Mocktail Minutes

New Year, New You?

December 28, 2023 Mocktail Minutes Episode 40
New Year, New You?
Mocktail Minutes
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Mocktail Minutes
New Year, New You?
Dec 28, 2023 Episode 40
Mocktail Minutes

It's that time of year again...time for the New Year's resolutions. Don't get us wrong, we love us some goal setting. But, did you know that it is estimated that only about 12% of people's resolutions actually stick? This tells us that we are most likely not setting our goals correctly. In this episode we talk about setting process based goals rather than outcome based goals, and how you can start to build some momentum with your resolutions rather than setting the same ones again year after year.

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Lemonade Matcha -
Pickleball Cocktail - code Brianna10

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.

Show Notes Transcript

It's that time of year again...time for the New Year's resolutions. Don't get us wrong, we love us some goal setting. But, did you know that it is estimated that only about 12% of people's resolutions actually stick? This tells us that we are most likely not setting our goals correctly. In this episode we talk about setting process based goals rather than outcome based goals, and how you can start to build some momentum with your resolutions rather than setting the same ones again year after year.

If you have questions, or topics that you want to hear about, head over to our Instagrams or and send us a DM!

If you are interested in working with us in Metabolism Makeover you can sign up here!

Featured Mocktails:
Lemonade Matcha -
Pickleball Cocktail - code Brianna10

Click play, sip back, and be empowered.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to this week's episode of Mocktail Minutes. This is Bailey. And this is Brianna. And this week I am drinking, I think it's lemonade matcha. It's from Thrive Market. I've had it before. I haven't had it since like summertime, but it's the day after Christmas and I'm feeling summer now, so. Yeah, I'm ready for when he'll be over now. Yes. What am I having? Oh, I'm doing the jigsaw pickleball ones. They're like electrolytes, but they're, they're much lower in salt. I don't know. I feel like cause now like the weather's cold. I haven't been like outside and sweating as much. So I'm just trying to manipulate, manipulate that. Is that like the It's like blue raspberry flavor. Yeah, I do the blue raspberry. They have like two other ones. I think Mm hmm of the pickleball, but I've only ever had the blue raspberry. I mean, I like it. Yeah, I like it Yeah, we are recording the day after Christmas. So how was your Christmas? Oh, my Christmas was good it was busy probably because I worked like up I worked on Christmas Eve. So it's just like super busy, but It was good. Everyone liked their presents. It was actually more low key than I thought it was going to be, but I liked it. How was yours? It was good. We were very busy. But I always say, like, when I say that, it's not like a bad busy. Like, I enjoy our holidays being that way, and it just brings the joy. So we have had Christmas. Friday, Saturday, we had a few on Sunday, and then we had three yesterday on Christmas. So we were very on the go, and then we actually took down Christmas decorations today, and are putting everything away, and packing some stuff up. That way, we're, when we move in February and in June, it's not as crazy, at least for the February move. So, there's some I'm totally a like, cause I'm about to do that probably tonight, take down all the Christmas decorations. And I know so many people who are like, no, you wait until the new year, but I don't, I'm like, my husband's like all the Grinch is coming through. Cause I've been like, goodbye. I do that with every holiday, like Easter, all the Easter baskets, you're gone. Halloween done. Yes. I feel like it just kind of declutters everything and I can just clear my mind so much better because I love Christmas decor and I'm the one who puts it all up and everything, but at the same time, it does just, it adds a lot of extra stuff to the household. It does. And it's so nice to be like, Oh, wow. It looks so clean and tidy in here just because like you're missing the giant tree and all the things everywhere Yes. Yeah sanity check. I will be doing that tonight. I know i'll be i'll finish it up later, but we gotta start it Got a good dent in it this morning. Yeah So yeah, we're both right after christmas and then we're twinning today if you're watching the video. Yeah, this is a minimal effort day. I was like, I'm tired. Christmas is yesterday. I'm going to be doing stuff today. I have a hair appointment tomorrow. So I'm not going to do anything to my hair. I put mascara on, so. Yeah, I have a little too. Yeah. I washed face, put on some mascara. That's it. Pretty good. I didn't shower last night. It's fine. Right. It'll be good. Yeah. So, what are we talking about today? We are talking about New Year's resolutions because this episode is coming out on December 28th. So, we're heading into the New Year's weekend. And, I always hate saying this because I kind of hate the saying, but I mean, even myself, I feel a little bit off track today because, with the holidays, I, it's pretty natural. Treats and sweets are going to increase because, it's not normal for me to have a cookie. offer to me every single place I go to or four different carb options at every meal. So I think the holidays makes people feel off track. And with that being said, I do have a lot of conversations with that. The week leading up to usually like Christmas or even Thanksgiving. And we've kind of talked about this in our other episodes, but I don't think it's anything to feel guilty about. And maybe it could be more like, instead of being off track where I'm just being a little human this week and I'm living life. