I apologize. I'm a few pages in. Well, not a few Peters, few chapters. But it is called healthiest buck. So that one is a great one. It just, it's another book that kind of just puts things in perspective. And I felt like it really has. Spoke to my clientele that I talked to all the time, because I talked to so many of you and the DMS, I hear your struggles. So many of them are the same because we're rolling humans. We. A lot of times we tend to have the same Charlottesville. You have different approaches on what are we going to do about them. So this was one I really liked. I liked to get books like this, just so I also have a different perspective because I like to do. Additional research, but I also like to know how can I commute communicate better with all of you? So this is one that helps me do that. I think that one's a really great wine. Um, and we can probably put a list of these all and like an Amazon list. So we'll work on that too. And put that in the show notes. That's the goal at least. So look for that in the show notes. Other ones that I really like, um, you are a badass. That is a great book. Not really, like nutrition-related telling you. Different foods and tips around that. But it's great for the mental health side of things and stress. So I really enjoy this one, especially if you were an over-thinker like me. I think your. Going to enjoy that one quite a bit. It helps with your mindset is creating these mental shifts and. I have a lot of notes and highlights in that. One of things that I like to kind of go back and reflect on, and I have shared a few little quotes from that book on my story. So you might've seen some of those already. Another one. I really like, um, I'm not done reading it yet. I, if you don't all the smell me, I read like four books at a time, so it takes me a minute to get through something. But now the one I really like is the subtle art of not giving a fuck. This is another great perspective, mindset shift type of one. It actually kind of helps me understand some of the people in my life that I think like, why don't you care more? But. It's just our different personalities and. Lisa, it just offers a different perspective. So it's good for that mental health, personal development mindset shift type of thing that we all could use a little bit of help in. So that's another one. One more that I like. I'm going. Cause I haven't, I have a ton of. I like to get all these different books and then let them sit here. And then I'll read a couple of pages I'm going to switch to. That's just who I am as a person. But another one I really like is called the calorie myth. This one is a little bit more science-y, but I think a lot of you would really enjoy this. Um, especially the people that Brian and I tend to work with. A lot of times you're coming from like calorie restrictions, counting calories, and this book does a great way of explaining. Y calories. Aren't the only thing that matters. And we've discussed this several times and we discussed it on Instagram, all the different places. But this kind of brings it all together. Gives you more of the science behind it, because it's hard to do some of that within a 32nd video on Instagram or something like that. So this. Really unravels the calorie myth that we have going on and just has more signs about it. And it does talks about blood sugar balancing and all the other pieces that go into not only just weight loss, but optimizing your health in general, I did finish that one. So that is another great one as well. For a health perspective. Like I said, I have several other ones. Those are just my top ones I can think of. Right now. And I'll let Briana share some as well. Hey, everyone. Welcome to this. Weeks unconventional episode of mocktail minutes. Um, yeah, this I'm telling you, I just got off a call with, I got up one of the M three calls and I was telling everyone, like, it used to just be the week after, like the week between Christmas and new year's Eve was always crazy. But now I'm like definitely the first full week of the new year's is just like, First of all this whole day, I thought it was a completely day, completely different day. So that's fine. Anyways today, I'm drinking. Well, not right now, but I did earlier. And I wanted to share with you guys because I know I haven't brought up the chocolate element multiple times. I've never actually tried it. I actually tried it today. Um, I need kind of like a college in. Um, hot chocolate with it. So I did like Bubs naturals collagen, and then I did, um, half, I did half of a chocolate element with some like frothed milk. It was actually really good. So if you're looking for like a good mineral warm drink, I liked it. Um, okay. So let me try to follow up on. Or follow Bailey's buck wrecks. She did a lot of good ones. I especially liked the last one calorie myth. If you are. Yeah, like she already said, if you're really trying to understand, like the science behind calories, I think that's a super good one. Um, But I am notorious for like buying books and just having a pile of them on my nightstand at one time. So some of them I'm going to share with you I've read. And some of them, I haven't, but I've like skimmed or I've started or, you know, I bought them for good reason. Okay. So the first one I've definitely read and it's now an audible is atomic habits. I read a lot of mindset books and I always refer a lot of mindset books to people because. We all know that our mindset plays such a huge role in everything we do. Right. So. Atomic habits. If you haven't read it yet, it's such a good time of the year. We're starting off January to read it. You won't be upset. Such a good line. Um, another one it's definitely from like a more Christian perspective, but it's called get out of your head by Jenny Allen. I really love this one. So this is all about like, stopping that. The spiral of toxic thoughts that you have, right? Like just interjecting and getting. I don't know, just digging in and being like, stop it, stop what you're doing. Right. Because we all fall victim of like that toxic spiral. So this book is just a really like no BS. Good way of being like girl it's in your head and you know, it, knock it off and like kind of helping you combat. Those things. Um, the next one is your a bad-ass again, mindset. I actually recommend this book to a lot of my one-on-one clients. Um, just because it's all about just a truly believing in yourself and getting out of your way and. Really believing that when you put your mind to something. It's going to, it's going to come, right? Like stop doubting yourself. There's so much power in what we believe and how we believe things and what we really think we can truly do. Right. The next two are both by Alyssa BD. And these are. Cycle's thinking books. So in the flow. Which is like her runner up from her original book is woman code. So I have both of them. I've read. Woman code and I'm, I've skimmed in the, in the flow. But it's basically about just understanding your cycle and really. Understanding that we are not the same person. Like every single day, especially as women, we are just not, that's not how we're wired. So really tapping into like understanding who you are at different phases of your cycle, what your different movement needs to be like. Um, you know, maybe what your alcohol intake needs to be like, what your sleep. It needs to be like, and then also like what your nutrition. Um, Needs to be like, and I'm telling you guys, I have. I just. I say this, but I would love to like really just dig into the different like phases. Of our cycle and just be like, here is an excellent, like go-to cheat sheet of like how we should be eating and why we should be eating this way, because it really does make a huge difference. So. You know, be aware like in this book, she is definitely about eating, you know, much lower carbs at certain parts of your cycle, or maybe like fasting longer in your cycle and just like, you know, As a warning. I don't think everyone can apply. Everything that she's saying right away. If you haven't laid the foundations, we talk about that all the time, but she does do a really good job of explaining, Hey, this is why you should do this. And then she also does always circle back with like, Again, We need to be like feeding up our bodies and just having a solid foundation. Okay. And then the last one is going to be the fuck it diet. So I like this book. It's a little sassy. Um, but it's kind of just like, All about like, Hey, dieting doesn't work. Right. Like we know this, it doesn't work. Um, and she just has a really good perspective on like the flaws of dieting and diet culture, and really just how to kind of like, Get all that out of your head and. Just come to terms with how we need to be eating, how we need to be honoring, um, our hunger and our bodies, and basically like how to stop torturing ourselves. So I like that one. So. Those are the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Five that I have. We're going to put a list together so that you guys can kind of like, look these books, books up, all the good stuff, but, um, Yeah, that's it. Hopefully you guys enjoy this episode again. We know it's like super different than what we usually do, but. You know, It's still useful. Bye you guys.