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Schedules are off. Like, I mean, sleep schedules off, workout schedules off. I mean, yesterday, like we, I didn't want to do any extra cooking. So it's like, Living off of leftovers, hanging out on the couch all day watching movies, playing with toys, like, and so it just feels a little bit off. I found myself saying that too, like, man, I just feel off, like, off track, but it's like, it's weird because when you start giving your body what it needs all the time, it shifts from like, oh, I got off track, I'm being so bad, like, oh, how dare I to, like, I got off track, like, my body just doesn't feel as good as it usually does. Yeah, I'm gonna get back on track with that because I'm gonna feel better. I think that is like one of the biggest things that I get feedback from after people have gone through Metabolism Makeover is, wow, I did. Metabolism makeover. I had a weekend where it looked a little different from switching up what I've been working on with Metabolism makeover. I got that off track type of weekend and I was like, wow, I actually feel terrible. So it's, I think it's almost like a good thing when it happens because it gives us time to reflect and like, this is how I usually felt. Wow. I didn't realize how bad I felt. And then I think it makes it a little bit more worth it to do the things that we don't want to always do, like cook dinner, make time for breakfast, go to bed on time, turn off Netflix, because we're like, when I was doing those things, I actually felt good and I didn't wake up just feeling good. Blood all day. Yeah, Like you'll know what your body needs. Yes, so let's jump into it. You know as far as new year's resolutions When it I think they I mean, yeah, it's a cliche thing like set your resolutions and I have kind of like A love hate relationship with him. Love part is, I mean, fresh starts, they feel good. It's a new year. It's a new month. Like, we're coming off all the crazy holidays. We have a long time period without having crazy holidays. So it's a good time, but it's also, I never feel like that we have to have like, a Monday, or a new month, or a new year to restart. But at the same time, it is that good restarting period. And I have found that, I've read it somewhere, I think it's like 12 percent of New Year's resolutions actually stick, which is pretty crazy. Yeah, that's not a lot. It isn't. Yeah. And I've kind of thought about myself, and I usually I set New Year's resolutions, but then I don't really think about them after I set them, I'm like, Oh, I'm going to save money or like I'm going to budget differently. Honestly, I think the main reason is because I'm not super specific with what I want to focus on. And sometimes I feel like I set them because it's, I feel like it's something I should be doing. Maybe it's not something that I really find of priority to me right now or something like that. So I think those are kind of. The main two reasons why my New Year's resolutions don't always work out. What do you think? No, I agree. Cause they're usually like, they're just things you're like, Oh, I, I should be doing this. So that's my resolution. And then we don't really do much with them probably because we don't have like a game plan, you know, like saving money is a great one. That's like always on my new year's resolution. I don't have a game plan for that. I mean, I could be like, Oh yeah. Like maybe stay off Amazon. But then they got to go on Amazon, you know, it seems like I have a good plan. I don't set myself up to be like, this is what you can spend a month on Amazon or coffee or whatever it is. and I think a lot of times too, because it gets popular, it's going around social media. And so we're like looking at other people's resolutions and we're like, Oh, those are. Good like those are cool. Maybe I should do those and so we just start like Making a list for ourselves that don't really I don't know. They don't really go with what we really want to do They don't really resonate with us. We're just like oh, those are good ideas and they probably are but it's like, you know, like I saw one going around that's like I'm gonna read 200 and something books this year, and I'm like, oh, that's a cool one, like, that would probably, like, make me stay off Netflix, you know? I'm like, that's probably a better use of my time. And then I'm like, nah, I'm not gonna do that. Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna be honest, I probably wouldn't do it either. I don't, I'm not a big reader. I'm more like I read occasionally and it's more like self help books or like personal development books, so I don't fly through them like some people do. Yeah, same for me, like that would not be a good New Year's resolution for me. I know. I just think it's because, and we'll probably get into this, but we have like these. Goals or resolutions, and then we don't give ourselves a game plan, so then we usually, like, crash and burn. And I would, like, if you're someone who continuously has the same resolutions year after year after year, this is probably why. Like, you're focusing on an outcome, not really a process. you're exactly right. I mean, we focus so much on the end goal that we don't think about, okay, what are we going to do to get to that goal? So I would say, we're talking about this first step. Yeah, decide what your end goal is, but then break it down to like five things you're going to do to get to that goal. Like, If we're thinking about weight loss, for example, we both work with many weight loss clients. Is it going to be, we're going to meal plan? Are we going to have a water bottle filled in the morning? Not even just like drink 70 ounces of water. Are we just going to fill it up? Because if we don't have that cup filled up, we're not going to get very far. We're starting with these simple, small habits like that. Make it a plan to go on a 20 minute walk when you get home. Make it a plan to have groceries on hand because it's going to be hard to throw a breakfast or throw a lunch together if you don't have those staple items to throw together. So we have to get these steps down before we can even get to that end goal. So I would say that would be. Step one is creating that game plan, mapping out your steps. And being realistic with it. And I like the meal prepping one. Cause cause I feel like that's something a lot of people plan on. Like I want to lose weight. So I'm going to start eating at home more. And so that means I'm going to meal prep to save time. But if you are someone who's used to eating out like lunch every day, right now you eat out, you're never bringing a lunch or maybe you're relying on like dinner out like three or four times a week. I wouldn't set the goal of like, I'm going to meal plan every single day. Cause number one, you are probably not in the routine of grocery shopping. You're not in the routine of cooking. You're not in the routine of like eating things that you're preparing. So like working your way up to it. But I feel like that really stumps people because they don't feel like it's enough, right? So if you're like, I really want to lose weight, I'm sick of, you know, weighing what I want to weigh and I'm going to get serious and then you like crack down on themselves super, super hard and then. They just kind of like give up because it's, it's too much like we, we don't allow ourselves to be like, you know, why eating dinner at home four nights a week is way better than eating it at home. The one night a week that I'm doing right now, you know what I mean? Like, you've got to like, baby step your way into it. Do what works for you. This is something where. So just like you're saying, I mean, meal prep, it's oftentimes like, yeah, we want to work on weight loss. We want to eat healthier. So we're going to meal prep. But if you're not going to take the time to meal prep, then that's a terrible step to make for that goal. Even me personally, I don't meal prep a ton just because it doesn't help me a lot. I don't need to meal prep. That doesn't mean it's like. A bad thing if you meal prep, I think it works great for some people for me It doesn't work so great because I will utilize leftovers. I have different staple items So i've gotten really good at throwing things together or I plan out what i'm gonna do if I need a meal prep it consists of like Doing my hard boiled eggs while my smoothie is making or while I'm getting ready in the morning or chopping up fruit, those simple things. That's what's works for me. So I think you have to figure out like what is going to be truly beneficial and figure out like, why are we doing that? And that's something I ask a lot of people do is when they come to me, they're like, yeah, I want to start meal prepping. I'm like. Why like, well, because that's, yeah, I mean, it's like, it kind of stumps some people, but I think it is important to think about the steps you want to take. Why do you want to take those steps? If we're talking about meal prepping, but you're like. Usually, right now, I am putting a lunch together, but maybe I need to tweak what I'm putting together for lunch. That's a whole different story. Maybe we need to focus on more of a meal plan. So, different things like that. Asking yourself why we're doing each of these steps too. And thinking about that part as well. Reflect on the past year or the past month. What has been working really well for you? If you've kind of already started a health journey or If you know, like for the past few months, you've been doing really good at waking up early to get your workout in great. We know let's continue that on to the next year. What other habits do we need to focus on? So reflect what's working. And then I think that's a good spot to think about what tweaks do we need to make? Because, you know, I think what these new year's resolutions, we get so focused on. What we need to give up or what's everything we need to change. But we can also think about things we want to continue on. From the year before that has been beneficial, right? Like, what habit can I build upon or can I go a little bit further? You know, like you said, if you've already been used to, you know, waking up a few days a week at an earlier time and working out. Can you add one more day in or maybe you need to add a little bit more time to your workout? Like, what can you already do based on like, what's already working? And again, it's not like these drastic things, right? And I think that's why we love things like Whole30 and 75 Hard is because it gives us these like, do not do this. Do this. And it's like, we know we can survive for 30 days, right? We can survive maybe 75 days, like doing hard things. We like to like prove this to ourselves. But then the problem with those things is it doesn't actually facilitate habit change. And it doesn't change behavior because as soon as you stop that, you are right back to doing what you're doing and you're probably going to be worse off because you're going to be like, Oh gosh, I did it. That was exhausting. I'm going to treat myself. I'm going to do all this. And then you're back to like square one. And now you probably have a worse relationship with certain things because you never want to do that again. Right? So it's like, let's take the unsexy route and just feel like, what small things can we do? What's working and what does my life actually look like? Like, Hey, I do want to, I do want to be someone that starts like a workout thing. What's your schedule look like? Like be very intentional with it. And I'm going to tell you, like, we are always saying one workout a week is better than zero. Three workouts is better than zero, right? Like you got to be intentional with it because that's the other thing. I think we look at everybody else's lives and we're just like, Oh, I want to be able to do that. Because they're doing it, but we're not looking at like, when is it actually going to be realistic for me? And when thinking about these things too, I mean, you also have to think about, yes, these are simple things, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Yes, they are easy things to do, but that doesn't mean you're not going to want to do them every single time. Sometimes we have to be the adult. Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do. We just got to do it anyways. So why don't we talk about the simple things, the easy things. We're not saying it's going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy all the time. I mean, that's the goal, but I mean, it's part of life to run into barriers. There's going times where you're like, I'm not sure what to do. Or maybe times where you're like, it's really cold. I don't want to go get in my car to go to the gym or you get home late. And you're like, I don't want to cook dinner. All these things, they are going to pop up. So then, that's where it can be helpful to think about, Alright, what are we going to do when this happens? And, if you need help, I mean, that's what we're here for. We help people all the time in Metabolism Makeover. Kind of strategize, game plan. What can we do when these things arise? Or, if it happened, you weren't sure what to do. Maybe you felt a little guilty afterwards. You reflect and you're like, okay, what could have been done differently so I felt differently afterwards? And I think this is where we can practice a little bit of self compassion for ourselves as well Because like I said, I have so many people that come in to talk to me and like I just feel so guilty I had a really bad week and I'm like Tell me what was bad about it. Well, I had a donut with my breakfast. I didn't get my walk in. And it's like all these things, maybe they'll list out five things that they didn't do. But I'm like, okay, well, what went well? I'm like, well, I did this, I did this. I had protein with my breakfast. I did walk a little bit more on Saturday, even though I didn't get my walk in on Sunday. I did get my water, and I did Not skip a meal, you know, so all these things are happening that we tend to get so focused on what didn't go Well, I was bad too. You know what you were just being human you were enjoying your life You were deciding how you want to live it and okay If we come out of the weekend, you're not feeling how you would like to feel Yeah, we can make some tweaks. We can game plan a little bit better for next time, but that's okay. You're just human. You're not supposed to be a robot living perfectly, making all the perfect nutrition decisions. It's not. It's just not realistic. And it's not gonna happen. Like, you're not always gonna hit your goals every single week perfectly, top notch, A And I think you bring up a good point. We are so quick to point out, what are we doing wrong? Like, you know, I didn't do this, I didn't do that. And we kind of overlook The things that help us build momentum. Like we overlook all of the good habits that we did have. The good changes we did have that maybe look very different from a month ago. You know, maybe a month ago you wouldn't have even cared about your movement on the weekend. And now you're like, Oh gosh, I got less movement on Saturday. Then Sunday, like these are all good things. So like you're not able to build momentum if you're not able to see them. So that's why if you're that type of person who really has a hard time getting down on yourself, I do like to do like a habit tracker. Yeah, so that person can see, like, can you actually see what you're doing? Because you may come off of the weekend and be like, wow, what was so horrible. I crashed and burned last week. But then you can see like, wait, I didn't, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Like, why was I thinking that? And you can kind of like turn that around because we do want things to come easy and they don't. But in this, at the same time, if you get super caught up with your failures and your barriers, you're just going to stay stuck. So it's like, you have to be like your own hype girl and also your own like mom, right? Like, no, this is what we're doing. I don't want to do it, but I'm doing it because I know it's what I need to do and I'm going to feel better. And then at the same time, when things do get in the way, you have to be like, okay, you're not dwelling on this. Look at everything you have done well. This is what we're going to do next week to make a difference. So it's like, and if you're someone who really struggles with that, I definitely do recommend working with someone that can help you put together a plan and see those things because it could feel really overwhelming and defeating. And you don't want to be in the same place next year where you're like making the same resolutions and same goals and just kind of in the same place. You know? And I feel like we have a lot of moms that listen to the podcast too. So I think. to kind of relate to this. I think it can be helpful. Think about being a mom. There are some times where I'm sure you don't want to do the dishes. You, you, I don't know, you don't want to do the laundry. You don't want to do these things. But we know if we don't do the dishes, or if we don't do the laundry, or if we don't go grocery shopping, then your kids won't have clean clothes. Your kids won't have food to eat. And then, those are things we just do it anyways because We know they need to get done. Sometimes we ask for help, sometimes you, you know, you find a way to make it work. Same thing with thinking about working on your goals. How are you going to make this work even when they don't sound super exciting? Even when you don't want to? I think it can help to think about it in that way and just, Because it makes your life easier, you know? Like when we think of like, why do you kind of reset at the end of the night? Like, why do you go grocery shopping? Why do you cook? Why do you do laundry? You're not loving every minute, but you know that it just sets you up for a smoother day. Because if not, everything's It's going to kind of be chaotic. So it's like same way. Yeah. With yourself, like maybe you don't want to give yourself that 20 minutes or you don't want to like set yourself up with the best meals, but you know, what's going to be worth it. Cause then you're just going to be like trying to play catch up really and feeling more overwhelmed. Yeah, I'd say last piece of advice here because we wanted to keep this episode short, you know, how we always say, but we're trying to be serious on this one actually short because we know we're coming off the holidays. We're going into the new year. There's it's like a survival period. I feel like from Christmas to the new year and kids are on break. Like, there's a lot of things going on. So we wanted to keep this one short and sweet for you. So I guess one last action step, I would say. Okay. Creative vision. What do you want 2024 to look like while, yes, we talk about weight loss and nutrition all the time on the podcast, because that's our job as it's what we work on with most of our clients. I want you to go beyond this, like get super specific. Don't just be like, I want 2024 to be my best year yet. Like what does that even mean? Or I want to feel better. Okay, great. What does that mean? Like feeling better? Does that mean like you're waking up easier? Does that mean you're having more energy? Great. How are we going to get to those things? Get super specific. Think about like how you get ready for the day, what you wear, what you want to drive, what you want your house to look like. All these different things. Create a vision, get super specific on. What do you want your next year to look like? It's a really good exercise. Oh, I think it's super good, because then you start to really, like, get the ball rolling, like, get things in motion. If you are in M3 right now listening to this, we're actually doing this, like, in December, and we're working on it a little bit in January. So if you haven't done it yet, let this be a reminder to go and look at it, because we have, like, a three part series that can walk you through the actual, like, visualization activity, which is super powerful. But if you're not in M3, like You can still do this. Like get serious. How do you want to feel, look, think? I mean all of it. How do you want to interact with your partner, with your kids, in your career? Like, let's get serious. Mm hmm. And if you're like, visions sound a little Stupid to me. Yeah. Just change the word. Create a plan. Create a specific plan. Create, I don't know, not a vision board because that's using vision again, but whatever you want to do. Manifest visualization. I don't know. Think about, ponder it. I don't know. I don't know. Think about every aspect in your life. Write it down. That's the important part. And figure out what 2024 is going to have in store for you. Get specific. Have purpose for those specific things. Like, if you're like, I want to go get my Tahoe this year. And I want to drive that and be able to get my new car. Okay. Great. Why do you care about getting a Tahoe? You know, like, all these things. Think about your why. Yeah, your why. It's always, it always comes down to your why. And then get real personal with it, because that's, that's what really dictates your like, habit change. And it makes it more real for you. Like, who cares? Is 10 pounds on your resolutions list this year? Again, why is it there? Does it need to be there? If it does need to be there, why? And don't just be like, oh, I want to wear smaller clothes. No. Get more personal with it. Yes. All right. Well, thank you guys for listening. We hope you had a great holiday and we'll talk to you in the new year. 2024. See ya. We'll talk to you soon. Have a great rest of your week. Bye. Bye.